87 Autumn Salon (2020/2020) by Alejandro Aguilar SoriaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
As part of its cultural work, the AEPE has organised an annual competition since 1920, open to artists in the disciplines of drawing, engraving, painting and sculpture. The works selected in 2020 were part of the exhibition at the 87th Autumn Salon.
Awarded artworks
Center to insolate (2020/2020) by Jorge Alba AriasAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Tritoma Award
Jorge Alba Arias
Center to insolate
Luzhi's hair salon. Jiangsu (China) (2020/2020) by Ramón CórdobaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Ciudad de Getafe Award
Ramón Córdoba
Luzhi's hair salon. Jiangsu (China)
Galerna (2020/2020) by Conchi ArteroAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Sala Baluarte Award
Conchi Artero
Cathedral (2020/2020) by Francisco E. BeltránAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Sala Baluarte Award
Francisco E. Bertrán
The language of chance. Duet (J. Dubuffet) (2020/2020) by Mª Herminda Gago BlancoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Sala Baluarte Award
Mª Herminda Gago Blanco
The language of chance. Duet (J. Dubuffet)
Silence (2020/2020) by Elena BlanchAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Fundición Codina Award
Elena Blanch
The inheritance of Eva I (2020/2020) by Celia G-CastañoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Encuentro" Young Talent Award
Celia G.-Castaño
The inheritance of Eva I
The kitchen scale (2020/2020) by Teresa RomeroAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Santiago de Santiago Sculpture Award
Teresa Romero
The kitchen scale
Playing in the beach (2020/2020) by Javier OrtásAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Agrupación Española de Acuarelistas Award
Javier Ortas
Playing in the beach
Tribute to Casorati (2020/2020) by Inés Evagelio GonzaloAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Down Madrid" Painting Medal
Inés Evangelio Gonzalo
Tribute to Casorati
El Greco's Nightmare (2020/2020) by GalianaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Eduardo Chicharro" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Painting Medal
El Greco's Nightmare
Forgotten (2020/2020) by Manuel GalánAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Mateo Inurria" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Sculpture Medal
Manuel Galán
Mines of Fabero (León) (2020/2020) by Luis Javier GayáAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Painting Medal
Luis Javier Gayá
Mines of Fabero (León)
Looks of a Don Quixote. Sculpture 1 (2020/2020) by Austión TiradoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Mariano de Belliure y Gil" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Sculpture Medal
Austión Tirado
Looks of a Don Quixote. Sculpture 1
Mother (2020/2020) by Ana MuñozAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Cecilio Pla y Gallardo" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Painting Medal
Ana Muñoz
Sphinx (2020/2020) by Carmen Espinosa SotoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Miguel Blay y Fábregas" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Sculpture Medal
Carmen Espinosa Soto
Urban art proposal in Plaza. Santa Ana (2020/2020) by Coro López-IzquierdoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Marcelina Poncela de Jardiel" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Painting Medal
Coro López-Izquierdo
Urban art proposal in Pza. Sta. Ana
Dissection (2020/2020) by Juan Francisco Pérez-Rosas HidalgoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Carmen Alcoverro y López" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Sculpture Medal
Juan Francisco Pérez-Rosas Hidalgo
The big sailboat (2020/2020) by Juan Ramón Luque ÁvalosAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Miguel Blay y Fábregas" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Watercolour Medal
Juan ramón Luque Ávalos
The big sailboat
Royal Asturian Company of Mines (2020/2020) by Luis Javier GayáAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Miguel Blay y Fábregas" Spanish Painters and Escultors Asociation Recorded Medal
Luis Javier Gayá
Royal Asturian Company of MInes
The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors wants to thank all the participant artists. Special mention to AEPE's General Sercetary, Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez, due to her effort, ilusion and hard work on making possible this exhibition.
Exhibition poster design:
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez
Itziar Zabalza Murillo
Olga Villasante Fernández
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