Emily Karaka

A series of paintings at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

By Biennale of Sydney

22nd Biennale of Sydney

DODPNZ - Death of Democratic Process in New Zealand DODPNZ - Death of Democratic Process in New Zealand (2020) by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

About the Artist

Emily Karaka 
Born 1952 in Auckland, New Zealand
Lives and works in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland

Kingitanga ki Te Ao (They will throw stones) (2020) by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

Emily Karaka is of Ngati Te Ahi Waru bloodlines with whakapapa to Puketapapa and Ihumātao from her father John Mita Karaka, named after his Great Grandfather Mita Karaka who went to England with the Maori King to address Treaty of Waitangi concerns in 1914.

Riri at Ihumaatao (Anger at Ihumaatao) Riri at Ihumaatao (Anger at Ihumaatao) (2020) by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

 She has painted and exhibited her works for more than 40 years and worked since 1992 for her iwi Ngai Tai ki Tamaki addressing its environmental concerns and Treaty of Waitangi claims. Her paintings address political and environmental issues and Māori values. 

Ahiwaru Whakapapa Installation Image by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

Emily Karaka’s sumptuous, colourful and powerful paintings have long reflected her physical involvement in Māori Land Rights and Treaty Claims issues. 

Whakakaiwhare Kaitiaki at Ihumaatao Installation Image by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

In the Art Gallery of New South Wales, her new series of works are directly indexed to an ongoing political struggle and land dispute at Ihumātao, where Māori protestors have contested a proposed housing development on a sacred area and significant archaeological site, calling for the land to be returned. 

DODPNZ - Death of Democratic Process in New Zealand Installation Image by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

Through her Ahiwaru tribal group, Karaka has been directly involved in the ongoing struggle, and these paintings tell parts of the story from a position within the process. 

Riri at Ihumaatao (Anger at Ihumaatao) Installation Image by Emily KarakaBiennale of Sydney

The works are almost cartographic, creating visual space on each canvas that is tethered to material, cultural and political geographies and languages.

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Navigate through the Art Gallery of New South Wales and discover Karaka's artworks on the walls.

Credits: Story

Riri at Ihumaatao (Anger at Ihumaatao), 2020 
mixed-media on canvas 
Commissioned by the Biennale of Sydney with assistance from Creative New Zealand 
Courtesy of the artist 

Credits: All media
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