Meet The Head On Photo Award Winners From 2020

Be inspired by incredible images from the Portrait, Landscape and Student Awards

The Gift, RHW 2020 (2020) by Fiona WolfHead On Foundation

Head On Photo Awards

The Head On Photo Awards represent a global selection of the best work from emerging and established photographers across three categories; Portrait, Landscape and Student.

Work is judged anonymously; no identifying details of the photographer are visible to the judges to ensure that the photographer's celebrity and/or the subject of the image does not affect the selection process.

Landscape Award Winners

The Head On Landscape Award showcases new perspectives on landscape photography. Each year, three winners are selected for this prestigious prize. Since 2013, Head On Photo Festival has exhibited preeminent landscape photographers who question and challenge how we engage with the world around us. From dystopic cityscapes to romantic vistas of the natural world, these photographs meditate on how different cultures celebrate, alter, and restore contemporary landscapes.

Whimsical Warrior by Marcia MacmillanHead On Foundation

Marcia Macmillan

Whimsical warrior

"I took this image of my daughter running through our paddocks as we returned home from a walk one afternoon. Dust storms of this magnitude have now become so normal that we no longer adjust our daily routine to accommodate them."

"My daughter is a quintessential farm girl who likes to dress up. A fragile, yet fearless nine-year-old, challenging mother nature to unleash herself in all her fury."

Cheddar Gorge - Horseshoe Bend by Paul CarruthersHead On Foundation

Paul Carruthers

Cheddar Gorge - Horseshoe Bend

"This amazing place was once voted one of the seven wonders of Britain.  Just standing there watching cars fly past and mountain climbers (Adam Hill and Peter Belfield) going up the side of the gorge was a sight to behold. I had to do a five-minute exposure while I lit up the whole gorge with my torch."

Run by Nick MoirHead On Foundation

Nick Moir


"Firefighters escape the intense heat of the Green Wattle Creek fire in Orangeville."

Portrait Prize Winners

The Head On Portrait Award recognizes artists that demonstrate innovative approaches to photographic portraiture. Established in 2004, this leading international competition celebrates the talents of emerging and established contemporary portrait photographers.

Our judges selected a diverse range of images that reveal how the traditional notion of portrait has been reinterpreted and expanded. Evocative and emotional, these portraits explore the depth of the human condition.

The Gift, RHW 2020 (2020) by Fiona WolfHead On Foundation

Fiona Wolf

The gift, RHW 2020

"A modern family story of a girl born by a warrior woman to two loving dads, with the love and support of a wonderful family around them."

Egbert (2020) by Jouk OosterhofHead On Foundation

Jouk Oosterhof


"This is a portrait of Egbert. His mother is hidden because Egbert felt safe in her arms, while the portrait was taken. This technique was used in the old days of long exposures."

"Children were just as squirmy as they are now, so mothers and fathers were covered with decorative fabrics to keep the children in place and prevent blurry pictures."

Yuendumu, NT (2019) by Jon FrankHead On Foundation

Jon Frank

Yuendumu, Northern Territory, 2019

Student Award Winners

The Head On Student Award, one of Australia's largest photography competitions, recognizes innovations in photography by Australian K—12 Students: the next generation of Australia's emerging artists. The fourth edition of the Head On Student Prize demonstrates an experimental approach to the photographic medium. Influenced by trends in social media, digital photography and traditional photographic processes, these images provide us with a dynamic view into the future of contemporary photography.

Within Without by Joel ParkinsonHead On Foundation

Joel Parkinson

Within without

"I have lived a life of certitude and ease; whose rhythms and indulgences were equally predictable and enjoyable. Yet, upon the approach of adulthood, I have inhabited an unstable terrain between childhood and adulthood."

"To me, this portrait illustrates the last vestiges of my innocence and the ever-growing maturity and individuality before the arrival of adulthood. Perhaps that is what adulthood means: a farewell to the familiar and a welcoming of the unknown."

Bagel by Alice TaskerHead On Foundation

Alice Tasker


"Self portrait sitting in a local park. I wanted to capture who I am in my quiet moments. My nickname is Bagel."

Snow Trails (2020) by Lewis DobbinHead On Foundation

Lewis Dobbin

Snow trails

"Three hikers in Switzerland trek through the barren snow-filled landscape, highlighting the sheer inferiority we have to nature."

"Furthermore, the multitudinous footsteps scattered over the landscape present the lasting effect of humanity upon an untouched landscape, as seen via the intricate patterns moulded by wind and temperature. The figures whilst inconspicuous add a needed scale to the image."

Meet the 2020 Head On Photo Award Judges

In this video, meet some of the judges behind the 2020 selection of finalists and discover more about the behind the scenes process and what they look for in an image.

Panel: Renée C. Byer, Carla Erdmann, Irina Chmyreva, Moshe Rosenzveig OAM and Ellie Waterhouse

Meet the 2020 Head On Photo Awards Judges (2020-05-02) by Renée C. Byer, Carla Erdmann, Irina Chmyreva, Moshe Rosenzveig OAM, and Ellie WaterhouseHead On Foundation

Judges from the 2020 Head On Photo Awards discuss the winner of the Landscape Award. See the full video to hear their thoughts on other winners.

Head On Photo Awards 2021 are now open for entries. Find out more at

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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