Mexican bioluminescence poster

International and feminine contemporary illustration

Illustration Mirel Fraga HalitrephesNîmes s'illustre

Discover an exhibition from the 2022 illustration festival with six artists: Jimena Duval, Jimena Estibaliz, Mirel Fraga, Amanda Mijangos, Minerva GM, Mariana Roldan, and Jonathan Bréchignac.

Illustration Mirel Fraga AnglerNîmes s'illustre

On this earth, there are animals of light, phosphorescent beings, and incandescent plants, which dance...

Illustration MinervaNîmes s'illustre

There is a place in Mexico where, at night, by the ocean, you can see an extraordinarily beautiful phenomenon called bioluminescence.

Illustration MinervaNîmes s'illustre

Nîmes s’illustre has chosen to propose this wonderful ephemeral and delicate theme to the artists of Gran Salon Mexico to illustrate the Animal and the Living.

Illustration Mariana RoldanNîmes s'illustre

In a country where 10 women officially die of femicide every day, Gran Salon Mexico and Nîmes s'illustre have chosen to invite female artists to bring their illustrated interpretations of bioluminescence.

Illustration Mariana RoldanNîmes s'illustre

It's no coincidence that the symbols are powerfully evoked in this meeting of women and the living!

Illustration Jimena EstíbalizNîmes s'illustre

It is a natural biochemical manifestation that emanates from living organisms such as bacteria, crustaceans, mollusks or jellyfish (it also exists on earth!).

Illustration Jimena EstíbalizNîmes s'illustre

With the forced cessation of maritime activities relating to the global pandemic, unprecedented moments of bioluminescence have flourished on the edges of the deserted beaches of the Mexican coast... It is still one of the few countries where it is possible to observe and admire it.

illustration Jimena DuvalNîmes s'illustre

At a crucial time, when the old systems of domination over beings and nature are being profoundly questioned, we need to put the right balances in place!

illustration Jimena DuvalNîmes s'illustre

Some artists have chosen to reflect the power of the existing contrasts between the deep blue-black of the oceans and the phenomenon of bioluminescence, which arises like a sprinkling of fluorescent light to form images.

Photo de l'expositionNîmes s'illustre

Within the exhibition, Nîmes s’illustre proposed original punctuation with a contemporary art installation.

"Svalbard Petri" by Jonathan Bréchignac brings together pieces spanning science and subterfuge, which, like poetry, invites us to become aware of the need to rethink our relationship with the environment and to protect that which is delicate, vulnerable and precious in nature.

Credits: Story

Nîmes s'illustre -
Creation: Nîmes s'illustre
Photos: © Nîmes s'illustre

Credits: All media
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