A Verdade Ainda que Tardia (2012/2012) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

When the fight against the dictatorship called, Elifas gave up the stability and a high salary at Editora Abril to dedicate to the alternative press. He painted Vladimir Herzog killed and designed the skull cap of the Black Book of the Military Dictatorship.

Talk about A Verdade Ainda que Tardia panel (2015/2015) by João Rocha RodriguesInstituto Elifas Andreato

Prêmio Jornalístico Vladimir Herzog de Anistia e Direitos Humanos (1992/1992) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Livro Negro da Ditadura Militar (1972/1972) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

"Every morning before starting the torture of registering the horror committed by the military regime in the worst period of our recent history, I cried for all who perished in the fight against the dictatorship."

Troféu Carlito Maia de Cidadania (2000/2000) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Prêmio Direitos Humanos (1987/1987) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

25 de Outubro (1981/1981) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Credits: Story

Elifas Andreato Institute, 2016

Credits: All media
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