Appreciate the Beauty of Weaving Skills Up Close

Embroidered red-satin women's jacket depicting the Immortals of Harmony and Union and 12 zodiac patterns (Republic of China)Guangzhou Museum

Flowers and birds have long been cherished subjects of poetic inspiration for literati throughout Chinese history, and their captivating beauty extended beyond the realm of art to adorn the attire of both the elite and common people. The Ming and Qing dynasties saw a peak in the development of Chinese weaving and embroidery craftsmanship. 

Embroiderers used intricate designs, skilled techniques, and versatile stitching methods to depict nature's vibrant birds, insects, and colorful flora and fauna on garments. They created exquisite fabrics and embroideries that capture the essence of vitality, imbuing them with artistic creativity and exceptional craftsmanship.

This women's jacket made from embroidered red satin features a motif of the Immortals of Harmony and Union, as well as auspicious patterns such as peonies, chrysanthemums, plum blossoms, and grains.

Bats are intertwined with the 12 zodiac animals. 

The lower section depicts cliffs, seawater, and fish leaping over the legendary Dragon Gate, representing auspiciousness, prosperity, and longevity.

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