By Instituto Gilberto Gil
Text: Carla Peixoto, journalist and researcher
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, o governador do Ceará, Lúcio Alcântara, o presidente do STJ, ministro Edson Vidigal, com integrantes do grupo Samba Chula Os Filhos da Pitangueira, durante lançamento do Programa Nacional do Patrimônio Imaterial (2004-05-10)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Por ser de lá / Because I came from there
Do sertão, lá do cerrado / From the outland, from the cerrado [Brazilian savanna]
Lá do interior do mato / From the inlands of the country fields
Da caatinga do roçado / From the caatinga scrubs of plantations
Eu quase não saio / I hardly go out
Eu quase não tenho amigos / I nearly have no friends
Eu quase que não consigo / I barely can make it
Ficar na cidade sem viver contrariado / Stay in the city without feeling upset
Por ser de lá / Because I came from there
Na certa por isso mesmo / Certainly because of it
Não gosto de cama mole / I do not like a soft bed
Não sei comer sem torresmo / I cannot eat if there is no pork scratching
Eu quase não falo / I barely talk
Eu quase não sei de nada / I virtually know nothing
Sou como rês desgarrada / I am like stray cattle
Nessa multidão boiada caminhando a esmo / Blended in this cattle-like people randomly wandering
“Lamento sertanejo”
Gilberto Gil and Dominguinhos
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e presidente Lula em visita a cidades do Recôncavo Baiano (2006-07-12)Instituto Gilberto Gil
When he took office in 2003, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the first blue-collar worker elected to our presidency, picked Gilberto Gil as Culture minister. The choice for a strong name in Brazilian culture, affiliated to the Green Party [PV, in the Portuguese acronym], sounded off to a few.
Ministro Gilberto Gil, ao lado do presidente do Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, e do presidente do Brasil, Lula, cumprimenta a ministra Matilde Ribeiro, durante visita à Ilha de Gorée (2005-04-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Yet, what followed in the next years was a true marvel of public administration of Culture and Arts. Gilberto Gil is a Bahia native from Salvador— a city out of the Rio-São Paulo circuit—raised in Ituaçu, in the caatinga scrub, Bahia state.
Paisagem de Ituaçu, cidade onde Gilberto Gil passou a infânciaInstituto Gilberto Gil
At his inauguration address, Gil mentioned the concept of deep Brazil: a country with continental dimensions and a cultural diversity, in need of visibility and respect to its complexity.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante a cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“The election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was the most eloquent manifestation of the Brazilian nation for the need and urge of changing. Not for a superficial or merely tactic change in the chess of our national possibilities…
Gilberto Gil como ministro da Cultura abraça membro do Bloco Afro Ijexá Filhos de Gandhy na posse do presidente Lula (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… but for a strategic and essential change, which dives deep into body and spirit of the country. The minister of Culture understands as so the message sent by the Brazilians, through the popular consecration of the name of a worker man, of the name of a deep Brazilian…”
Gilberto Gil sendo saudado por Eduardo Suplicy e Francisco Weffort ao fundo (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… simple and straightforward, of a Brazilian seen by each one of us as an equal, as a fellow. It is in this horizon that I understand president Lula’s wishes for me to take office in the Ministry of Culture. It is a practical, but also symbolic choice…”
Gilberto Gil sendo aplaudido por João Paulo Cunha e Francisco Weffort no dia de sua posse (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… of a man of the people just like him. Of a man who engaged in a generational dream of changing the country, of a black-mestizo committed to the moving of his people, of an artist born out of the most generous grounds of our popular culture…”
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante a cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… who, with its people, never gave up adventure, fascination and new challenges. Which is precisely why I make a commitment, as one of my main duties, here, of bringing the Ministry back from the far spot it is today, away from the daily life of the Brazilians.”
Gilberto Gil
O então ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, e autoridades brasileiras conversam com integrante do grupo Samba Chula dos Filhos da Pitangueira, durante o lançamento do Programa Nacional do Patrimônio Imaterial (2004-10-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The efforts to give visibility to the cultural and artistic manifestations of the municipalities, forgotten up to that moment, were not spared.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, Juca Ferreira, secretário executivo do Ministério da Cultura, políticos e representantes indígenas durante visita ao projeto de uma nova aldeia para os índios Bororo (2004-04-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In an exclusive interview, in 2020, Juca Ferreira, executive-secretary of the Ministry of Culture in Gil’s term, recalls the objectives guiding the work of the Ministry of Culture [MinC, in the Portuguese acronym]:
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Museu da Maré (2006-05-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“We had an attitude of not standing still in a chair running the Ministry, because we were aware that the broadness, the diversity of Brazilian culture demanded multiple relationships, I would say endless relationships, with such complex universe…”
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, Marquinhos, Giovanna e Rosemary na Mangueira (2004-12-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… and having Gil as a leader, we had a mighty weapon to act, to convince, to cope. As we were very invested in listening, these connections were beneficial to us.”
Gilberto Gil à frente do Ministério da Cultura em Lençóis, na Bahia (2003-11-27)Instituto Gilberto Gil
One of the first trips by the MinC team, in 2003, was to Chapada Diamantina, for the inauguration of the Public Market of Lençóis City, restored by Monumenta, a strategic program of the Ministry of Culture. Juca Ferreira recalls it:
Gilberto Gil à frente do Ministério da Cultura viaja a Lençóis, na Bahia (2003-11-27)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“At Chapada Diamantina, we held a public hearing attended by a large number of people. During Gil’s speech, a woman sat in the back said: ‘I am a representative of the Ministry of Health here in Chapada Diamantina…”
Gilberto Gil à frente do Ministério da Cultura em Lençóis, na Bahia (2003-11-27)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… one of the main goals is to consolidate breastfeed. There is a tradition around of feeding flour to the babies, because they perceive heavier children as heathier children. I am unable to convince people and have a feeling that we, the doctors, do not count on the cultural dimension as a reference…”
Gilberto Gil à frente do Ministério da Cultura viaja a Lençóis, na Bahia (2003-11-27)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… for the building of values, for the changing of behavioral paradigms, and you people could help us.” There, the idea of an intersectionality that could be built was born, i.e., health, culture and land reform together.
Os ministros da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, e da Educação, Fernando Haddad, instalam o Conselho Diretivo do Livro e a Câmara Interministerial de Cultura e Educação (2006-08-30)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil em evento no Centro Cultural Ação e CidadaniaInstituto Gilberto Gil
The discovery of cultural heritage as a source of knowledge and financial profitability have turned several cities into cultural hubs, boosting economy through the fostering of cultural tourism and employment generation.
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e Lia de Itamaracá na cerimônida de condecoração da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2004-11-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil como ministro da Cultura na inauguração da obra de restauro do Pórtico do Cais Mauá em Porto Alegre (2003-06-18)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The Monumenta Program had the support of states and municipalities, so that its interventions would affect, direct and indirectly, economy, education, and local culture, making easier, thus, the cultural, social, and economic inclusion of the population.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil posa com gestoras culturais em aeroporto no Ceará (2005-06-18)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Touring the corners of the Northeast, the minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil and his team, traveled to Juazeiro do Norte, in the cariri micro region, Ceará state, to attend the 1st Encounter of the Cariri Cultures (2005).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e presidente Lula em visita a cidades do Recôncavo Baiano (2006-07-12)Instituto Gilberto Gil
They also joined president Lula in visits to the cities of the Reconcave Region of Bahia, such as Cachoeira and Cruz das Almas, and Lauro de Freitas, in the greater-Salvador, located at the North cost of Bahia state (2006).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante visita ao município Serro, em Minas Gerais (2005-04-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In Minas Gerais, Gilberto Gil performed “Eu só quero um xodó,” composed by Dominguinhos and Anastácia, while visiting the town of Serro, where historical buildings were restored at the once-called Vila do Príncipe city.
Gilberto Gil durante cerimônia de coroação de Rei Congo (2005-08-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The minister has been crowned as King Congo at the Our Lady of the Rosary Church, The honor was granted by the presidents of the 17 fraternities of congada [an African-Brazilian cultural-religious manifestation that recreates the crowning of a king of Congo] from the Divinopólis Kingdom (2005).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e João Donato participam da inauguração da Usina de Artes João Donato, no Acre (2006-04-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In the North, Gilberto Gil inaugurated the Usina de Artes João Donato, in Acre state, a center with the mission of offering technical formation in communication and arts, with facilities to support the educational system and the community, the production of programs, events, and artistic services (2006).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o secretário estadual de Cultura, Edílson Moura, e a governadora do Pará, Ana Júlia Carepa, em visita oficial a Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In the city of Belém, Gil launched the public announcement for the Culture Points and More Culture programs, in partnership with the State Secretary of Culture and the State Government of Pará. At the opportunity, he was welcomed by a delegation and joined a walk in Belém’s historic center, in 2008.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o secretário estadual de Cultura do Pará, Edílson Moura, e artistas de carimbó em Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The walk started at Feira do Açaí, with the performance of a Roda de Carimbó [Amazonian region typical genre of dance and music], went on through the Dom Frei Caetano Brandão Square, or Sé Square, all the way to Castelo Fortress, where he gave a speech officializing an agreement with the State Government.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, a governadora do Pará, Ana Júlia Carepa, o secretário estadual de Cultura, Edílson Moura, e indígena em visita oficial a Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The agreement was designed to fuel more resources into the sector in the region. Along with local politicians, he was welcomed by representatives of the traditional local culture, such as indigenous, quilombolas and carimbó masters.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e artistas de carimbó em Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The executive secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Juca Ferreira, comments on the initiatives: “For the candid nature of these dialogues, a lot of what was integrated into our sensitivity had been built with people of this deep Brazil, to whom Gil would talk…
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em visita oficial a Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“… We used to talk a lot about creating a cartography of the Brazilian culture, that is, to develop in Brazil the thinking of cultural geography, to stimulate the progress of universities. Because, this diverse, broad, complex Brazil has a built historicity…
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e a governadora do Pará, Ana Júlia Carepa, em visita oficial a Belém (2008-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“…This construction had generated specific processes that are a part of the entire Brazil, yet they are, at the same time, singularities.”
Exhibit credits
Text, research and editing: Carla Peixoto
Assembly: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Juca Ferreira, Luis Turiba, Maria de Nazaré Pedroza, Adair Rocha e Sérgio Xavier
General credits
Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Subtitle copyediting: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Laura Zandonadi, and Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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