Sanctuary City Project

When did you forget you were an immigrant?

Installation view of Sanctuary City Project in BSC's Project Space gallery (2020-11-06) by Sanctuary City ProjectContemporary at Blue Star

Sanctuary City Project is a project of artists Sergio De La Torre and Chris Treggiari that engages communities to generate conversations around the history and policies of immigration in the U.S.

A digital timeline representing qualitative and quantitative research surrounding the sanctuary ordinances and immigration issues, a video work compiling peaceful immigration protests since President Trump’s election. 

Installation detail of Sanctuary City Project at Blue Star Contemporary (2020-11-06) by Sanctuary City ProjectContemporary at Blue Star

Sanctuary City Project installation at Blue Star Contemporary (2020-11-06) by Sanctuary City ProjectContemporary at Blue Star

For their 2020-21 exhibition at the Contemporary at Blue Star, artists De La Torre and Treggiari invited the San Antonio community to reflect on their ideas, personal experiences, and histories with migration through call and response and additional activations in the community.

The exhibition presentation included screen printed posters installed on the gallery walls and for visitors to take away.

Credits: All media
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