50 years of career


Arca de Noé 2 album (1981/1981) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

The distinctive trace and the graphic designs given to some of these works are shown bold and unique as the LP Almanac, by Chico Buarque, and in iconic covers like the Opera do Malandro and the Arca de Noé series, of Vinicius de Moraes.

A Arca de Noé album (1980/1980) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Talk about Arca de Noé album (2015/2015) by João Rocha RodriguesInstituto Elifas Andreato

Canção de Todas as Crianças album (1987/1987) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Brejo da Luz (2002/2002) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Natal (1979/1979) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Recortando o Céu (1988/1988) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Menino e Bandeira (1998/1998) by Elifas AndreatoInstituto Elifas Andreato

Credits: Story

Elifas Andreato Institute, 2016.

Credits: All media
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