Delhi Photo Festival 2015: Fatemeh Sarah Jabbari's "Waiting for Better Days"

By Delhi Photo Festival

Delhi Photo Festival

Alternation of the name of the Persian Gulf, after 2,500 years as “Gulf” in worldwide media (not the legal registered name in the UN) inspired me to know more about an old country which owns more than 7,000 years of culture and 2,500 years of written history.

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Fatemeh Sarah Jabbari was born in Tehran, Iran. After receiving her diploma from Tehran Fine Art School in the field of Graphics, she further pursued a B.F.A. in Photography from Tehran University of Art. Presently, she is a student of Art History and Art Appreciation (M.F.A.) at Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi. Her interests in documentary filmmaking changed into documentary photography after joining Tehran Fine Arts School. Her first experience in documentary photography, a project on Iran/Pakistan border area, started in 2010.

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

I chose this project to depict the daily life of an Iranian Balouchi family, one of the Aryan tribes of Iran, in a city which suffers from severe poverty, with lots of jobless people, young addicts and is located near the Pakistan border and Gulf of Oman.

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

I have tried to show their effort and desire to improve their way of life, their attempt to reach better days in all aspects of their lives, financially and socially.

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Only few photographers have covered this subject because of the geographical, political, and social problems in this region.

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Waiting for Better DaysDelhi Photo Festival

Fatemeh Sarah Jabbari was born in Tehran, Iran. After receiving her diploma from Tehran Fine Art School in the field of Graphics, she further pursued a B.F.A. in Photography from Tehran University of Art.

Presently, she is a student of Art History and Art Appreciation (M.F.A.) at Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi. Her interests in documentary filmmaking changed into documentary photography after joining Tehran Fine Arts School.

Her first experience in documentary photography, a project on Iran/Pakistan border area, started in 2010.

Credits: Story

Exhibition by Delhi Photo Festival.
Oct 30 - Nov 8 2015, IGNCA, New Delhi.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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