Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovský in Trenčín: Collection from 1960 to Present

The art collection of the modern and present art consists of paintings, drawings, graphics and sculpture, including glass collection. The number of works in this collestion is now around 3000 and is still growing.

People, or machines? (1966/1966), autor: Svetozár AbelGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

Castle stairs (1973/1973), autor: Ján ŠandoraGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

Ján Šandora was a painter who worked in Trenčianske Teplice for a long time. He painted with post-impresionism method using small juxtaposed pasta oil paint that created a relief surface and deep view in the painted landscape.

Trenčín - view from Skalka, Ján Šandora, 1964/1966, Ze sbírky: Galéria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)
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May morning (1983/1983), autor: Rudolf MoškoGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

Rudolf Moško belongs to the most famous and successful artists from Trenčín region who is wellknown in the whole Slovakia and also abroad. He paints blue-green landscapes, mountains with the shapes of woman´s body.

Act (1963/1963), autor: Rudolf MoškoGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

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Hommage a Velazquez III. (2001/2001), autor: Peter PollágGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

Peter Pollág is very famous slovak painter, using very expressive colours and new processes.

High and Low Tatras 1 - 3 (2008/2008), autor: Dorota SadovskáGaléria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského v Trenčíne (Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín)

Dorota Sadovská is wellknown slovak painter of young art generation. She paints realistic figures, creates new iconography of christian themes.

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Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovský in Trenčín

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