Choose Courage

Inspired by international boxer and local hero Ramla Ali, in 2022 young people in Tower Hamlets launched a permanent mural in Bethnal Green - come behind the scenes of the project

Choose Courage (21st Century) by Wyatt DixonRich Mix

The mural is a partnership between Numbi Arts, Paint the Change and Rich Mix. Numbi Arts hosted workshops to create the design, which was officially unveiled in summer 2022 as part of NumbiFest2022, a festival exploring culture's role in designing environment for growth.

Choose Courage (21st Century) by Wyatt DixonRich Mix

In the words of the participants:
“From walking around the community and consuming ideas from our surroundings to researching how murals inspire the community, this project was truly one of a kind.”

Choose Courage (21st Century) by Wyatt DixonRich Mix

At the launch of Choose Courage, Rich Mix's CEO Judith Kilvington joined Numbi Arts' founder Kinsi Abdulleh to discuss the importance of community art in the area and how changes in Bethnal Green will impact the future.

Choose Courage (21st Century) by Wyatt DixonRich Mix

Ramla Ali

“To be selected and painted across a building as a representation to other young women who look like me and sound like me that through perseverance and determination anything is possible will be remembered as a huge accomplishment of mine."

Choose Courage (21st Century) by Wyatt DixonRich Mix

'Hope Grows In Our Garden'

Now this striking mural can inspire anyone who passes by, reminding them of the fearlessness and mould-breaking that Ramla Ali's story represents.

Credits: Story

The mural is a partnership between Numbi Arts, Rich Mix and Paint the Change, with support from London Borough of Tower Hamlets and HM Government. 

Photography by Wyatt Dixon

Credits: All media
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