Alternative Day Out: 10 Museums off the Beaten Track in Seoul

There's so much to see seen in the South Korean capital city

By Google Arts & Culture

Design SeoulThe Index Project

Seoul Special City, home to nearly 10 million people, an Olympic Host City, and a global hub for tech and culture, also has some fascinating museums and institutions that are a little off the beaten track. Scroll on and use the arrows to explore... 

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Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so start your day at the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine, not far from the royal palace of Changdeokgung. Let's hurry, I can already smell the goldongban.

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Founded in 1971, the organisation gives classes and talks on the history and preparation of traditional Korean cuisine, which flourished during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910CE). This cuisine involved numerous elaborate dishes, presented in bronze bangjja.

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Museum Kimchikan

I hope you didn't stuff yourself! We're off to the Museum Kimchikan in Insadong. The fermented vegetable dish known as kimchi has been a staple of Korean cuisine since the first century, enjoyed by rich and poor alike. Today, its fiery flavours are enjoyed across the world.

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Cheonggyecheon Museum

Flowing through the centre of the city is the Cheonggyecheon river. Until 2005 it was paved over, but an urban renewal project saw the open water restored. The Cheonggyecheon Museum was opened on its banks to commemorate its significance in the city's history and culture.

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Trickeye Museum Seoul

Eye-popping illusions and Instagrammable tromp-l'oeil are on display at the Trickeye Museum. Impress your friends with photos in front of these weird and wonderful backdrops!

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Coreana Cosmetic Museum

Far from a passing trend, people have used cosmetics throughout history. At the Coreana Cosmetic Museum you can learn about traditional cosmetic culture, natural materials, and tools used to achieve beauty.

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Seoul Animation Center

Did you know, the very first Korean cartoon character was made in 1936? And in recent decades, a growing animation industry has flourished. The Seoul Animation Center in Jung District tells the fascinating story of this development.

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Museum of Korean Straw and Plants Handicraft

Walking around this high-tech city, it might be easy to forget the place that traditional crafts still have. In Jongno District you can learn about the importance of weaving and renewable resources. Perhaps the tech companies could take a leaf from their book?

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Korean Magazine Museum

In Yeouido you can visit the enormous Korean Magazine Museum. Seven floors of this building are dedicated to magazines made and read in Korea. From rare and unusual comics to modern classics, you can find (and read!) them all here.

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Korea Furniture Museum

Over 500 pieces of antique furniture fill the Korea Furniture Museum, from persimmon wood writing desks to latticed bamboo pillows called jukbuin. The astounding collection is housed inside a traditional hanok surrounding a pleasant garden.

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Tteok Museum

It must be dinner time by now. Time for another food museum! The Tteok Museum in Jongno District is named after the Korean rice cake delicacy served as a dessert and on special occasions. Inside, you'll find fifty examples of this delicious dish.

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Thanks for joining this tour of Seoul's alternative museums. We'll leave you here, back at the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine, everyone's busy preparing a meal fit for a king…

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