Orfali: Authentic Aleppo Flavours in the Heart of Dubai

Orfali captures the essence of a genuine Aleppo family, showcasing the distinctive and ancient flavours of the region.

Orfali Authentic Aleppo Flavours in the Heart of DubaiDubai Culture & Arts Authority

Celebrating Aleppo Cuisine in Jumeirah

Orfali Bros is an unconventional restaurant in the posh district of Jumeirah, which celebrates Arab cuisine primarily from the region of Aleppo. It was founded by three food-loving brothers, Mohammad, Wassim and Omar.

Commitment to Local Ingredients

The restaurant has a two-storey kitchen – one for pastries and desserts, created by Wassim and Omar, and the other for savoury dishes, prepared by Mohammad.

The Allepo-born chef Orfali BrosDubai Culture & Arts Authority

Every dish is served along with the story of how it came to be. The Bistro also supports local farmers to serve locally grown ingredients of the best quality.

Replicating Childhood Flavours

Growing up in Aleppo left many sensory impressions on Mohammad Orfali, like the smell of local food or the sound of Azan. However, as a child, he dreamt of being an Italian or a French chef. So, he moved to Dubai in 2005 to improve his English language and communication skills.

Chef Orfali preparing foodDubai Culture & Arts Authority

From France to Dubai to Television

Orfali enrolled himself at a culinary school in France but soon felt compelled to return to Dubai. In the cosmopolitan city, Orfali worked in many restaurants before choosing to become a chef on television and soon enough, a celebrity.

The Essence of Aleppian Cuisine

Arab food culture is all about mixing food and conversation at the table. Orfali points out that Aleppo’s cuisine is often misunderstood. “Our food is not about spices. It is about a lifestyle, sustainability, and what is the motherland offering us.”

Orfali Bros cusine corn bombDubai Culture & Arts Authority

Family and Food: The Growing Legacy of Orfali Bros Bistro

The three Orfali brothers started the Bistro in 2021 but today it is a family of ‘thirty brothers and three sisters’, united by the common language of food.

As a noted figure in gastronomy once said to Orfali, “Aleppo’s cuisine is a diamond and it is up to you to restore its shine.” Clearly, no one does it better than The Orfali Bros.

Credits: All media
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