Children of the Windrush Generation

Discover how the Windrush generation inspired the next generation of British youth.

So Solid Children of the WindrsuhBlack Pound Day

Young MC's and DJ's

The Windrush generation inspired So Solid Crew's music, bringing forward MCs and DJs emulating sound system culture. The new sound reshaped the UK scene in an unprecedented way.

The Windrush Generation

Mega shares his journey of how music at home shaped his love for music and undeniable influences from sound system culture and the legacy of the Windrush generation.

Music bringing cultures together

Shabz and Mega reflect on how musical influences from Caribbean culture and the Windrush generation brought British South Asian and Caribbean generations together.

So Solid's capacity to command primetime TV and major award shows marked a pivotal point in British cultural history built upon the foundation and influences of the Windrush generation.

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