Canada's National Flag Turns 50 !

Celebrating the flag

National Flag of Canada, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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National Flag of Canada

The 50th anniversary of our national flag is the perfect time for Canadians to reflect on our flag and what it represents – a strong, proud and free country. Our national flag speaks to what we have accomplished together, to the historical moments that have served to define us and to the promising future of this great nation. Share your plans, images and stories of your Flag Day activities and celebrations on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr #Flag50.

"The idea behind the national flag of Canada"

Royal Military College of Canada - Flag, Royal Military College of Canada, Flag of the Royal Military College of Canada, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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In March of 1964 the Honourable George Stanley, who was at that time the Dean of Arts of the Royal Military College of Canada, first suggested to the Colonel, the Honourable John R. Matheson, then Member of Parliament for Leeds, that the Royal Military College flag should form the basis for the national flag of Canada. His idea was to replace the emblem of the College with a red maple leaf and the rest is history.

"The origin of our national flag"

Flag of Canada - Federal Committee 1964, Source: Cliff Buckman, Queen's University Archives / Archives du Queen’s University, 1964, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Photo credit: Cliff Buckman, Queen's University Archives 

The task of finding a new design for the national flag was given to a special committee comprising members from all political parties in 1964.

Flag of Canada proposed design (A Red Ensign with the fleur-de-lis and the Union Jack), 1964, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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A Red Ensign with the fleur-de-lis and the Union Jack.

Flag of Canada proposed design (Three red maple leaves with blue borders), 1964, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Three red maple leaves with blue borders.

Flag of Canada proposed design (A red maple leaf on a white square with red borders), 1965, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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A red maple leaf on a white square with red borders.

After eliminating thousands of proposals, the committee considered three final designs:

It was the red and white design with a single maple leaf that the committee recommended to Parliament. The motion was passed to adopt this design as the National Flag of Canada with a vote of 163 to 78 on December 15, 1964. The winning flag was selected for its easily recognizable design, the use of Canada’s national colours and the prominence of the maple leaf, which had become a national symbol of pride and identity.

"Raising the flag"

Canada was just two years away from centennial celebrations when the maple leaf flag was made official by Royal Proclamation. “The flag is the symbol of the nation’s unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion,” declared the Speaker of the Senate at the inauguration of the new flag on Febuary 15, 1965.

First raising of Canadian Flag on Parliament Hill, Source: Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 1965-02-15, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Photo credit : Library and Archives Canada 

"National Flag of  Canada Day"

In 1996, February 15 was declared National Flag of Canada Day and has been observed ever since.

Flag of Canada Day - February 15, 1996, Source: Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien, 1996-02-15, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Photo credit: Canadian Heritage

"At home"

Canadian Flag - RCMP Musical Ride, Source: John McQuarrie, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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The Charge, RCMP Musical Ride [Photo credit: John McQuarrie]

Canadian Flag - Changing of the Guard, Source: Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien, 2014-07-01, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Changing of the Guard, Canada Day 2014 [Photo credit: Canadian Heritage]

Canadian Flag - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Québec City, 2011-07-03, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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The arrival of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Québec City on HMCS Montréal during their Royal Tour to Canada, July 3, 2011. [Photo credit: Canadian Heritage]

Living Canadian Flag - 2011 - Winnipeg, 2011-07-01, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Thousands of people form a living Canadian flag at the Manitoba legislature on July 1, 2011. [Photo credit: Ron Gilfillan / Downtown Biz]

Canadian Flag - People on Parliament Hill 2013, Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada, 2013-07-01, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canada Day, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, 2013. [Photo credit: Canadian Heritage]

Canadian Flag - Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010, Source: Stuart Davis, 2010, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Street crowd in Vancouver during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. [Photo credit: Stuart Davis]

"Our Canadian Armed Forces"

Canadian Flag - Skyhawks, Source : Cpl Bill Gomm © 2008 DND-MDN Canada, 2008-07-25, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Corporal William Van Dyke with the SkyHawks demonstration team parachutes to the ground with a large Canadian Flag during the Red Friday Rally at the Northlands Race Track, Edmonton, Alberta, July 25, 2008. [Photo credit: Cpl Bill Gomm © 2008 DND-MDN Canada]

Canadian Flag - CF-18, Source: Mike Reyno / Skies Magazine, 2013, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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“Common Thread,” the 2013 CF-18 air demonstration Hornet, of the Royal Canadian Air Force, depicts the National Flag of Canada framed by the 13 provincial and territorial flags and symbols that are representative of Canada. This CF-18 has performed in communities across Canada to encourage each of us to think about what it means to be Canadian. [Photo credit: Mike Reyno / Skies Magazine]

Canadian Flag - Operation NANOOK 2013, 2013-08-20, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Prime Minister Stephen Harper participates in Operation NANOOK 2013 just outside of Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, with members of the Canadian Rangers, August 20, 2013. [Photo credit: Prime Minister's Office. Photo by Jason Ransom]

Canadian Flag - 1st Canadian Field Hospital in Philippines (Operation RENAISSANCE), Source: MCpl Marc-André Gaudreault, Canadian Forces Combat Camera / Cplc Marc-André Gaudreault, caméra de combat des Forces canadiennes, 2013-11-21, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Lieutenant (Navy) Melanie Espena, doctor for the 1st Canadian Field Hospital in Petawawa, and member of the Canadian Armed Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team, provides aid to a child in the Philippines during Operation RENAISSANCE, November 21, 2013. [Photo credit: MCpl Marc-André Gaudreault, Canadian Forces Combat Camera]

Canadian Flag - Canadian Ranger, Source: Cpl Pierre Létourneau, 19 Wing Imagery Comox, Department of National Defence / 19e Escadre Comox – services d’imagerie, Ministère de la Défense nationale, 2013-04-10, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian Ranger, Corporal Paul Ikuqllaq, packs his komatik before leaving on a two-week patrol to Resolute Bay, Nunavut, on April 10, 2013. [Photo credit: Cpl Pierre Létourneau, 19 Wing Imagery Comox, Department of National Defence]

Canadian Flag - Canadian Forces Joint Task Force Nijmegen 2014, Source: Cpl Andrew Wesley, Joint Task Force Nijmegen 2014 / Force opérationnelle interarmées Nimègue 2014, 2014-07-16, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian Forces Joint Task Force Nijmegen 2014 teams receive a warm send-off as they depart from Camp Heumensoord on July 16, 2014, the second official day of the Nijmegen Marches. [Source: Cpl Andrew Wesley, Joint Task Force Nijmegen 2014]

Canadian Flag - HMCS Regina, Source: Cpl Michael Bastien, MARPAC Imaging Services / FMAR(P) services d’imagerie, 2014-01-31, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Crew members on board HMCS Regina assemble to cheer on Canadian Olympic athletes in the coastal waters of the Philippines on January 31, 2014, during the ship’s deployment for Operation ARTEMIS. [Photo credit: Cpl Michael Bastien, MARPAC Imaging Services]

"On the world stage"

Canadian Flag - 2010 Commonwealth Games (India) - Canadian High Jumper, Source: Canadian Press / Presse canadienne, 2010, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian High Jumper and gold medalist Nicole Forrester, 2010 Commonwealth Games, New Delhi, India. [Photo credit: Canadian Press]

Canadian Flag - 2010 Olympic Winter Games - Men's Hockey Gold Medal, Source: Jean Levac / Postmedia news, 2010, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian men’s hockey team, gold medal, 2010 Olympic Winter Games, Vancouver, British Columbia. [Photo credit: Jean Levac / Postmedia news]

Canadian Flag - 2006 Olympic Winter Games (Turin) - Women's Hockey Gold Medal, Source : Canadian Press / Presse canadienne, 2006, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian women’s hockey team, gold medal, 2006 Olympic Winter Games, Turin, Italy. [Photo credit: Canadian Press]

Canadian Flag - 2006 Paralympic Winter Games - Sledge Hockey Gold Medal, Source : Canadian Paraympic Committee / Comité paralympique canadien, 2006, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Billy Bridges, Sledge Hockey, celebrates the gold medal performance of Team Canada at the 2006 Paralympic Winter Games, Turin, Italy. [Photo credit: Canadian Paraympic Committee]

Canadian Flag - 2012 Summer Olympic Games (London) - Team Canada, Source: Canadian Olympic Committee / Comité olympique canadien, 2012, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Team Canada, Opening Ceremony, 2012 Summer Olympic Games, London, England. [Photo credit: Canadian Olympic Committee]

Canadian Flag - 2013 International Ice Hockey Federation Women's World Championship, Source: Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien, 2013, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Crowd holding a large Canadian flag at the 2013 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championship. [Photo credit: Canadian Heritage]

Canadian Flag - 2013 Winter Olympic Games (Sochi) - Alex and Frédéric Bilodeau, Source: Canadian Press/ Presse canadienne, 2014, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Gold medalist Alex Bilodeau (Freestyle Ski Moguls) celebrates with his brother Frédéric, at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, Sochi, Russia. [Photo credit: Canadian Press]

Canadian Flag - Hip-Hop dance group - 2013 Games of La Francophonie, Source: Donavon Gaudette for Canadian Heritage/ Donavon Gaudette pour Patrimoine canadien, 2013, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Hip-Hop dance group, Supernaturalz, representing Team Canada at the 2013 Games of La Francophonie in Nice, France. [Photo credit: Donavon Gaudette for Canadian Heritage]

Canadian Flag - High Commission of Canada in South Africa, Source: Bruno Engel, 2013-07-18, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Employees from the High Commission of Canada in South Africa and children from Viva Daycare in Mamelodi, Pretoria, sing Happy Birthday Madiba on Nelson Mandela International Day, July 18, 2013. [Photo credit: Bruno Engel]

Canadian Flag - Astronaut Chris Hadfield, Source: NASA, 2012-12-25, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Astronaut Chris Hadfield poses with the Canadian flag in the Cupola module of the International Space Station (ISS), December 25, 2012. [Photo credit: NASA]

"Our future"

Canadian Flag - Canada Day in the Capital, Source: Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canada Day in the Capital. [Photo credit: Canadian Heritage]

Canadian Flag - Canada Day 2013 in Edmonton - Kaleb Jackson, Source: Greg Southam., From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Kaleb Jackson, 6, is all smiles after getting a Canadian flag painted on his face at Borden Park on Canada Day, July 1, 2013, in Edmonton, Alberta. [Photo credit: Greg Southam]

Canadian Flag - Canada Day 2011 in Montreal, Source: Graham Hughes, Canadian Press / Presse canadienne, 2011, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Canada Day 2011 in Montréal, Quebec. [Photo credit: Graham Hughes, Canadian Press]

"Take a selfie with the flag and post it #Flag50"

Celebrate It! As we prepare for the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017, the 50th anniversary of the National Flag of Canada is a milestone that calls for celebration. Honour our flag by organizing different activities throughout the year 2015. For more information on the flag and suggestions on how to celebrate, visit us at:

National Flag of Canada, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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National Flag of Canada

Government of Canada Wordmark, From the collection of: Canadian Heritage
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Government of Canada

Credits: Story

Canada 150th—Government of Canada

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