Barbican Roof Plan

Mapping the Barbican during construction

Barbican Redevelopment General Layout Roof Plan (1966) by Chamberlin, Powell & BonBarbican Centre

Barbican Roof Plan

This Barbican roof plan, from 1966, was used during construction as an overview of the building work, which took place in five phases. You can see the numbers on the map.

Barbican Roof Plan

The roof plan also has other sequences of numbers on it. The site is broken up into eighteen blocks, numbered in Roman numerals.

Barbican Roof Plan

There is also a typewritten key, on which the individual buildings are identified.

Barbican Roof Plan

Colours help separate out the buildings too – here’s a nice teal and red polka dot.

Barbican Roof Plan

This arrow isn’t directing your attention to the key – it’s pointing North.

Barbican Roof Plan

We think these holes are where the board was held up on an office wall with screws.

Barbican Roof Plan

This roof plan was used during construction as an overview of the building work, which took place in phases.

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