Necklaces of Ethnic Minorites

By Museum of Ethnic Cultures, Minzu University of China

Museum of Ethnic Cultures, Minzu University of China

Twisted-wired Silver NecklaceOriginal Source:

These are necklaces of Dong people.

Silver NecklaceOriginal Source:

This is a Dong people's silver necklace in the shape of a Phoenix.

Silver NecklaceOriginal Source:

This silver necklace is composed of flat, unengraved silver rings, which was collected from the Li people in Hainan.

There are three pairs of embossed silver plates and silver bells trimmed that hang from the bottom.

Carved Gold Gilt Silver Case of Buhdda StatuesOriginal Source:

This is a Tibetan Buddhist talisman decorated with clouds, dragons and the Eight Auspicious Symbols. Inside the talisman people usually put small Buhdda statues, scripts, hair of an incarnate Lama. These contents are partially visible throught the small window.

With buckles on both sides, people can wear it around their neck. Tibetans consider talismans like this one to possess protective qualities, they are carried for protection and good luck, but they are also beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Gold Gilt Silver Case of BuhddaOriginal Source:

This is an ornate Buddhist locket. The surface is a carved, gilded plate, inlayed with a red coral centerpiece and 6 turquoise beads. There is a tube on the top for strings,so that people can wear it on a necklace.

Tibetan Coral NecklaceOriginal Source:

This is a Tibetan necklace. It has eighteen beads made of red coral.

Nine-layer Silver NecklaceOriginal Source:

This is a complex silver necklace worn by Dong women. It is composed of nine silver bands of increasing size.

Silver NecklaceOriginal Source:

This is a handmade silver necklace through processes of casting and beating characteristic of Miao metalworking.

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