Shane Williams

The legendary Welsh rugby player depicted by artist David Griffiths

Shane Williams (2012) by Griffiths, DavidThe National Library of Wales

David Griffiths is one of Wales' greatest portrait painters. He has painted a great number of the most eminent members of Welsh contemporary society, including this renowned painting of Welsh rugby player Shane Williams. 

This portrait which was painted over a period of six months shows Shane Williams sitting in his dressing room in Cardiff before his last match for his country against Australia in December 2011. 

Williams is a Welsh rugby union player most famous for his long and successful tenure as a wing for the Ospreys and the Wales national team. He is celebrated as one of Wales' most capped winger and is considered to be one of the greatest wingers of all time.

David Griffiths uses a strong, metallic white in his paintings draws the attention of the viewer.

He argued that his work is not intended to make a psychological analysis of his sitter, but to catch a true likeness and it is from that that perhaps a deeper understanding of the sitter will emerge.

You can explore more highlight pieces from The National Library of Wales collection here. 

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