Willoughby House, the Podium and the Lost Pubs

Exploring the Barbican above street level

Willoughby House: Sales Brochure - Page 1/20 by Corporation of London and Barbican Estate OfficeBarbican Centre

Willoughby House

Willoughby House was named after an aristocratic family with connections to the area. The Willoughbys had a long and complicated history of waging war and owning land stretching all over the country.

Willoughby House: Sales Brochure - Page 3/20 by Corporation of London and Barbican Estate OfficeBarbican Centre

Willoughby House

Here is a typical layout of a maisonette flat in Willoughby House.

Willoughby House: Sales Brochure - Page 18/20 by Corporation of London and Barbican Estate OfficeBarbican Centre

Willoughby House

And the vision of how the maisonettes would be decorated. 

Willoughby House: Sales Brochure - Page 1/20 by Corporation of London and Barbican Estate OfficeBarbican Centre

Willoughby House

This image shows potential residents the highwalk designed to keep pedestrians safely separate from the traffic below. This is known as Podium level. 

Willoughby House

The scheme was not successful, with pedestrians dropping to street level and the highwalks remaining largely empty.

Willoughby House

The section of podium shown here was subsequently demolished.

Tap to explore

This is what Willoughby House looks like today.

Barbican Estate Sales Brochure - Page 16/35 by Corporation of London and Barbican Estate OfficeBarbican Centre

The Podium Pubs

There also used to be pubs situated at podium level.

The Podium Pubs

Including the Barbican Tavern.

The Podium Pubs

and The Podium. Both have since closed.

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