The Carlos Latuff Collection at the Museum of the Republic

Human rights, political activism, violence, war and power in the Carlos Latuff Collection at the Museum of the Republic.

Dilma Rousseff testifies in the Senate (2016) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Carlos Latuff in the collection of the Museum of the Republic 

In 2018, cartoonist Carlos Latuff made the first of a series of donations of drawings to the Museum of the Republic, most of which dealt with the Brazilian political context that culminated in the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. 

Labor and capital (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

A collection in the making 

Currently, the Carlos Latuff Collection consists of around 2,250 cartoons, including photographs, publications, bindings and work objects, such as the pens used by the cartoonist.

Trade unions (2017) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

First strokes 

Carlos Latuff was born on November 30, 1968, in São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro. A self-taught cartoonist, he published his first cartoon in 1990 in the newsletter of the Dockworkers' Union.

FUNAI/IBAMA normative instruction that granted certification of rural properties on indigenous lands (2021) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

A worker of images

In addition to the trade union press, his production extends to national and international media outlets and the illustration of informative materials for popular movements.

Police storm MST school, Florestan Fernandes (2016) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

The right to exist 

The political and social rights present in the current Brazilian Constitution are represented in such a way as to exalt the individuals or groups fighting against the aggressions against these rights. 

Brazil back on the hunger map (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República


The assurance of an adequate diet, as a constitutional right, is questioned through drawings that show that hunger is a serious problem that accompanies the country's history.  

Rio de Janeiro State Union of Education Professionals (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Education in struggle 

The appreciation of education as a social right that promotes autonomy of thought and the formation of conscious citizens is demonstrated by the commitment of professionals to guarantee strengthened schools.

Chico Mendes, Dorothy Stang, Bruno Araújo Pereira, Dom Phillips, activists murdered in the Amazon region (2022) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

The fight continues

The defense of indigenous peoples and their right to land marks the actions of activists and indigenous people themselves against those most responsible for the threats of extermination of these populations and attacks on the environment.

Military intervention in Rio de Janeiro (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República


The collection includes several works critical of the military intervention in the security of the city of Rio de Janeiro in 2018, as well as drawings that show the author's disagreement with the actions of the Brazilian security forces, especially when they affect innocent people.

Student shot in the back by police on his way to school in Favela da Maré (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

"Didn't he see I was wearing school clothes, Mom?" 

Police violence is one of the themes that most affects Latuff's work. The denunciation of police actions, linked to state involvement, generates an aggressive reaction from politicians and police officers.

Mothers of Paraisópolis (2021) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Peripheral mothers 

The mothers of children killed by police violence are remembered for their courage in the fight for justice. Relatives of the young people killed by the police during a baile funk in Paraisópolis, a community in the south of São Paulo, are fighting for justice. 

Slavery and racism in Brazil (2017) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Has freedom dawned, or was it all an illusion? 

His cartoons highlight denunciations of threats to human rights in Brazil and around the world.

The three powers as pillars of the Brazilian Republic (2016) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República


Political rights in Brazil appear in cartoons that defend values such as democracy and the importance of the population's political participation. 

Olive trees and keys are symbols of resistance for Palestinians (2018) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República


His support for the Palestinian cause is one of the highlights of his political activism. His cartoons emphasize the resistance of the Palestinian people against the aggressions of the state of Israel against their territory.

Israeli Settlements (2016) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Palestinian mothers

The figure of Mother Palestine was inspired by a woman Latuff met when he visited a refugee camp in Amman, the capital of Jordan. He uses her as a representation of Palestine.

End Apartheid! (2021) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

Echoing voices

Drawings of personalities from different fields such as art, sport and literature serve as a tribute to those who support the causes of human rights and social justice. 

Based on Lars von Trier's "Melancholia" (2020) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República


The Covid-19 pandemic and its apocalyptic aspect led to a large number of cartoons being produced, mainly about Brazil, one of the countries that suffered the most from the death toll caused by the disease and the omission of the government at the time.

Boy Omran Daqneesh in a state of shock after being rescued from the rubble caused by shelling in Aleppo (2016) by Carlos LatuffMuseu da República

The visual chronicle of barbarity 

His drawings are used by the international press to represent the horror caused by wars and the power games of the world's major powers. Boy Omran Daqneesh in a state of shock after being rescued from the rubble caused by bombing in Aleppo.

Credits: Story

Museum of the Republic/IBRAM/MinC
Director: Mario Chagas
Technical Coordination: Livia M. N. Gonçalves
Communications and Events Advisor: Henrique Milen
Texts: Maria de Fátima Morado
Editing: Marcus Macri

Image references  

Title - CIMI, 2021.   2- Dilma Rousseff em depoimento no Senado. Sul21,  2016.  
3- Sem veículo, 2018.  
4- Diário do Rio Online 2018.  
5- SINPRO Minas,2017.  
6- CIMI, 2021.  
7- Diário do Centro do Mundo, 2016.  
8- Brasil de Fato,  2018.  
9- SEPE RJ, 2018.    
10- Brasil247, 2022.  
11-  Sem veículo, 2018.  
12- Sem veículo, 2021.  
13- 2017.  
14- Cartilha NPC, 2016.  
15-  Sem veículo, 2018.  
16-  ALQUDS. CO, 2016.  
17-, 2021.  
18- Sem veículo, 2020.  
19-  ALQUDS. CO, 2016. 

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.