Jury of the 86th Autumn Room (2019/2019) by Spanish Association of Painters and SculptorsAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
As part of its cultural work, the AEPE has organised an annual competition since 1920, open to artists in the disciplines of drawing, engraving, painting and sculpture. The works selected in 2019 were part of the exhibition at the 86th Autumn Salon.
Awarded artworks
Autumn in Madrid (2019/2019) by Catalina OrartAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Tritoma Award
Catalina Orart
Autumn in Madrid, 2019
Low tide (2019/2019) by Ana WestleyAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
City of Getafe Award
Ana Westley
Low tide, 2019
The wait (2019/2019) by Mariana Álvarez EnriqueAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Sala Baluarte Award
Mariana Álvarez Enrique
Waiting, 2019
Bellis Sylvestris (2019/2019) by Jorge Cerdá GironésAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Sala Baluarte Award and "Cecilio Pla y Gallardo" Painting Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Jorge Cerdá Gironés
Bellis sylvestris, 2019
Wall VI (2019/2019) by Michael de Coca LeicherAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Baluarte Room Award
Michael de Coca Leicher
Wall VI, 2019
Memories of my childhood (2019/2019) by Pura RamosAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Baluarte Room Award
Pura Ramos
Memories of my childhood, 2019
Dream (2019/2019) by Juan Francisco Pérez-Rosas HidalgoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Codina Foundry Award
Juan Francisco Pérez-Rosas Hidalgo
Dream, 2019
Amelia's wil (2019/2019) by Jordi MorAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Santiago de Santiago Sculpture Award
Jordi Mor
Amelia's will, 2019
Privacy (2019/2019) by Magdalena EspañaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Spanish Association of Watercolors Award
Magdalena España
Privacy, 2019
Color strips (2019/2019) by María Llanos SoleraAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Down Madrid" Painting Medal
María Llanos Solera
Color in strips, 2019
Codex 127 (2019/2019) by Manuel GraciaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Eduardo Chicharro" Painting Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Manuel Gracia
Codex 127, 2019
You are not alone (2019/2019) by Naná MessásAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Mateo Inurria" Sculpture Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Naná Messás
You are not alone, 2019
Alfonso XII Street (2019/2019) by Ramón CórdobaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida" Painting Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Ramón Córdoba
Alfonso XII Street, 2019
Contempt (2019/2019) by Puente JerezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Mariano Benlliure and Gil Sculpture Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Puente Jerez
Contempt, 2019
Cripple (2019/2019) by Jorge YuntaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Miguel Blay and Fabregas Sculpture Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Jorge Yunta
Cripple, 2019
The city (2019/2019) by Soledad FernándezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Marcelina Poncela de Jardiel" Painting Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors.
Soledad Fernández
The city, 2019
The heart of the stone (2019/2019) by Pedro AniaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Carmen Alcoverro and López" Sculpture Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Pedro Ania
The heart of the stone, 2019
Autumn in the Tagus (2019/2019) by José ValladaresAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"José Prados López" Watercolor Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
José Valladares
Autumn in the Tajo, 2019
The fall is almost eternal if you know where you are going (2019/2019) by Miguel Llavori MolinaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
"Juan Espina y Capo" Engraving Medal of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Miguel Llavori Molina
The fall is almost eternal if you know where you are going, 2019
Guest Country, China
For the first time in the history of the centennial entity, the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors agreed invite the participation of Chinese artists partners of our institution, thus promoting a very important cultural exchange, and thanking this so the special impact that the AEPE is having in the Chinese country.
Bull (2019/2019) by Dong YangAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Yang Dong
Bull, 2019
Grandmother (2019/2019) by Shen JiarenAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Jiaren Shen
Grandmother, 2019
Little girl and stone (2019/2019) by Zhao DongfangAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Dongfang Zhao
Girl and stone, 2019
The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors appreciates the collaboration of MAXAM, for the development of this call. The AEPE also wants to show its gratitude to those responsible for the Casa de Vacas Exhibition Hall, the Retirement Board District and the City of Madrid, for the facilities used for the exhibition. Extensive thanks and especially to Javier Ortás for designing the visual image of the event. We would also like to thank the jurors and all the participating artists, selected finalists and winners.
Exhibition poster design:
Javier Ortás
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez
Itziar Zabalza Murillo
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