El artista entre la individualidad y el contexto

At the Cuban Pavilion, four Cuban artists (Luis Gómez Armenteros, Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo, Grethell Rasúa and Celia-Yunior) along with four international artists (Lida Abdul, Olga Chernysheva, Lin Yilin and Giuseppe Stampone)
highlight the imaginary and reflexive range of the artist, precariously
balanced between the distinctive poles of individuality and the context
in which they happen to be working.

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di VeneziaCuba

Exhibition: room 1

Lin Yilin and Grethell Rasúa

De la permanencia y otras necesidades (2014) di Grethell RasúaCuba

Grethell Rasúa
Born in La Habana, Cuba, in 1983
Lives and works in La Habana

De la permanencia y otras necesidades [From Permanence to Other Needs], 2014
Video 5’30”, sound, installation

Triumph (2009) di Lin YilinCuba

Lin Yilin
Born in Guangzhou, China, in 1964
Lives and works in Beijing and New York

Last Fortress, 2010
video, sound, single channel, 8 mins

Triumph (2009) di Lin YilinCuba

Lin Yilin
Last Fortress
video frame

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di VeneziaCuba

Exhibition: room 2

Olga Chernysheva and Lin Yilin

Screens (2013) di Olga ChernyshevaCuba

Olga Chernysheva
1962 Born in Moscow where she works and lives

Screens, 2013
Twelve-channel video installation

Screens (2013) di Olga ChernyshevaCuba

Olga Chernysheva

The twelve-channel video installation Screens, 2013 is part of an ongoing series combining short film clips with equally short texts.

Triumph (2009) di Lin YilinCuba

Lin Yilin
Triumph, 2009
Video, sound, 16’

This work is a test to observe how pedestrians and the police react to extreme behavior — in this case, a bizarre way of walking. 

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di VeneziaCuba

Exibition: room 3

Lida Abdul and Celia-Yunior

In Transit (2008) di Lida AbdulCuba

Lida Abdul
Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1973
Lives and works in Los Angeles (U.S.A.)

In Transit, 2008
16 mm film on dvd, 4’55’’

Notes on the Ice (2012) di Celia-YuniorCuba

Celia-Yunior (Mrs. Celia González Álvarez – Mr Yunior Aguiar Perdomo)

Born in La Habana, 1985 and 1984
Lives and works in Quito, Ecuador and Havana, Cuba / Huntly, Scotland and Havana, Cuba

Notes on the Ice (2012) di Celia-YuniorCuba

Notes on the Ice, 2012
Video-installation, 34’6”, colour, stereo, 16:9, NTSC
Paper packages, bookcase, projector, laptop, set of speakers
300x220x80 cm

La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi (2015) di Luis Gómez ArmenterosCuba

Exhibition: room 4

Luis Gómez Armenteros and Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo

Dominadora inmaterial di Susana Pilar Delahante MatienzoCuba

Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo
Born in Havana, Cuba, in 1984
Lives and works in Havana, Cuba

Dominadora inmaterial [Inmaterial Domme]
SecondLife. 2012-2013

Dominadora inmaterial [Inmaterial Domme] (2013) di Susana Pilar Delahante MatienzoCuba

For almost a year I have been practising financial domination (FinDom) in the virtual world. I have an avatar in Second Life...

Dominadora inmaterial di Susana Pilar Delahante MatienzoCuba

... She is my alter ego, a dominant woman who has financial slaves and submissive men. The relationship with my subs is virtual and they let me drain their wallets and ruin them financially.

La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi (2015) di Luis Gómez ArmenterosCuba

Luis Gómez Armenteros
Born in Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba, in 1968
Live and work in Havana, Cuba

La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi
[We Are the Revolution], 2015
Installation, paper and pallet
65x200x240 cm

La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi (2015) di Luis Gómez ArmenterosCuba

The work of Luis Gómez puts on stage “power relations”. He displays an itinerary that explores the conventions used by traditional analysis concerning the productions of meanings...

Casa Particular (2015) di Giuseppe StamponeCuba

Exhibition: garden

Giuseppe Stampone

Casa Particular (2015) di Giuseppe StamponeCuba

Giuseppe Stampone
Born in Cluses (France) in 1973.
Lives and worsk between Teramo and New York.

Casa Particular [Private House], 2015
Variable sizes

Casa Particular (2015) di Giuseppe StamponeCuba

In December 2014, US President Barack Obama announced plans to end the embargo against Cuba, giving rise to a new phase of cooperation that could lead to the resumption of trade with the island.

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private view

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private View - Peggy Guggenheim CollectionCuba

Private ViewCuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Lin Yilin (2015)Cuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Official OpeningCuba

Official Opening

Official Opening di Grethell RasúaCuba

Grethell Rasúa
We confront things without fear, loving at all costs could be a strategy for living with all those external antagonisms that cause us so much pain, saturation, reluctance.

Official Opening di Grethell RasúaCuba

Grethell Rasúa
This work is the result of decisions I took as a way of life; it shows my attitude and I think about it as a reminder in order to face hurtful situations with my best intentions.

Official Opening di Olga ChernyshevaCuba

Olga Chernysheva
Chernysheva’s work spans film, photography, drawing and object-based mediums, where she draws on quotidian moments and marginal spaces from everyday life...

Official Opening - Olga Chernysheva (2013) di Olga ChernyshevaCuba

... as a way of exploring the increasing fragmentation of master narratives in contemporary culture.

Official Opening di Lida AbdulCuba

Lida Abdul
This video is set in the outskirts of Kabul, where the landscape is disseminated with the debris of more than twenty years of war and constant bombings.

Official Opening di Lida AbdulCuba

Lida Abdul
It’s not unusual to see children playing around the remains of military tanks and planes that look like the carcass of a bird.

Official Opening di Celia-YuniorCuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Official OpeningCuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Official Opening di Giuseppe StamponeCuba

Giuseppe Stampone
... One of the first forms of services privatization were the Casas Particulares, literally “Private Houses”: accommodation for tourists inside Cuban families’ homes.

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Official OpeningCuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - Official OpeningCuba

Pavilion of Republic of Cuba at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di VeneziaCuba

Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon Party Night



Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon party nightCuba


Galleon party nightCuba

Galleon party nightCuba




Galleon party nightCuba



Pavilion of Republic of Cuba - El artista entre la individualidad y el contextoCuba

El artista entre la individualidad y el contexto

Riconoscimenti: storia

Miria Vicini

Jorge Fernández Torres and Giacomo Zaza

Lida Abdul
Olga Chernysheva
Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo
Luis Gómez Armenteros
Grethell Rasúa
Giuseppe Stampone
Lin Yilin

From May 9 to November 22, 2015
San Servolo Island, Venice

Ringraziamenti: tutti i partner multimediali
In alcuni casi, la storia potrebbe essere stata realizzata da una terza parte indipendente; pertanto, potrebbe non sempre rappresentare la politica delle istituzioni (elencate di seguito) che hanno fornito i contenuti.
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