Close-up on 🌎 Earth

With the magnificent frescoes in the Knight’s Hall in the Brežice Castle

Element Earth by The Posavje Museum BrežicePosavje Museum Brežice


Dionysus (R. Bacchus), the Greek god of fertility, plant life, wine and ecstasy, portrayed as a naked male figure of extensive curves...

...with legs spread apart as a drunken god, surrounded only by ivy and laurel, the god’s recognisable attributes.

Pan with a flute in his hands lays at his feet, leaning against leopard skin, another Dionysus’ marker. 

He is entertained in his drunken state by two nymphs (maenads, one holding a child)...

...and satyrs, one of whom is pouring wine into his goblet.

Dancing Nymphs and Satyrs

The dancing nymphs with Silenus and a satyr are revelling around a monument with Pan’s image...

...celebrating the spring worshipping of Dionysus or Pan, the protector of shepherds and their herds.


Dryads (Gr. drys “a tree, an oak tree”), forest deities.

Credits: Story

Alenka Černelič Krošelj, Director of the Posavje Museum Brežice
Oži Lorber, curator at art history department
Andreja Matijevc, cultural programme coordinator

Experience the virtual tour through the Knight's Hall.

Credits: All media
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