By Château de Bouges
Château of Bouges
Monsieur et Madame VIGUIERChâteau de Bouges
The couple acquired the château of Bouges in 1917. At that time, Mr Viguier was the President and Managing Director of BHV. Mrs Viguier is descended from a family of weavers, Etablissements Normant, in Romorantin. As a result of their passions, the château of Bouges set the standard for hunting (small game). It also contains some exceptional 18th century furniture.
Les écuriesChâteau de Bouges
Mr Viguier altered the stables to accommodate his hunt.
The loose boxes still bear the names of their last occupants.
La sellerie d'honneurChâteau de Bouges
The great saddle room, or saddle room of honor, contains fine saddles and harnesses. Saddles, bridles and harnesses hang on its wall panels.
La petite sellerieChâteau de Bouges
The small saddle room, or working tack room, is used for maintaining leather and preparing food for the horses. Harnesses, halters and some hunting wear are displayed here.
Remise aux voituresChâteau de Bouges
In the yard behind it, the shed for horse-drawn vehicles now contains some fifteen vehicles, all of them repainted in Mr Viguier’s colors, blue and jonquil.
Coupé de poste à la DaumontChâteau de Bouges
This coupé in the Aumont style is one of the most interesting items. It has no seat for the coachman because the vehicle is steered by postillions mounted directly on the horses.
Voiture à gibierChâteau de Bouges
This game cart clearly shows that horse-drawn vehicles were not used only for taking drives. The hunt sets off.
Préparation d'une sortie en voitures hippomobilesChâteau de Bouges
The hunt sets off.
La chambre de MadameChâteau de Bouges
An elegant bedroom for the lady of the house.
Le boudoirChâteau de Bouges
A comfortable boudoir.
The English style, so fashionable in Renée Viguier’s day, can also be seen in these “Liberty” style motifs.
Vue d'ensemble du jardin de fleursChâteau de Bouges
The flower garden was created by Mrs Viguier, a nature-lover who had the kitchen garden moved so she could grow flowers there instead...
Bouquet dans la salle de jeuxChâteau de Bouges
flowers which still adorn the château today.
This virtual exhibition has been put together by teams from the Centre des monuments nationaux, with the help of teams from the Château de Bouges, the support of teams from the images unit and coordination by the digital unit.
The images were taken from Regards - Banque d’images des monuments © Centre des monuments nationaux.