Illustrated Map of Spain in 1895

Created using mixed media (lithography and wax engraving), this is one of three originals by Modesto Eraso y Prados still in existence.

By Museum of the Civil Guard

Museum of the Civil Guard

Illustrated Map of Spain and its Territories, 1895 (1895) by Modesto Eraso PradosMuseum of the Civil Guard

Printed by the renowned lithograph producer Julián Palacios, the creation of this map was entrusted to Modesto Eraso y Prados, an Infantry Major and professor at the Advanced School of Warfare (Escuela Superior de Guerra).

The map was placed in every Civil Guard post along with a gazetteer that explained how to use it. If searching for a town in the book, it would indicate the numbers to look for on the map's axes.

But this map also contained much more information, including roads, railway lines, and even telegraphs.

It included smaller maps of specific areas, such as the capital and its surroundings.

It also included regions that were Spanish territories in 1895, such as the Philippines.

Puerto Rico.


Spanish Territories in North Africa.

And Islands in the Gulf of Guinea.

At the top, in the center, are some photolithographs of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Maria Christina, obtained from photographs taken by Fernando Debas Dujant.

There are also several medals depicted along the top, accompanied by descriptions.

Both sides contain photolithographs of the various directors of the Civil Guard, beginning with the 2nd Duke of Ahumada.

And ending with Romualdo Palacios González.

At the bottom, different uniforms used by the Civil Guard are shown in considerable detail.

Credits: Story

This map is displayed in the Museum of the Civil Guard as part of its permanent exhibition.

Credits: All media
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