Felipe Pantone 12 (2017/2017) by Felipe PantoneAll City Canvas
Felipe Pantone is an Argentinian-Spanish artist who started out with graffiti at the age of 12. His work, characterized by dynamic reflections on the digital revolution, often incorporates vibrant colors, geometric patterns, and optical illusions.
Pantone is known for his large-scale works, including the largest mural in Portugal. More recent pieces include OPTICHROMIE (his largest gradient mural, in New Jersey) paintings, sculptures, and even a customized 1994 Chevrolet Corvette.
Felipe Pantone Acute Art App
Bringing murals to life with AR
Now, with Data Chromesthesia, Pantone brings his art to augmented reality for users to experience wherever they are.
Working with augmented reality technologies, Felipe Pantone has made his artwork accessible worldwide, also ensuring that the experience is unique each time people engage with it. But how does it work?
Data Chromesthesia uses Google’s latest Geospatial features powered by ARCore technology. This brings Pantone’s artwork to life, turning your urban surroundings into a dynamic and ever-evolving audio-visual tapestry, encouraging you to look at the city in a new way.
The dynamic visuals respond to local pollution levels (enabled by Google Air Quality API) - going from black & white (representing poor air quality), to saturated colors (representing excellent air quality) to raise awareness about the breatheability of air in our cities.
In Paris, visitors are able to experience a custom artwork on the facades of the Grand Palais Immersif.
In the artist's own words...
"This interactive artwork seamlessly blends my signature style into the urban landscape through an AR application. The fusion of art and technology in this dynamic piece invites viewers to actively engage with and influence its transformation."
Cyberspazio Tubolare (2016) by Felipe PantoneOutdoor Project
Wherever you are in the world, click here to download the Acute Art app and immerse yourself in Felipe Pantone's constantly evolving, augmented reality of color and vision.