The pandemic: books and livestreams, festivals and conferences, activism and memories

During the Covid-19 lockdowns, Gil remained involved in all his career-long activities

By Instituto Gilberto Gil

Text: Roni Filgueiras, journalist and researcher

Gilberto Gil toca violão em sua casa de campo em Araras, durante pandemia mundial do Covid-19 (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

It has not been easy for anyone. But, for someone who has made his life a work of art, the pandemic was a litmus test. And it was as part of a collective—alongside his family and with the help of technology—that Gilberto Gil continued his activist work in both music and socio-political movements.

Gilberto Gil durante palestra em vídeo para Natura em sua quarentena em casa (2020-05-21)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Throughout 2020 and 2021, he received tributes, competed for awards, gave interviews—like the one sponsored by the Brazilian Songwriters Union (UVC), where he talked to that other great singer-songwriter Erasmo Carlos via Instagram in May 2020—took part in debates, and posed as a model on fashion shoots. And, with his usual charisma, he carried on singing. 

Gilberto Gil em seu apartamento durante pandemia do Coronavírus (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Whether spending lockdown at his house in Petrópolis in the Fluminense Mountains or in one of his comfortable apartments in Copacabana and Salvador, the musician shared his daily life, with all its struggles and joys, on social media. 

Gilberto Gil e família em casa de férias na região serrana do Rio de Janeiro, durante pandemia mundial do Covid-19 (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Discover some of the highlights from his eventful professional life, as well as his increasingly busy private life (the Gil clan now has more than 20 members and continues to grow).

Gilberto Gil, Bela Gil and Nino during the coronavirus quarantine (2020-04-22)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Casamento de José Gil, filho caçula de Gilberto GIl, com Mariá Pinkusfeld (2020-10-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Moments with the family

Gil posted family events on social media, including birthdays, the marriage of his youngest son, José Gil, to the singer Mariá Pinkusfeld, and the birth of the twins Roma and Pilar.

Cena do filme Refavela 40, em que Gilberto Gil participa de show homônimo em Salvador (2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Refavela por Gilberto Gil durante turnê Quanta no Canecão

There was also the private party to announce the nomination of Mini Kerti's documentary Refavela 40, for an International Emmy, his video chats with his granddaughter Flor and his children, and even tips from the books he devoured during lockdown. 

Gilberto Gil e a irmã, Gildina Gil, na infância (1952)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Black-and-white portrait

There was also no shortage of memories captured in black-and-white photos of his maternal family and his childhood in Ituaçu, Bahia, when Gil, with his childish mispronunciation, dreamed of becoming a professional “musgueiro” (musician).

Gilberto Gil usa máscara durante a pandemia de Covid-19 no dia da premiação do Emmy 2020, que teve o documentário Refavela 40 indicado na categoria Programação de Artes. (2020-09-20)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Awards and tributes

Gil also used the virtual world for giving and receiving awards and he was honored at the Los Angeles International Music Video Festival 2020. 

Gilberto Gil e Chico Buarque no final da década de 1980 (Década de 1980)Instituto Gilberto Gil

A Rita durante a turnê do álbum Eletracústico de Gilberto Gil

Gil seized the moment to use his social networks for his memories: He posted photos and videos of people he has worked with, career-defining encounters, and concerts with friends such as:

A Rita durante a turnê do álbum Eletracústico de Gilberto Gil

Elis Regina, Jimmy Cliff and Mãe Mirinha do Portão, Stevie Wonder, Baiana System, Belchior, Ney Matogrosso, Regina Casé, Adriana Calcanhoto, Chico Buarque, Rita Lee, Os Novos Baianos, Nelson Cavaquinho, Luís Gonzaga, and dozens of other stars.

Gilberto Gil em apresentação na década de 1970 (1973)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He also published a picture that defined 1973: his concert at the University of São Paulo's Polytechnic School on his return from exile.

Gilberto Gil toma a primeira dose da vacina CoronaVac em Salvador. (2021-12-03)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Health and the Environment

The singer-songwriter kept his activism alive, albeit remotely, engaging in new and old causes, such as racism, Brazil's public health care system, and the Covid-19 vaccine. Both Gil and Flora tested positive in December 2020 but Gil posted about his own vaccination at the Clementino Fraga Public Health Centre No. 5 in Salvador. 

Gilberto Gil na casa de campo da família em Araras, durante o período de quarentena pelo coronavírus (Abril de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He continued to defend the environment, recording a speech for the global climate conference #COP26 Climate Ambition Summit 2020. 

Refloresta (Reforestation)

There were actions to help forest peoples. To launch a new partnership with TikTok, Gil released both the music video for the song Refloresta and the hashtag campaign #ReflorestaComGil, which was being run by the Instituto Terra, an environmental NGO founded by Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado. The platform invited fans to sing their own version  and the initiative led to more than 25,000 trees being planted.

Gilberto Gil grava a música Refloresta, acompanhado dos músicos Bem Gil, Francisco Gil, João Gil e José Gil (2020-02-17)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The livestream of the 4th edition of the Demarcação Já Remix Festival in support of Indigenous rights featured the single Do Guarani ao Guaraná/Nhanderu Tenondeguiae, by Carlos Rennó and Chico César. The footage showed Gil sharing the microphone with Lenine, the Guarani Tenonderã Choir, DJ MAM, and Rodrigo Sha. 

Gilberto Gil and his daughter and singer Preta Gil sing Andar Com Fé for the campaign Vencendo Juntos, from SporTV channel (Mario de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Faith fails not…

Spirituality also came to the fore during what was a very difficult time for everyone. As part of an event bringing together big names from the arts world and PSI experts, the psychoanalyst Vera Iaconelli interviewed Gil about stability and mental health, using his religious song Andar com Fé as a starting point. 

Gilberto Gil e família se reúnem para campanha de Natal da Hering (2020-12-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The world of fashion

As members of the Gil clan are seen as a benchmark for multifaceted—and very Brazilian, elegance—the Hering retail company invited Gil and his family to its end-of-year collection photo shoot. 

Gilberto Gil posa para a capa da Revista Elle (2020-09-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil

In September, Bob Wolfenson shot a flash-lit picture of Gil for the cover of Elle, which was returning to the news stands after a break since 2018.

Gilberto Gil posa para a capa da Revista ElleInstituto Gilberto Gil

 Gil was one of the magazine covers, the others being Iza, Djamila Ribeiro, and Katu Mirim.

Gilberto Gil posa para a capa da Revista Elle, 2020-09-13, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil posa para a capa da Revista Elle, 2020-09-13, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil posa para a capa da Revista Elle, 2020-09-13, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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Gilberto Gil poses for the cover of Elle Magazine in 2020

Gilberto Gil e a neta Flor Gil durante ensaio para a revista Ela (2020-12-20)Instituto Gilberto Gil

From grandfather to granddaughter

The December edition of O Globo's fashion magazine Ela featured Gil on the cover and in a photo shoot alongside his granddaughter Flor. The article entitled "De avô para neta" (From grandfather to granddaughter) was written by Marina Caruso, with photos by Leonardo Aversa. 

Gilberto Gil e a neta Flor Gil durante ensaio para a revista Ela, 2020-12-20, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil e a neta Flor Gil durante ensaio para a revista Ela, 2020-12-20, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil e a neta Flor Gil durante ensaio para a revista Ela, 2020-12-20, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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Gilberto Gil and his granddaughter Flor Gil during the photo shoot for Ela magazine in 2020

Gilberto Gil em entrevista coletiva virtual para Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo e Ricardo Schott, durante o período de quarentena pelo coronavírus (2020-04-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Gil and livestreams

Having lived his life in the arts, Gil confirmed that he belongs in the world of music. With new songs and collaborations, he did shows and made guest appearances, which were either recorded or streamed live. But it was the livestreams that were the highlight for this generous, prolific performer. 

Gilberto Gil e Flor Gil Demasi participam do festival Carta da Terra para Crianças (2020-12-20)Instituto Gilberto Gil

His fans could check out various appearances. Including the intimate YouTube video, where he sang Norte da Saudade, with Flor Gil at the Children's Dear Earth International Festival in December.

In November 2020, internet viewers were wowed by the livestream of the 2020 Coala Festival showing Gil performing in open countryside with the Gilsons band—his son José and his grandsons Francisco and João.

Gilberto Gil congratulates singer Teresa Cristina on her birthday (2021-02-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Gil continued lending his voice on other occasions, too. Like in the live streamed jam session with the singer Teresa Cristina in July. 

Gil's birthday party

In June, internet fans were overjoyed when Gil streamed the party to celebrate his 78th birthday. Entitled Festa do Gil (Gil's Party), it was streamed directly from the gardens at his home in Araras and the whole family got involved, either in front of or behind the cameras.

Gilberto Gil, Bela Gil e Iza durante a live beneficente As canções de Gilberto Gil por Iza e Gil (2020-06-20)Instituto Gilberto Gil

As Canções de Gilberto Gil por Gil e Iza took place in October on YouTube. 

As Canções de Gilberto Gil por Gil e Iza (Gil and Iza Singing Gilberto Gil)

Gilberto Gil e família durante a live beneficente As canções de Gilberto Gil por Iza e Gil, 2020-06-20, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Equipe de produção prepara live beneficente As canções de Gilberto Gil por Iza e Gil, 2020-06-20, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
Setlist da live beneficente As canções de Gilberto Gil por Iza e Gil, From the collection of: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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Backstage at the livestream of Gilberto Gil and Iza during the Covid-19 pandemic

Live de Gilberto Gil e Larissa Luz com transmissão ao vivo pelo canal de Gil no YouTubeInstituto Gilberto Gil

And the streaming of Gilberto Gil & Larissa Luz Cantam e Contam o Amor was a new tropical music celebration by Gil and Larissa, who added her Afrofuturism sound to the Brazilian popular music hits. 

Gilberto Gil & Larissa Luz Cantam e Contam o Amor (Gilberto Gil and Larissa Singing Love Stories) 

Gilberto Gil com Fellini (1983)Instituto Gilberto Gil


Ever since the 60s, Gil has also used audiovisual platforms for his creative output. Whether producing, screenwriting, composing soundtracks, or appearing in front of the cameras—as himself or playing a character—he has always been involved in the cinema industry. 

Gilberto Gil participa da gravação do álbum Obatalá: Uma Homenagem à Mãe Carmen (Setembro de 2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

During the second wave of the pandemic, cinematic language provided a relief for the singer-songwriter. The 2019 album Obatalá – Uma homenagem à Mãe Carmen, spawned the documentary Obatalá – O Pai da Criação, which was directed by Flora Gil and released in January 2021. 

Gilberto Gil e Marisa Monte participam da gravação do álbum Obatalá - Uma Homenagem a Mãe Carmen (2019-03-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The transmission includes stars such as Gil, Alcione, Gal Costa, Zeca Pagodinho, Daniela Mercury, Carlinhos Brown, Marisa Monte, Jorge Ben Jor, Margareth Menezes, and Ivete Sangalo, paying tribute to Iyalorixá do Gantois, the Candomblé high priestess. 

Video clip of the song Pela Internet, by Gilberto Gil, produced by IBM (Dezembro de 1996)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Pela Internet

December 2020 marked the 24th anniversary of the livestream of Gilberto Gil's song Pela Internet. It had been the first song ever to be released and streamed live online and, to mark the anniversary, the Gege Produções production company released a video, Pela Internet 2, with rare pictures taken on the day. 

Gilberto Gil grava participação no documentário Emicida: Amarelo - É Tudo Pra Ontem (Dezembro de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

In December 2020, Netflix released the documentary AmarElo - É Tudo pra Ontem, featuring the rapper Emicida. The film is a libertarian satire on identity and includes a previously unheard track of the same name by Emicida and the great Gilberto Gil. 

Gilberto Gil grava participação no documentário Presidente Improvável sobre a trajetória de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Janeiro de 2021)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Presidente Improvável

In January 2021, Gil was one of the people interviewed for the Belisário Franca documentary Presidente Improvável (Improbable President) about the life of the former Brazilian president Henrique Cardoso, who turns 90 in June 2021. 

Gilberto Gil grava participação no documentário Presidente Improvável sobre a trajetória de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Janeiro de 2021)Instituto Gilberto Gil

During Cardoso's administration, Gil grew close to the then First Lady Ruth Cardoso and he recalled her social action efforts. 

Gilberto Gil toca violão em sua casa de campo em Araras, durante pandemia mundial do Covid-19 (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Amarra o Teu Arado numa Estrela por Gilberto Gil no Canecão

Gil remains active. And you'll not regret following his creative life on social media platforms as his accounts are like windows, letting light and fresh air flood into our homes and lives.

Credits: Story

Text and research: Roni Filgueiras
Assembly: Carla Peixoto

General credits 

Editor and curator: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM Edições
Music content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Laura Zandonadi, and Ricardo Schott 
Culture Ministry (MinC) content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, and Chris Fuscaldo
Photo captions: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Fernanda Pimentel, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Data editor: Isabela Marinho and Marco Konopacki
Gege Produções redaction: Cristina Doria
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, all the photographers, and all those who have played a part in this story
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil

*Every effort has been made to credit the images, audio tapes, and video files and to accurately convey the stories told in the exhibits. If you find any errors and/or omissions, please email

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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