
Take a look into Melehi's colorful compositions

Composition (1976) by MOHAMED MELEHIDalloul Art Foundation

Mohamed Melehi was born in the Atlantic coastal city of Asilah in 1936, Morocco. In Morocco, man knew to benefit from all the continental and foreign contributions by integrating them into his own creative genius. 

The oeuvre of Mohamed Melehi is linked to this process, but he is above it all, an experimenter. He is attached to abstraction, and demonstrates a total absence of figuration in his works.

He focuses on the colors, and the shapes, that are his main experimental ground. He applies bright colors, and drew sharp edges, without leaving any brushstrokes on the canvas.

He filled the space by interlocking the geometrical forms with each other, like constructions. He created waves that are associated with straight, and broken lines.    

He extends his practice to a symbolic painting,  such as the intensity of what could appear to be the rays of the sun.  

Credits: Story

From the full biography of Mohamed Melehi by Arthur Debsi

Credits: All media
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