A Place Full of Positive Energy

Tourists from all over the world arrive at the theater to enjoy the performances

Singer in the light by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

Since the exhibition at Venice Biennale, tourists have more than doubled, up to 700 visits in one month.

Music concerts,

View of the theater by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

yoga classes,

Dancer, event detail by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

dance performances,

Ecuba, show detail by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

acting performances,

Mass, prayers by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

or the Sunday mass.

Natural place for shows by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

The theater is not only a place to visit but also a place to live.

Solstice, detail event by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

Every year, two great rituals are prepared, during the summer solstice, and the second during the winter solstice.

The first is probably the best known, on this day in fact, the sun aligns with the mouth of the mask symbol of the theater itself.

Summer ritual by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

Participants attend the musical interventions and then are invited to burn their energies written on a sheet of paper.

Performer and the Mask by Lorenzo ReinaTeatro Andromeda

Teatro Andromeda has become a true center for art, attracting musicians, writers, directors with its positive energy.

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