2022 - Horniman Museum and Gardens

Winner of Art Fund Museum of the Year 2022, read more about how the Horniman's ideas are shaping innovative approaches for museums.

Interior of Horniman Museum and Gardens (2022) by Emli BendixenArt Fund

The Horniman Museum and Gardens is a cultural gem in the heart of south London, welcoming visitors from the the local community and across the world.

Find out more about why it was crowned Art Fund Museum of the Year in 2022. 

Parent with child in Museum (2022-04-11) by Emli Bendixen and Art FundArt Fund

Community is at the heart

The Horniman's community action, dazzling displays and commitment to diversity and sustainability are just a few of the reasons this amazing place was crowned Art Museum of the Year in 2022.

Green House at Horniman Museum (2022) by Emli BendixenArt Fund

Championing the environment

The environment and ecology are the heart of everything the Horniman does. Visitors can enjoy its idyllic gardens alongside an eclectic collection of over 350,000 objects that span anthropology, natural history and musical instruments.

Exterior of Horniman Museum and Gardens (2022) by Emli BendixenArt Fund

Inspiring next generations

Alongside exemplary research and conservation, caring for living collections and its beautiful parkland, the Horniman has acknowledged the role it can play in combating the climate emergency by embedding this into their ethos. 

Jenny announcement of winner (2022-07-14) by Hydar Dewachi and Art FundArt Fund

Jenny Waldman, director of Art Fund

"It has radically reimagined its role and reoriented its activity to reach and engage with new audiences, addressing the climate emergency."

Jo Brand on the Horniman Museum and Gardens (2022-04-18) by Tailored Media and Art FundArt Fund

Horniman Museum and Gardens (2022-04-11) by Emli Bendixen and Art FundArt Fund

South London

The judges all agreed the museum really stood out in 2022. But why not go and see for yourself. 

Get visiting benefits with the National Art Pass

The Horniman Museum and Gardens was the winner, but there were four other amazing museums on this year's shortlist…

Art Fund - Museum of the Year (2022-04-19) by Art Fund and Tailored MediaArt Fund

Museum of Making at Derby Silk Mill, Engine (2022-04-11) by Emli Bendixen and Art FundArt Fund

Derby Museum, Museum of Making

Connecting young people to art and culture was at the heart of each museum's achievements, with thought-provoking installations, interactive exhibits and rich participation programmes.

Peoples History Museum (2022-04-10) by Emli Bendixen / Art Fund 2022Art Fund

People's History Museum, Manchester

From vast catalogues of political material to objects from around the world, each shortlisted museum holds a fascinating collection of art and artefacts, cared for by a dedicated team. Their enduring hard work means more people can appreciate these important objects.

Markets in Ty Pawb, Wrexham (2022-04-11) by Emli Bendixen and Art FundArt Fund

Tŷ Pawb, Wrexham

Museums provide unique spaces for communities to come together. Whether they exist under the same roof as local makers and traders, or design their activities around the people and places closest to them, these five museums all lead the way when it comes to community engagement.

Library (2022-04-11) by Emli Bendixen / Art Fund 2022Art Fund

The Story Museum, Oxford

Experience the immersive spaces, tactile displays and dazzling galleries these fantastic five have on offer – and discover more about how they made the shortlist.

Credits: Story

Video Production: Tailored Media 
Photography:  Hydar Dewachi and Emli Bendixen

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.