How technology and art intersect to create something new

Art Center Nabi - Art Production

Beautiful WorldArt Center Nabi

Today, new digital technologies both inspire new forms of artistic expression, and provide the very tools for their creation.

Media artists who express their dream of a better future using new digital technologies can be considered both creators and inventors.

Installation viewArt Center Nabi

At Nabi Lab, a creative studio at Art Center Nabi, innovative works on robotics, AI (artificial intelligence), and data science are presented through intensive research.

H.E.ART BOT Hackathon (2015)Art Center Nabi

From high-tech art made using algorithms and AI-driven light displays to computer-built sculptures, Art Center Nabi installations tell stories of how technology and art intersect to create something new.

We invite you to dream of a future society through the creative works from Nabi Lab.

Making Art-for Stock MarketArt Center Nabi

Making Art – for Stock Market (2017)

Making Art-for Stock Market is a collaborative project with teamVOID, a media art team, that produces sounds and a drawing based on Korean stock index data.

The work shows how data and robotics can be used in art.

The stock market is an indicator of the economy, which is linked to human desire.

The work uses the economic data artistically, to express the economic ebb and flow of society and human desire, metaphorically.

The sound and drawing change based on the size and frequency of the data readings.

Making Art - for Stock Market (2017)Art Center Nabi

Data Pump JackArt Center Nabi

Data Pump Jack (2017)

Data Pump Jack is an interactive artwork that uses data from a Korean wedding consulting agency's grade system.

When a visitor enters data, they receive a personalized coupon allowing them to charge their cell phone in a similar way to putting oil into a car.

The work suggests that today's data leaks and monopolies are similar to the 1970s oil crises, and highlights the risk of future data crises.

It also shows how data can be miscategorized, used and processed irrespective of the an individual's will.

Data Pump JackArt Center Nabi

The artwork also raises questions around the control of data.

Data Pump Jack (2017)Art Center Nabi

Installation viewArt Center Nabi

Chair Walker (2015, 2017)

Chair Walker is an interactive robotic artwork. When people try to sit on a chair, it walks away, as though it is sentient, and denying its original function,.

It's built using an Arduino, servo motors and an ultrasonic sensor.

Chair WalkerArt Center Nabi

The first Chair Walker was made in 2015, and the second edition - with different colors and motion - was made in 2017.

It was shown at Robot Party in Seoul (2015), and Robotronica, Holland Festival, ELEKTRA Montreal digital arts festival, and Gwangju Design Biennale Special Exhibition in 2017.

Chair Walker (2015)Art Center Nabi



BREAKING NEWS combines AI and data to generate nonsensical news.

Today, we can no longer trust all the information we encounter on the web.

The artwork alludes to these manipulated and incomplete stories, by showing your picture overlaid over that of a celebrity, with no clear meaning.


Do we have full control over our data? How does tech affect us in today's big data society?

Using AI algorithms and machine learning, the artwork brings to mind the relationship between human big data and artificial intelligence, and our awareness of the data we produce and consume.

BREAKING NEWS (2017)Art Center Nabi

Bremen Music BotArt Center Nabi

Bremen Music Bot (2016)

How would robot music sound?

Bremen Music Bot, an artwork that uses AI and robotics, transforms everyday noises into music.

Four robots - a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a chicken - capture sounds around them and make music using an artificial intelligence algorithm.

Bremen Music BotArt Center Nabi

The sounds of people talking, footsteps, and object clashing turn into harmonious rhythm and melody.

The dog robot takes the low frequency sounds, the cat collects mid-range sounds, the chicken captures high-pitched sounds, and the donkey covers the full range.

As each robot converts the sounds into melodies with different instruments, a new piece of music is made using artificial intelligence, delivered by the cute robots.

Bremen Music Bot (2016)Art Center Nabi

Land of imaginationArt Center Nabi

Land of Imagination (2017)

Land of imagination is a VR experience in which the audience can explore a virtual country made using national statistical profiles.

Your journey to find the Land of Imagination, begins as you try to escape a maze by answering questions like "How can data bridge social divides and be used against hate and extremism?", and "Can data help to nurture emotional connectedness?".

There are no right or wrong answers all of them open the door to let you escape the maze.

Land of imaginationArt Center Nabi

The walls of the maze are based on data from the national statistical data of nine selected countries from the OECD iLibrary.

This gives people a sense of the statistical data vital to society, and what data means in the contemporary society. By presenting real data in a 3D VR game, Land of Imagination makes us think about how society is formed and deformed by data.

Land of Imagination (2017)Art Center Nabi

Beautiful WorldArt Center Nabi

Beautiful World_MR(2016)

Beautiful World is a mixed reality experience that projects plays with human concepts of AI.

It uses images of environmental disasters showing how we cannot dismiss social issues by blindly seeking "tech utopia".

The experience of this 'mixed reality' makes us to face environmental issues.

Beautiful World (2016)Art Center Nabi

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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