By Instituto Gilberto Gil
Testimony*: Juca Ferreira, sociologist and politician
Gilberto Gil em campanha política (1988-03-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The first meeting
I met Gil at the time he wanted to be mayor of Salvador. I went with friends to his house to offer to work for free, since it would be a luxury for Salvador to have a mayor like him. Of course, I knew him from afar, I was a fan.
Gilberto Gil em showmício de sua campanha política (1988)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The very gesture of working for free already signaled this relationship of enormous admiration.
Os Doces Bárbaros em entrevista coletiva (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I was born in 1949 and was a fan of Tropicalism. I followed him since I was 16 or 17, when Gil, Caetano, Bethânia, Gal sang at the Vila Velha Theatre, before going to São Paulo to really start the movement.
Gilberto Gil em showmício de sua campanha política (1988)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I was already a fan of that music they presented in concerts like Nós, for instance (promoted in 1964 to open the Vila Velha Theater, in Salvador, with Caetano Veloso, Maria Bethânia, Gilberto Gil, and Gal Costa). It was a new song that translated a bit of the spirit of times.
Gilberto Gil em showmício de sua campanha política (1988)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I was into the revolution, it was a different path. But these two paths weren’t as distant as they seemed.
Gilberto Gil e Caetano Veloso no show Tropicália Duo (1994)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I’ve talked to Gil and Caetano about this. They were the expression in music; we were the expression in politics, an update, a universalization of Brazil. We were facing the sore spots.
Caetano Veloso no showmício da campanha de Gilberto Gil para vereador de Salvador (1988-09-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Passeata dos Cem Mil nos tempos de ditadura militar, da qual Gilberto Gil participou (1968-06-26)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Politics as a bond
But our thing was politics, and in a very rough time for Brazil, with Médici, torture, prisons. So, the same authoritarianism that came down on us violently also came down on these artists that were coming up as contesting spirits.
Gilberto Gil e Chico Buarque durante o Phono 73 (1973)Instituto Gilberto Gil
So you can see that there was a huge identification, at least from our part: some people preferred Chico Buarque.
Passeata dos Cem Mil nos tempos de ditadura militar, da qual Gilberto Gil participou (1968-06-26)Instituto Gilberto Gil
There was this thing at the time, Chico Buarque was a bit more square, traditional, but also with quality poetry. It was a music of the time, with a firm root in tradition, more so than the guys from Bahia.
Chico Buarque, Flora Gil e outros nos bastidores da gravação do projeto Nordeste Já (1985-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I had come back from exile and there was this idea of Gil as a mayor. It was with Antônio Risério, who was my friend since I was 16. We rang the doorbell and, when it opened, it was Flora: “Gil, your poor friends are here!” She said that to mess with us, of course!
Campanha de Gilberto Gil para vereador de Salvador (1988-09-03)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I thought it would be nice to start the conversation without much bureaucracy.
At the time, I felt MDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement, a centrist party) wouldn’t open a space for Gil. There was a segment which believed that, because he was Gil, he’d be able to jump through every barrier and difficulty. And he couldn’t.
Showmício de Gilberto Gil para sua campanha de vereador de Salvador (1988-09-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Years later, Gil was elected councilman. I didn’t really like the idea. I remember the conversation until today: “If it were a mayoral election, you would organize the scene, but, as a councilman, it will be you in the middle of a collectiveness with a high level of mediocrity.”
Gilberto Gil em cerimônia de posse como vereador em Salvador Foto 3 (1989)Instituto Gilberto Gil
But Gil was up for that and got the highest number of votes. Later, he wanted to become a member of the Green Party (PV, in the Portuguese acronym), and I organized the affiliation.
Gilberto Gil e Alfredo Sirkis em visita ao Centro Cultural de Vigário GeralInstituto Gilberto Gil
Fernando Gabeira, Alfredo Sirkis, and other people who were activists for the Green Party came to Bahia. It was good for Gil, because he left MDB, which wasn’t at all his scene and had kept him from running.
Gilberto Gil e Carlos Minc em campanha da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
Environmental activism
Gil invited me to work at the OndAzul NGO. It was a group that followed Gil for a long time. They were smart, prepared people, but OndAzul was a bit left to its own devices. And we started to activate it. Gil was very involved.
Gilberto Gil com camisa da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
I remember we articulated, for instance, the defense of the Almada River, in the Ilhéus area. We gathered the land workers and had a beautiful meeting in defense of the river. Gil charmed people and always found a way. His symbolic strength was impressive.
Gilberto Gil e Alfredo Sirkis em palestra de conscientização da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
We did a lot of environmental activism stuff. We started to talk a lot about culture, it was a central theme. We had to choose between difficult choices.
Gilberto Gil e voluntários da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
Cartaz daFundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
Petrobras spilled oil in the Guanabara Bay. The accident was a scandal in Brazil. They came to propose that Gil go to the front line of OndAzul to cover it up.
Campanha da Fundação OndAzul, fundada por Gilberto Gil e Alfredo SirkisInstituto Gilberto Gil
Gil refused to play that role. The role he could fulfil was to publicly demand that Petrobras take responsibility as a state company.
Gilberto Gil discursa em evento da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
We were sought out by a transgenic food producer, whose project was to monopolize grain production in the world. They sterilize the grains, which do not germinate. And they get the monopoly of the parent company. In addition, they produce extremely dangerous agrochemicals.
The meeting was at Gil’s house. The company representative brought an expensive wine. Gil started the conversation in the most unusual way: “Let’s cut this short, this is a conversation amongst enemies.”
Gilberto Gil em reunião no escritório da Fundação OndAzulInstituto Gilberto Gil
The guy jumped out of his chair: “Enemies? Adversaries, Gil!” And he said: “Enemies. Let’s talk about strategic issues here.”
Gilberto Gil durante palestra da Fundação OndAzul para crianças (1998-01-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I was scared because I had never seen anyone start a conversation like that. Gil is usually delicate, but once in a while he expresses himself in a very enthusiastic way.
Juca Ferreira em SalvadorInstituto Gilberto Gil
The representative made the offer: “We will finance OndAzul for ten years.” And he suggested we’d have to defend the company in return. “No way! Like I said, we’re enemies,” Gil replied. The guy recoiled and left. What a memorable day, that one!
Gilberto Gil, Lula e Marisa Letícia durante a cerimônia de condecoração da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2004-11-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Lula and Gil
When Lula invited him to become minister, Gil proposed: “Juca, I want you to go with me.” I was scared, I had never thought about living in Brasília.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I lived ten years outside Bahia between prisoner, clandestine, and exiled. I came back needy for Bahia, for the sea, the food, the mess of Bahia, I have an absolute affinity with Salvador. I resisted for almost a month.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, secretário executivo do Ministério da Cultura (MinC), Juca Ferreira, e representantes do setor audiovisual em reunião (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil
He had a good personal team prepared, but he wanted me by his side, because of intellectual, political, and ethical trust as well.
Gilberto Gil, então ministro da Cultura, dá posse ao secretário executivo da pasta, Juca Ferreira, e ao chefe de gabinete, Sérgio Xavier (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
So he used a clever trick: “You go with me to negotiate a position, because they will pressure me, and I will give in. I know you're tough and have more experience.” I said: “All right, let's go!”
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, o diretor-executivo da Cinemateca, Carlos Magalhães, ministro das Relações Exteriores Celso Amorim e secretário-executivo do Ministério da Cultura Juca Ferreira, durante a celebração do aniversário da Cinemateca Brasileira, em São Paulo (2006-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I ended up fascinated by the possibility of working at the top of the Republic, as executive secretary. In the morning, it was a meeting with Lula. In the afternoon, with whom those setting up the administration, parties, environmental movements. The preparation of those days was enormous.
We fought for millimeters, trying to avoid getting surrounded.
Gilberto Gil, Lula e Marisa Letícia durante a cerimônia de condecoração da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2004-11-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil argued: “I don't want to be the Pelé of the Lula administration.” “What would that be?,” asked Lula. “A symbolic figure who doesn't rule anything. I came here to do a job for Brazilian culture and I'm throwing myself into it.” Lula was fascinated, his eyes were shining.
Gilberto Gil recebe medalha de Mérito Cultural de Francisco Weffort, ao lado de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (2001)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Back when we were with OndAzul, Fernando Henrique Cardoso had invited him to be minister. “FHC will want to take me on. I’ll lay my conditions down on the table right away,” Gil warned, still on the flight to Brasília.
Fernanda Abreu, Gilberto Gil, Chitãozinho, Ruth Cardoso e Hebe Camargo em almoço com Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1998-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
At the Alvorada Palace, the president joked with Gil: “Juca, you don’t know the shame Gil put me through during the Independence Day celebrations! We organized a dinner, Gil was by my side, he opened his pocket, got a little aluminum package full of macrobiotic rice…
Gilberto Gil com Caetano Veloso, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e José Maurício Machline na década de 90 (1996)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… Mário Soares (president of Portugal from 1986 to 1996) was wide-eyed.” And Gil started to mimic him and ask: “What are you looking at?” And FHC: “Mário Soares must have left here imagining that we were total barbarians!”
Gilberto Gil e Juca Ferreira durante a posse de Zulu Araújo como presidente da Fundação Cultural Palmares (2007-03-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil explained he had ten requirements to be minister of the Environment, such as not allowing politicians to nominate people to the Ministry’s organisms. And he continued talking. When he finished explaining the ten demands, FHC changed the conversation, subtly.
On our way back to the airport, I said: “FHC didn’t say anything, didn’t give a yes or no!” “I put my conditions right away so that he wouldn’t sweet-talk me,” explained Gil. “Fernando Henrique is all talk, seductive, and all that.”
Gilberto Gil e Fernando Henrique Cardoso na gravação do programa Amigos, Sons e Palavras, exibido pelo Canal Brasil, da Globosat (2018-04-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I’m telling this to get back to the Lula administration negotiations. I ended up fascinated and proposed:
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil discursou na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“Gil, I’m going to talk to Celina, my wife, she's working on a study on infant mortality and she’s taking prominence in the research, which is directed by an American institute. I can only say yes if she is on board.” Celina was on board, and we went with him. It wasn’t easy at first.
Gil had a team of brilliant, experienced, culturally solid people. Roberto Pinho (Program and Project Development Secretary) and Waly Salomão (poet and National Book Secretary) didn’t know me, I was an unknown, let’s say.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Only Riserio (Gil’s special advisor and pal) knew me. Every single thing we did was a gigantic debate. As executive secretary, I had the power not to involve Gil in things that would not be good for him.
Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Parque Nacional Quilombo dos Palmares (2007-11-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil and the black movement
I’ll give you an example. They wrote a line for Gil in which he was going to be really hard on the black movement.
Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Parque Nacional Quilombo dos Palmares (2007-11-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Most of the issues and problems [in the movement] are real, but there is the specificity that it is an articulated social movement to face one of the biggest problems of Brazilian society, inequality. There is no problem in criticizing it, as long as there is an appreciation.
Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Parque Nacional Quilombo dos Palmares (2007-11-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
And to ask that of Gil, a black man, a tropicalist, with all the work he had done! You couldn’t put that line in Gil’s mouth. It was the first big problem we had. And when we went to Gil’s office, he agreed he couldn’t give that speech.
And he remembered an interesting story. One of those black activists had provoked him it:
Gilberto Gil empossa Zulu Araújo (ao seu lado) como presidente da Fundação Cultural Palmares (2007-03-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“Gil, you don’t say you’re black, you don’t say you’re proud to be black, do you understand yourself as black?” With that laugh of him which makes you turn your neck, he provoked back:
Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Parque Nacional Quilombo dos Palmares (2007-11-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“Well, I wake up black, I go to sleep black, I have sex black, I write black, my music is black, what do you still want me to say? What do you expect from me?” Gil isn’t very proselytizing, but you can’t highlight a specific condition within the tropicalists.
He has a greatness in expressing the capacity of our African roots that does not go through the verbalization of the issue. In his story, there are several moments when he refers to it.
Gilberto Gil e Waly Salomão durante reunião de amigos (Anos 2000)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Waly didn't know me, but he came to my side: “I started by supporting others, but I became aware that politics has to be dealt with so that Gil can portray his greatness in the work that will be done.”
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil discursou na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
This sedimented a great friendship with Waly, a person who is exaggerated in everything. I had the greatest fascination for that exaggeration. He was surprising all the time. At his funeral, the widow, Marta, remembered that Waly had enormous admiration for my positions.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I told her it was generous of Waly. “You're wrong, my son,” she said back. “Waly wasn't generous, he was a little beast who spoke ill of everyone, just not about you.”
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil com Paulo Miguez, então assessor do ministro e secretário de Políticas Culturais do MinC, Orlando Senna, então secretário para o Desenvolvimento das Artes Visuais do Ministério da Cultura, e outros políticos na Câmara dos Deputados (Outubro de 2004)Instituto Gilberto Gil
20 years of the Ministry of Culture
When the Ministry turned 20, there was a celebration for which all the former ministers came, and one of them summed it up: “Gil is founding the Ministry of Culture, 20 years later.”
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, presidente Lula, ministro Orlando Silva, Robson Caetano, Amir Haddad, Ney Latorraca e outros em uma reunião sobre a Lei de Incentivo à Cultura (2006-12-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil had the role of leading this process of formulation, articulation, not only of cultural policies, but also of structuring the ministry. We had to reformulate everything. There were some people who argued that everything should be reformulated and then we should consult society.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, secretário executivo do Ministério da Cultura (MinC), Juca Ferreira, e representantes do setor audiovisual em reunião (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The winning proposal, which I supported, was to fix the plane during the flight. We would restructure the ministry and build policies with the participation of society, of artists. We were aware that we had come to revolutionize an instance of government.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na abertura do evento Teia de Cultura e Cidadania, Mostra de Cultura do Brasil e Economia Solidária (2006-04-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
One day, Gil saw me talking about public policy and asked: “What is public policy?” There weren’t two people with the same notion in that place, and we did a poll.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o chefe de gabiente, Adolpho Netto, e o secretário executivo, Juca Ferreira, em cerimônia da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2005-08-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Few people knew that it was the main way for the State to serve society in certain organized areas, such as the ministry. So he suggested we have a debate.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e Juca Ferreira no lançamento do Programa de Apoio ao Cinema Paulista Fiesp/Minc (2006-08-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil
It was very good because we unified that diverse universe. There were those who came with Gil, those nominated by the party, artists with great services rendered for Brazilian culture, but they all needed to be in sync.
Gilberto Gil, Cássio Cunha Lima, Daniella Ribeiro e outras autoridades durante reunião sobre o Primeiro Encontro Nacional de Rappers e Repentistas (2007-04-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Participatory management
I would divide the tasks into three territories: things I didn’t have to ask him; things I had to consult him before doing; and things that I did myself and talked when needed. Gil is quick in his leadership, that’s the experience of music.
Os então ministros da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, e da Educação, Fernando Haddad, instalam o Conselho Diretivo do Livro e Leitura e a Câmara Interministerial de Cultura e Educação (2006-08-30)Instituto Gilberto Gil
We were building the Ministry of Culture, we didn’t have time for a plan, but we got the methodology right, the main objectives, the spirit of taking risks. Two different ministers asked: “Juca, can’t you run this thing with less noise?”
Gilberto Gil, Juca Ferreira, Gastão Vieira e Frank Aguiar durante reuniãoo da Comissão de Educação e Cultura da Câmara dos Deputados (2007-03-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil
I argued no, because the day culture is silent is a day to be suspicious. There has to be debate, confrontation.
O cantor e compositor compõe a mesa no empossamento das lideranças de sua gestão à frente do Ministério da Cultura (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
When we started working and implementing policies, which later came to consecrate us as the great cultural management of the Brazilian State, at each step we had a million ideas. And the method was permanent participation and debate. Gil delegated.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante a cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
But there comes a time when you have to make the decision. Gil showed himself capable of letting the ball roll, but every now and then, either taking for himself or delegating and sharing decisions.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, Juca Ferreira, então secretário executivo do MinC, e José Roberto Aguilar, artista plástico, se reúnem com poetas (2004-03-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Presidente Lula durante ato da campanha Vote Cristo, em que foi acompanhado pelo então ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil (2007-06-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The Ministry’s path will be resumed
Once, Lula confessed to me: “I have been following you with enthusiasm, whenever you have trouble, tell me and I will help.” And he helped ten or fifteen times, when traditional politics surrounded us, and we had an ally in him.
But we were more to the left, more daring, more revolutionary than the administration as a whole. The government’s achievements are enormous, but we were a bit on the outside, with Gil’s leadership. And with the freedom he gave us.
Today the (extinct Ministry is a reference in Europe, Latin America as a whole, and several countries. Though we are going through a bad time for Brazilian culture, sooner or later the path we walked will be taken again, I have no doubt about it.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva com Sebastião Biano e João Biano na solenidade da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2006-11-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Because all the lines end on that note: what was done in the eight years of Lula’s government.
And Gil was essential. Once, he defined something that was similar to what I thought: “The manager has to know how to choose his assistants. And the assistants are not to confirm the qualities that you already have…
Gilberto Gil na Universidade de São Paulo (USP) quando à frente do Ministério da Cultura (2007-03-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“... You have to find people who know things you don’t and create a system of work that you can assimilate.” I’d say I had more talent to enable processes. Gil had a huge leadership capacity.
Gilberto Gil na Universidade de São Paulo (USP) quando à frente do Ministério da Cultura (2007-03-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
He’s not just a songwriter, musician, singer, he’s a thinker too. And he has always stood out for his positions on Brazilian culture, and we count on that as an accumulated strength in his trajectory. Lula respected him, his little eyes sparkled when Gil gave speeches.
Os organizadores do Brasília Music Festival 2003 com o então presidente Lula e Gilberto Gil como ministro da Cultura (2003-10-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
We went from R$ 287 million in the FHC administration’s budget to R$1,3 billion. Once, Lula was speaking to ministers, with their teams behind, and joked: “I wanted to take this opportunity to ask Gil and his executive secretary not to ask me for money publicly.”
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o presidente Lula e a primeira-dama Marisa Letícia em apresentação após a Conferência sobre Políticas Sociais do Brasil e de Moçambique (2003-05-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil
And Gil, back there: “Then give it to us.” And it caused a general laugh. That issue was vital. You couldn’t do anything with R$287 million because 70% of the budget was spent on permanent expenses.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e integrantes do Maracatu Nação Batuque Estrelado e do Maracatu Piaba de Ouro, na Casa da Rabeca do Brasil (2004-02-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil
After Gil asked to leave, when Lula invited me (to take over the Ministry, in 2008), I only had one demand: to keep asking for money publicly. Lula joked: “I thought I was getting rid of Gilberto Gil and you come with the same demand!” I retorted:
Gilberto Gil em visita ao Projeto Arrastão, em São Paulo (2006-02-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“We have to reach the level of at least 1% of the budget.” And we’ve conquered this number with Gil’s symbolic strength in society. It was amazing, when we went to the interior of Brazil or to big cities, what Gil’s charisma awakened.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil com o sociólogo catalão Manuel Castells e John Perry Barlow, um dos fundadores da Electronic Frontier Foundation e letrista da banda Grateful Dead, na quinta edição do Fórum Social Mundial (2005-01-26)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Thanks to our tenacity, to Gil’s leadership, to the participative work method, we built something in a territory where the Lula government advanced the most.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil fotografado pelas lentes do jornalista e poeta TT Catalão (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Exhibit credits
* Juca Ferreira’s testimony was captured during an interview made by journalists and researchers Carla Peixoto and Chris Fuscaldo, followed by Anna Durão, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Marco Konopacki, and Roni Filgueiras. The sociologist was executive secretary during Gilberto Gil’s term and ministry of Culture during the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff administrations.
Text editing: Roni Filgueiras
Assembly: Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Copyediting: Carla Peixoto e Chris Fuscaldo
Acknowledgments: Juca Ferreira, Luiz Antônio de Almeida, Luis Turiba, Maria de Nazaré Pedroza, Adair Rocha, and Sérgio Xavier
General credits
Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Subtitle copyediting: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Laura Zandonadi, and Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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