Discover the Garden of the Wrocław Mime Theatre

Workshope in the garden (2023) by Rafał SkwarekWroclaw Mime Theatre

The garden of the Wrocław Mime Theatre is a green space measuring nearly 300 m2, and at the same time a stage, a cinema hall, a dance floor, a rehearsal room, a place for neighborhood picnics, workshops for children and other theater and animation activities.

We use the yard both in summer and winter

at Aleja Dębowa 16, as a stage for repertoire performances, which we carry out using the site-specific technique, i.e. a form that creatively uses a specific space as a set and an element building the stage action.

Los Mimos, 2020 (3) (2020) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

Los Mimos

In summer, the garden becomes the home of the Baron and Baroness family, their guests and servants involved in a series of intrigues and not entirely obvious relationships. Los Mimos is a collective creation of a group of actors under the artistic supervision of Leszek Bzdyl.

Los Mimos. Major-domo, Natalia Kabanow, 2020, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Los Mimos Madame Cheerful Widow, Natalia Kabanow, 2020, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Los Mimos. Major-domo, Natalia Kabanow, 2020, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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Microcosmos, 2023 (2023) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre


A performance inspired by Thumbelina by H. Ch. Andersena had its premiere on stage in 2011, now it has been given a new life thanks to the adaptation of the performance to the Summer Stage, i.e. our theater Garden.

Microcosmos, 2023, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Microcosmos, 2023, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Microcosmos, 2023, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, 2022 (2022) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

Queen. The Yard Fairy Tale

In winter, we present a performance dedicated to the youngest viewers. Inspired by the Snow Queen, the story directed by Artur Borkowski takes place on a cobbled part of the yard, using the building's facade, rooms observed from the outside, a fountain, and flora growing around.

Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, 2022, Natalia Kabanow, 2022, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, Group scene, Natalia Kabanow, 2022, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, 2022 (2), Natalia Kabanow, 2022, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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Garden cinemaWroclaw Mime Theatre


Silent cinema was an inspiration for the master Tomaszewski. It is the films from this period that are included in the repertoire of our cinema in the garden, and they are accompanied by live music.

Sofar in the gardenWroclaw Mime Theatre


In the summer season, the terrace overlooking the garden also becomes a music stage. Musicians who create music for our performances present themselves on the terrace. Sometimes guest music projects, such as Sofar Sounds Wrocław, also appear on the terrace.

Dance in the garden (2023) by Rafał SkwarekWroclaw Mime Theatre


A performance program blending theater and dance, rooted in the idea of dance parties. Lasts 90 minutes or longer, varying based on how we get swept up in the dance and motion.   

Workshope in the garden (2023) by Rafał SkwarekWroclaw Mime Theatre


There are many experienced theater educators in our team. During workshops, as soon as the weather is good, they leave the rehearsal room with the participants to the garden.

Exercising in the gardenWroclaw Mime Theatre


The acting team willingly use the around greenery during practice.

Table rehearsals in the gardenWroclaw Mime Theatre


The garden is also used by performance creators. In the picture, the director of Island, Piotr Cieplak, tells the team about his vision during a table rehearsal.

Tap to explore

Please be invited to our garden!

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