The Opera de Massy, an entire zoo !

The Opéra de Massy is swarming with creatures of all kinds. In starring roles, magnificent costumes, decorations… animals are everywhere !

Marianne's whims staging by Oriol Tomas, 2014 (2014/2015) by Henri Sauguet and Oriol TomasOpéra de Massy

A rabbit has taken up residence in the Opéra and says,

"I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date!" "No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" In 2014, it wasn't "Alice in Wonderland", but "The Moods of Marianne" ("Les Caprices de Marianne") by Henri Sauguet, a rarely performed work, directed by Oriol Tomas.

Falstaff, staging by Jean-Louis Grinda, 2013 (2013/2014) by Giuseppe Verdi and Jean-Louis GrindaOpéra de Massy

What a farmyard !

Nothing suggests that Falstaff should take place in the middle of a chicken coop, and yet … For his final opera, Verdi revisits Shakespeare, this time in a lighter register than usual. That's all it took to inspire director Jean-Louis Grinda to create a joyful bestiary, made all the more splendid by the costumes of Jorge Jara.

Falstaff, staging by Jean-Louis Grinda, 2013 (2013/2014) by Giuseppe Verdi and Jean-Louis GrindaOpéra de Massy

The magnificent lovers, staging by Vincent Tavernier, 2017 (2016/2017) by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Vincent Tavernier, and Hervé NiquetOpéra de Massy

Water ballet

In 2017, the Opéra de Massy staged Lully's "Les Amants Magnifiques" ("The Magnificent Lovers"), a comedy in five acts interspersed with musical numbers and ballet. In the prologue, newts, cupids, jellyfish and more emerge from the waters of a river to celebrate the princesses Eriphile and Aristione in song.

Acis et Galatea, staging by Julien Chavaz, 2019 (2019/2020) by Georg Friedrich Haendel and Julien ChavazOpéra de Massy

How to become a sheep : a guide

1. Move in a herd 2. Count the sheep 3. Make wool your best friend. In "Acis et Galatea", the artists of the Jeune Chœur have spared no effort to get under the skin of the characters. The costumes are made of wool !

The Magic Flute, staging by Roberta Matelli, 2016 (2015/2016) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Roberta MatelliOpéra de Massy

" I am the birdcatcher !"

Papageno and Papagena, the charming aria duo created by Mozart in "The Magic Flute". Two simple, similar souls brought together by love and a passion for birds.

Don Pasquale, staging by Andrea Cigni, 2015 (2014/2015) by Gaetano Donizetti and Andrea CigniOpéra de Massy

Life-sized !

Don Pasquale is rich. Really, really rich. He is also elderly. He is exuberant, grumpy, single, and … full of lust ! The rug in the salon takes after him : oversized, grandiloquent, but endearing.

Princesse Maritorne, a creation by Dominique Spagnolo, 2015 (2016-06) by Dominique Spagnolo and Julien LestelOpéra de Massy

"Princesse Maritorne ! What a cute name ! For a monkey !"

In 2015, the Opéra de Massy and its orchestra collaborated to create "La Princesse Maritorne", a participatory opera by Dominique Spagnolo with schoolchildren from Massy.

Princesse Maritorne, a creation by Dominique Spagnolo, 2015 (2015-06) by Dominique Spagnolo and Julien LestelOpéra de Massy

In this story, the princess is not beautiful. The whole castle makes fun of her. Tired of the teasing, she decides to escape and leaves to find herself. A princess, a castle, animals, a mysterious plot : this opera has everything children could want ! In this photo, the crows are on the lookout.

The Bat, staging by Jacques Duparc, 2015 (2015/2016) by Johann Strauss son and Jacques DuparcOpéra de Massy

Backstage or onstage, our friends the animals watch the grain !

Here, see just how far the fox will go to blend in. Same color fur, same position : long live mime !

The italian in Algiers, staging by Nicola Berloffa, 2016 (2015/2016) by Gioacchino Rossini and Nicola BerloffaOpéra de Massy

When the artists have left, do you know what the shark will do?
No? That's another story !

Credits: Story

Virtual exhibition created and written by Eugénie Boivin for the Opéra de Massy.
We thank the artists who bring our productions to life each season, send chills down our spines, and give us butterflies in our stomachs !
We also thank all the photographers who help us to preserve the memories of these precious moments, especially the ones in the Massy Photo Club.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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