By All Those Shapes
curated by Toby Fairbank
earth and sky (2012/2014) by Ash Keating / Random graffersAll Those Shapes
Timing can be everything. Heading out west, walking kilometres from the bus, the train the tram in search of... the unexpected! Early spring the grass yellow the sky heating up the view spectacular!
closer, yeah its been graffed on, and Ash Keating the artist hates and is going to clean it - the colours are complimentary tho and just like the season new things have grown in to the world.
earth and sky (2012/2014) by Ash Keating / Random graffersAll Those Shapes
There is a wall there, can you see it now?
a warm welcome from Chehehe and Ohnoes out at the 'Artshole' in Glen Huntly Melbourne where a rabbit warren of rooms and tunnels in a nice old manor officey kinda place serves as their creative.
New Plymouth NZ's BMD love Melbourne walls, alleys, roofs, any place they can paint really; and they really like to slice things up...
mio ghost has many homes around Melbourne; alleys, roller doors, traffic lights, foot paths, roof tops... this orange bounce ghost seems to have had two coffees this morning.
rabbit preserve (2014/2014) by ApesevenAll Those Shapes
A worthy mission south get off at North Geelong, you'll see Apeseven preserving time with a quick dash around the 'Powerhouse Geelong' making up for the missing generators...
rabbit preserve (2014/2014) by ApesevenAll Those Shapes
turn right! (2014/2014) by Mio ghostAll Those Shapes
Mio-ghost also has many jobs one of which is as a traffic policeman, or rather a traffic light (hence one of his hangouts) "turn right, turn right!!" mio ghost knows the way...
hare self (2014/2014) by TwooneAll Those Shapes
In quiet repose Twoone 'hare self' basks in the sun aligning with the surrounds; outline left, circles right... catch the tram out of the city up Sydney road to Brunswick, walk toward Jewell station.
wavy triples (2014/2014) by EarsAll Those Shapes
Melbourne has a big influence on the artists that visit; they love painting and return as often as they can, some even move here. Ears wavy triples checking out Juddy Roller in his soon to be hood...
indigenous wonder (2012/2012) by AdnateAll Those Shapes
Adnate supports through his art the oldest tribe on earth who sadly and just plain wrongly were classified as flora & fauna till 1967. Like the south American tribes they are one with mother earth.
indigenous wonder (2012/2012) by AdnateAll Those Shapes
teethy dactyl (2013/2013) by Hank, RadAll Those Shapes
In Fitzroy Melbourne lurking just around the next corner with much unspoken, insinuated story; this was the day I learned how this Hank & Rad monster got his intense colour...
Not far away is Mio ghost training day. or possibly an error in the kinematic vision of things. Perhaps its just the Mioghost way? Must learn to weather all emotions on the street...
A twisty Wisl colour flipper transforming between places. Wisl is a sporadic Graffer found often in abandos with the likes of Blues Danke and El Ghosto
aqua marine boogie (2014/2014) by Duke GrimoAll Those Shapes
The master of chaotic shimmering electric boogie, Dukey Grimo dances the wall with Style; his pieces are just incredible. He paints with fire and electricity. He breathes Plasma. He loves the West.
aqua marine boogie (2014/2014) by Duke GrimoAll Those Shapes
Rashe Desert Crystals
On one side of the park, a fence, concrete rusty, blue sky above, browned grass below: the perfect place for some Rashe desert crystals.
Loadz is not one to conform. He likes teh backwards green shmoking ciggeh im seen in the bushes on a wall in the alley; this master of the absurd chaotic is constantly increasing his skills.
pull bitches (2013/2013) by LoadzAll Those Shapes
Drawn into an unexpected conversation with Loadz she looks again...
beans to crystals (2014/2014) by Ghost, DankeAll Those Shapes
Up north to Coburg now, its worth catching the 19 tram to the epic 'Beans to Crystals' by El Ghosto and Danke chronicling the pathway of creativity...
drunk on caffeine syrup at the temples of blue
beans to crystals (2014/2014) by Ghost, DankeAll Those Shapes
they come from afar, somewhere near the boundaries of ghostos imagaination...
Shida from Brisbane Australia n Knarf from Vienna Austria stop for a little bball after some quick roller action. knarf was better on the day...
dactyl fight (2014/2014) by Come UnsAll Those Shapes
Pink and Blue Come-Uns dactyls fighting over who saw the purple child first. This was a present from the visiting Napoli painter. It was buffed two weeks later. Half assedly. Why not leave it there?
sofles noir night girl (2015/2015) by SoflesAll Those Shapes
Sofles noir girl feeling the new space before the onslaught of projection-mapped colour at White Night 2015
the dreamer goes deeper (2013/2013) by Bonsai, TwooneAll Those Shapes
A watchful Bonsai eye as the Twoone dreamer goes deeper and the underlying geometries begin to re-form... you'll need the Craigieburn line to see, look left as you near the end of your journey...
blazed bunny, abando relaxing (2015/2015) by OhkiAll Those Shapes
A well content Ohki blaze-y bunny relaxing at the end of the day. Still. The housemates are all gone. The house awaits its destruction and transformation into. more. boring. apartments.
A newcomer to Melbourne this Sugar Kookaburra makes him self at home in abando land. Originally from Perth Sugar paints animals with emotion filled eyes and a touch of metaphor.
Eyeballs, a dice a dagger, skull and bird slice; yep think we got everything? BMD ready for summer play in the Aussie sun and storm.
the fitzroy chicken rider (2015/2015) by Choq and PutosAll Those Shapes
"I said step on 'it' not on 'me' Bagaaaakk!!!" Choq n Putos Chicken Rider - not every ride is a good one it seems hehehehh this team up was well superb though.
rollie whale (2014/2014) by Come UnsAll Those Shapes
Come-uns rollie whale trying to get out of the alley without being seen [it's not working...] At least Gums and co colour matched their throwies and tags. Many are not so lucky...
hope is the thing (2013/2013) by Laura AliceAll Those Shapes
Laura Alice beautiful paste up mural 'Hope is the thing' along with some of Baby Guerrilla's pasties this is one of the biggest in Melbourne and surrounds (this one being in Norlane)
Akemi Ito summoning the chicken riders and possibly someone else has been listening?
blue glow dragon (2014/2014) by PutosAll Those Shapes
A putos / dem189 fire dragon gliding through clifton hill in search of a sound; a melody...
yo they totally went that way! (2014/2014) by LoadzAll Those Shapes
Loadz in charge finds a new spot to hang and gain a job as some kind of... er, of flower display. "yo driver, they totally went thataway!"
blue corner wrap (2014/2014) by Atack (Atak)All Those Shapes
Atack is fairly quick at sneaking into abandos and giving them a little last minute life and colour and blue noodle boogie before it all comes crashing down...
Goodie lost for words, lost in thought somewhere in Hosier lane, Melbourne.
Abando Tea in a burnt-out, with Be; Be Free that is. She knows all the best places to play. And sometimes cheeky little cats come and stay.
fire sprite (2013/2013) by BarekAll Those Shapes
Once sometime after play, Barek woke up one day and most of his world had burned away :/ A goat boy pastie placed precariously on an ashy imprint.
cornered graff (2014/2014) by SlicerAll Those Shapes
One of the first artists in this abando, the former BBC/Bunnings Slicer makes a dash for it, trying to get out before the abando crumbles; seen here in its final days the roof and walls missing.
earthquake bricks (2014/2014) by SlicerAll Those Shapes
A couple of nights later Slicer was still there, only just. Not for long though. Have to be quick. Abandos are developer delicacy ATM.
contemplating half a sandwich (2014/2014) by GoodieAll Those Shapes
Half way up? half way down? In just the right place, where I want to be? Renaissance expert and visceral twister Goodie mid contemplation: contemplating contemplations...
ratboy (2014/2014) by RepeatAll Those Shapes
Somewhere underground. Whats in the darkness here? Maybe Repeat's Ratboy will find another home?
flying lessons (2014/2014) by Baby GuerrillaAll Those Shapes
Up above the world somewhere learning to fly dream slip style with a little passed down acquired knowledge; a Baby Guerrilla paste up out in Moonee Ponds, a little north west of Melbourne.
water dragon blaster (2014/2014) by Be Free, KnockAll Those Shapes
A New Years gift left by Knock and Be Free - the 'Water Dragon Blaster' - was the perfect start to 2015.
acid rain (2014/2014) by JawsAll Those Shapes
Jaws from France loves abandos and set off some acid rain in this one; a challenge to the demolition crew - see who's the fastest at collapsing the buildings.
city eyes (2014/2014) by RoneAll Those Shapes
Might stop here for a while... the roaming Rone found a new place to temporarily call home painting the biggest mural in Melbourne.
raffles play (2012/2012) by Be Free, Erin GreerAll Those Shapes
Be Free and Erin Greer love leaving presents around Melbourne town. If you're in Collingwood make sure you check out the spice at Raffles and the play in the streets outside...
roof time moo play (2015/2015) by Marguerite Tierney (Moo)All Those Shapes
Whether the weather or weather it not, Moo's going to play where she wants, on that spot.
alley dragon (2013/2013) by ShidaAll Those Shapes
A Shida dragon rests between flights. From some of the largest murals you'll ever see (Lodz, Poland) to the smallest stickers no bigger than your thumb (Melbourne, Australia) Shida travels and creates
Kinda familiar but not a redback; Melbourne has these special Short abando spiders- 'orange stripes'.
metalic colour riser (2015/2015) by Putos, Itch, Mayo, Dukey GrimoAll Those Shapes
Sometimes there is good in the world. And sometime recently an abando was saved not destroyed and turned into an arts precinct!!!! If you're in Melbourne make sure to check 'Power House Geelong'
possum battle (2014/2014) by Smug, Sofles, AdnateAll Those Shapes
If you band all their trees- what can you expect? A giant Smug possum attack that's what! Head to Northland Shopping centre to experience this epic battle. There's bonus Adnate, Sofles and Smug too.
Lost The Plot drifting away in a wintery abando where the city lights the clouds and the walls will never stay;
the old bowling alley (2011/2013) by Amos DugganAll Those Shapes
Even after the old bowling alley ceased to function as such, there was still much fun to be had... This is probably Amos Duggan's biggest mural to date.
tentacles (2013/2013) by HuskAll Those Shapes
Location location, Husk knows location... an old concrete plant somewehere down south then a little west; the perfect canvas.
Be Free testing her string theory in this shattered place. Its working so far...
Once, there was such a downpour in her room Be Free grew tremendously till she almost broke through the ceiling! When it stopped she waited a very long time till she was small enough to get out...
Side Skeksis (2013/2013) by NockAll Those Shapes
Knock side-skeksis and carni-guardian barks both ways at intruders. Knock if you dont know loves water dragons and the Dark Crystal, amongst other things.
toggle scape (2012/2012) by Togs/TogglesAll Those Shapes
The lost city of Togs still exists to this day. An abando created and cleared and then stored for those to come.
abando toofy creature (2014/2014)All Those Shapes
First one into the upstairs of what is now a car park - 'The Rose' this is a Tera-saur speaking native.
big green bird (2012/2012) by VoirAll Those Shapes
The big green bird nesting amongst the boulders beside his favourite graff wall; catch the train down to Werribee and you'll see him if you look out! The artist is v01r and the station near: Aircraft.
3121 rhino (2013/2013) by MakatronAll Those Shapes
Makatron 3121 green Rhino materialising. 3121 is the postcode for Richmond. Richmond Melbourne that is. A good name to call a cafe there. And a nice place to stop if you're a thirsty rhino.
Brad Loafer and Sneak Smith looking after frog king. They did a pretty good job of it too. This wall was all that remains. Did remain. The new apartments are going up pretty quick now.
stairwell drops (2011/2014) by Deams, SlicerAll Those Shapes
Deams and Slicer dancing down the stairs... They have survived here for many years only because the roof of this huge place is asbestos and will cost $1,000,000+ to remove!!!
ivy girl (2014/2014) by GusAll Those Shapes
Thinking her thoughts alone a present from Gus to Melbournes most famous abando 'LaRundel'
Dynes channeling the power of the ancients on his Mayan transporter; not far down from his big green bird friend...
colour scribble (2012/2012) by Be FreeAll Those Shapes
Be Free had just read a book by a guy who draws places just like this one and now she gets to play in one just like them...
'I seem to be trappe.d in here. wah m going. do. theyre building all around me. now. I.' Leagues being funneled from here to there.
mexi ghost celebrations (2014/2014) by LalaAll Those Shapes
Lala doesnt mind abandoned spaces and seems especially happy with this one. This little mexi-ghost appears all around the outer suburbs if you know where to look...
maka werrin (2013/2013) by MakatronAll Those Shapes
Makatron cycles of forever ouroboros style. This one appeared in 'The Peoples Market' A genius idea and use of spaces with a limited life span. The market was a success, and Makatron rolls on...
menagerie (2014/2014) by Cezary Stulgis / CruelAll Those Shapes
The Cezary Stulgis menagerie sending dimensions every which way. A purple spectrum stream of concious.
thorn squid corn hand moth (2014/2014) by Alexis DiazAll Those Shapes
Stopping briefly in Melbourne after Form festival in Perth on his way through to New Zealand we were very lucky to have Alexis Diaz leave us his 'thorn-squid-corn-hand-moth'
amethyst gold (2014/2014) by Ghost/ El Ghosto / GhostowAll Those Shapes
"Please park your graffiti here and put your hearing protection on." Hive in back Ghosto foreground. Apparently Hive spent months on this piece working on it little by little, and it is- his best.
off the road (2014/2014) by CaperAll Those Shapes
Who needs electrics, padded seats and pristine duco when you have fire duck at the wheels? No need to tell Caper 'carpe diem' Hes already there...
wormhole (2014/2014) by BMDAll Those Shapes
BMD know the fastest way to travel is of course, by worlmhole.
green crystal charger (2014/2014) by DankeAll Those Shapes
Something about the time the place the company in which he painted all lead to this incredible Danke crystal charger being painted...
neon pipe ghost (2014/2014) by StrakerAll Those Shapes
Straker neon steezy. Previoulsy painting in blacks and whites and negatives Straker revisited Melbourne with his new technique the 'neon glow'
purple gate puppy (2014/2014) by BarekAll Those Shapes
Mostly known for his prolific paste-up and stickering Barek is also in love with spray paint - here a purple puppy sits, peeved cause he has to leave Melbourne real soon...
A shida-dillo one of the many Shida creatures dwelling in the alleays around Northcote; you'll need to spend many, many hours walking if you are to find them all...
bridge troll (2012/2012) by LeaguesAll Those Shapes
Leagues bridge troll; leave behind a toenail some mouldy asparagus or a small polyhedron and he'll let you pass...
Mords crumble knight in his abando palace. The concrete skate ramp built over months by skaters smuggling in bags of concrete was smashed by the owner who didnt care if you went in and painted. ???
thistle jumper (2014/2014) by MarineAll Those Shapes
In CKA westside crew with the Duke, this is the Marine emerald charger nicely fenced off in his own private quarters...
boson transfer (2014/2014) by Ghost/ El Ghosto / GhostowAll Those Shapes
I'd already taken many photos when these two in their puffer jackets - ribs the same distance apart as the mesh on the wall - appeared and stood mystified in front of the El-Ghostow boson-dribbler.
ab shed (2009/2013) by abys, mayoAll Those Shapes
3 wise dribbly (2012/2012) by LeaguesAll Those Shapes
Leagues 3 wise dribbly. Speak to the first and he'll listen, the second will gasp; the third will tell you what you need to hear...: are you ready for it? Walk the alleys in Preston if 3 wise you seek
A Shida alley cat, at home in the alleys as much as in any place, cool calm confident, and speaking out for those who didnt make it this far. (the candles were painted for youth suicide)
la wren (2013/2013) by Yo Snowy!All Those Shapes
Not all homes are the same. Home is where the heart is, as they say. Yo Snowy! is one of those who loves a good abando home. Here we can hear the early morning bird-song of Yo-Snowy!
la wren (2013/2013) by Yo Snowy!All Those Shapes
In love with fabric and fun times here Lucy Lucy piggy back playing has combined the both of them in the alley with the colourful doors. Out in Glenroy if youre wondering.
A Facter stride creature doing laps of the interior looking for a way out. Living and painting mostly in Melbourne, originally from Perth (as are many in Melbs!) Facter has also painted around Asia.
dream states (2013/2013) by Taylurk, Eno, Shida, TwooneAll Those Shapes
Eno, Shida, Twoone, Taylurk 'dream states' collaboration between NZ, Aus, Japan and USA.
aqua stripes (2012/2012) by Lucy LucyAll Those Shapes
Lucy Lucy, AWOL crew, Melbourne: How long she stood and ponder what beyond, had come and gone.
JD Bacon popping Adventure Time, "getting a little too hot in the kitchen there JD?"
When in Melbourne it is nice to leave a gift before you return home. This was a nice Voyder backpacker gift collabs with Rews and some ACM (art crush mob) locals. Visit Windsor. Also Artists Lane.
spirit fractals (2014/2014) by Putos, GhostowAll Those Shapes
One of the great new team ups of 2014 was definitely Putos and Ghostow. Here the epic 'Spirit Fractals'
Putos Rooster fadings
spirit fractals (2014/2014) by Putos, GhostowAll Those Shapes
...and Ghosto dimensional residue
electro grass fire (2014/2014) by Dukey GrimoAll Those Shapes
Moving through this world on raw electricity Dukey Grimo paints in fire, plasma and liquid metal.
This Ghostow dimensional twister has to stop and check his surrounds, see which place he is in; yep everything seems in order...
no reason to be scared (2012/2012) by HerakutAll Those Shapes
Herakut in Melbourne!! 'No Reason to be Scared' well maybe just a little. She lasted quite a while in Union street; along with Rutledge and Hosier lanes one of the most painted places in Mlebourne...
delirium (2014/2014) by GusAll Those Shapes
"Do you have the crazy?" Yeah, probably. I went in search of this incredible Gus from Brisbane piece as workers outside dyna-bolted LaRundel secure from intruders- I was locked in the insane asylum!
the hallway (2012/2012)All Those Shapes
The halls of sanity. The place has been smashed and burned constantly over the years, but like a metaphor for a troubled life she still stands.
room seeer (2012/2012) by RoneAll Those Shapes
Rone checked in for a while; once upon a time. Acceptance of the moment can help so much in piecing them all together.
In a place they call 'the v1ll4g3' there have been many visits from Chad and Debt seen here practicing till he gets it right...
jungle greens (2014/2014) by Ghost/ El Ghosto / GhostowAll Those Shapes
Into his urban Jungle paradise El Ghosto master of colour and math and dimensional portals, letters animals charos, anything, he paints it all, the bigger the wall the better...
water slivers (2013/2013) by SlicerAll Those Shapes
Slicer finds his mark on the walls and in the water. He likes his abandos clean and fresh and if possible a little singed...
rhino portal (2013/2013) by Makatron, dem189All Those Shapes
Makatron and Dem189 portal rhino. Created specially for Rainbow Serpent Festival these two halves were never meant to be and actually never were together... but we had to see them together, you know?
rainbow ripples to the next place (2014/2014) by Seth, Maka, Dem189, Plea, SirumAll Those Shapes
Seth seeing what place is next (with some help from makatron, sirum, dem189 and plea). Dedicated to one who spent such a short time here.
looking into...
rainbow ripples to the next place (2014/2014) by Seth, Maka, Dem189, Plea, SirumAll Those Shapes
...a world beyond
twisty neck giraffe (2011/2015) by Chris CoanAll Those Shapes
reaching up for his favourite juicy leaves this Chris Caon twisty neck giraffe floats through the streets of fitzroy. Painted in 2011 this is still one of my favourite ever pieces.
abando gallop (2012/2012)All Those Shapes
One of the most exciting things you can find in an abando is a new Rashe piece. Here Rashe takes his chaos for a shimmery electro gallop.
Monster Plea and Putos in back posing for pictures again; but then this is on the side of the Napier Hotel in Fitzroy. Much beer + cameras and phones = much posing and picture taking.
stripey water girl (2014/2014) by RadAll Those Shapes
Rad stripey water girl sewing the seeds in a barren wasteland. If you're in Footscray go west down Hopkins St look up to your right and there she is.
asleep in flowers and trash (2014/2014) by GoodieAll Those Shapes
And now for a while 'To sleep perchance to dream...' Goodie signing off with some simple lines.
Some Fragments of Melbourne, the inner suburbs and a few from down south. All photos taken by allThoseShapes Toby Fairbank Shane Andrews. Artists as listed. For more info and adventures please check
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