The Clock Tower - beating to the rhythm of Iași

Beating to the rhythm of the city for the last century, the Clock Tower contributed immensely to the fame of the Palace. At every sharp hour, the clock in the tower of the Palace of Culture plays ”The Round Dance of the Union”.

The clock dials (1925/1925)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The Clock has three dials having each the diameter of 3.24 m, the clock hands measure 1.25 m and 0.90 m, respectively. The painted glasses of the clock dials have been decorated with the 12 zodiac signs.

The clock mechanism”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The mechanism was installed in 1925 by Engineer Horia Pascalovici from Bucharest, representing J.F. Weule Company, Bockenem (Germany).

Detail of the clock mechanism (1925/1925)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The clock has always played the same song, with a very special significance for Iasi, reminding of the most important moments that led to the Union in 1918.

The clock spindles (1925/1925)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The symbol of Iasi

Word of mouth has it that that the Architect I.D. Berindey spent the night before the inauguration in the clock tower, making adjustments to the clock mechanism. He wanted to make sure that everything would be ready for Ferdinand's visit, with this special occasion of the Palace grand opening. "The Round Dance of the Union" could be heard playing the entire night, frightening the people of the city, who didn't know what was happening. Now, the clock tower is a symbol of Iasi and Moldavia region.

The Bells Room”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The big Bell”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The largest bell is inscribed with the name of the architect who designed and built the palace (1906-1925), Ion D. Berindey.

Clock weights (1925/1925)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The mechanism is automatically charged at every 12 hours with weights, which would be raised to a 8 m height.

Credits: Story

Dr. Lacramioara Stratulat - Manager of the "Moldova" National Museum Complex IASI

Ion Cristea - Restoration-Conservation Specialist

Credits: All media
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