Audiovisual in the Ministry of Culture under Gilberto Gil

The “anthropological do-in” applied by the “ministartist” in the five core points of Brazilian cinema and audiovisual.

By Instituto Gilberto Gil

Text: Ceci Alves, filmmaker and journalist

The policy for cinema and audiovisual carried out by Gilberto Gil, as minister of Culture, did not focus only in the attribution of fostering the classic and predictable tripod of the industry, which is production-distribution-screening. The “ministartist”, as he used to be called during his term, used the area as test tube of the main concepts to guide his term. Thus, Gil applied a strategic thinking that would grant the Brazilian cinema and audiovisual the well-deserved social relevancy. He pursued economic development for the craft, one that could assure its sustainability and could be taken as an example for the other areas.

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Strategic policy

Two macro-branches have been an agenda for the Brazilian audiovisual: First, to professionalize production, creating an industry and providing continuity to the craft—something that was achieved by the investment on the Brazil Film Agency [ANCINE, in the Portuguese acronym].

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Second, the fostering of the audiovisual’s language and artistic expression, which was the groundwork carried out by the Audiovisual Secretary [SAv, in the Portuguese acronym]. Both branches had converged towards the same spot:

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The decentralization of both the agenda of Culture and its resource allocation, something that Gil had instilled ever since his first work day. Something that was also described on his inauguration speech, which was a sort of manifesto of his term:

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“It is not up to the State to create culture, but, instead, to create universal access conditions to the symbolic goods. It is not up to the State to create culture, but, instead, to provide the needed requirements for the creation and production of cultural goods, be it tangible or intangible goods.”

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

It was the “anthropological do-in” he had pictured in his address and which should activate the “vital points, although momentarily despised or asleep, from the cultural body of the country.”
In the picture, José de Alencar and Lula, then-vice president and president, in an event of audiovisual with Gil, in 2006.

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Still applying the do-in metaphor, Gil chose very representative branches of the cinema and the audiovisual to be activated. He started with the democratization of access, in its two means:

Discurso do ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

First, funding able to make republican the non-intermediated use of public funding through public announcements or laws, being such rules compliant with the geographic dispersion and different formats, so that there would be more audiovisual producers across Brazil, and not only in the Rio-São Paulo area.

Ministro Gilberto Gil acompanha discurso do presidente Lula em cerimônia para criação do Fundo Setorial de Audiovisual (2006-06-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The second mean would be get to a broader audience, both in quantity and diversity, increasing the exhibitor’s base through specific policies to the area.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, presidente Lula e secretário do Audiovisual Orlando Senna na Solenidade de Encaminhamento do Projeto de Lei que criaria o Fundo Setorial no âmbito do Fundo Nacional da Cultura (FNC) (2006-06-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Thus, there were actions such as the investment in the policy of creation and maintenance of festivals: the creation of the defunct Programadora Brasil, to distribute works to the non-commercial circuit, and the More Cine Culture program.

Transference of funds: a controversial decision

However, the starting point for Gilberto Gil was also the most controversial during his time as a minister, the one that caused the loudest noise in all spheres of Brazilian art and culture. By the time he proposed the democratization of the grants for production through public announcements, he was still fine-tuning the tools of his term and trying out strategies. He viewed this one as a way of fostering income distribution, or broadening reach of resources, by shifting the money allocated to cinema out of consecrated producers’ hands towards “poor areas, which have never been contemplated before,” as the ministartist said, in an 2006 interview to CartaCapital magazine.

Ministro Gilberto Gil com membros da classe artística na Fundação Nacional das Artes (Funarte) (Dezembro de 2003)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This activation of dormant points had the same effect as opening a hornet’s nest.
In the picture, the then-minister with members of the arts industry, in 2003.

Decentralization would cause tension and the changes carried out by Gilberto Gil in the grants of the Ministry of Culture were like a dropping a bomb in a market with high levels of income concentration in the hands of a few, who he had called, back then, “culture elite.”

Ministro Gilberto Gil com membros da classe artística durante Prêmio Funarte de Estímulo ao Circo, da Fundação Nacional das Artes (Dezembro de 2003)Instituto Gilberto Gil

That was not meant to be an insult, as Gil also defined himself as part of the “dominant class”, according to his statements at the time. What he wanted, instead, was to have the attention of the established artists for the fact that they were historically privileged, and had to see themselves as such, having a duty of giving up a share of the much they had in order to give opportunity for those that had never been contemplated by public policies, so that it would enable them to have a voice and a turn.

Gilberto Gil no dia da posse do cargo de Ministro da Cultura. (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil

New rules for sponsorship

Thus, at the beginning and not having yet fine-tuned adjustments that, later on, would requalify this policy, Gilberto Gil changed in his term the rules for sponsorship by state-owned companies, spreading the money among more projects and more states.

Gilberto Gil, Lula e Marisa Letícia durante a cerimônia de condecoração da Ordem do Mérito Cultural (2004-11-09)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He took an important step towards ending the “pork barrel” practiced in the previous governments of Fernando Collor de Mello/Itamar Franco and Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

They were both grounded in the neoliberal principle of keeping the minimal state and let to the hands of the market the decisions of which product or producer would be fit to be granted funds, from the revenue and yields standpoints.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

As a result, he was called out on it for directors and producers of the Brazilian cinema. Gil navigated the crisis with the magnificent calmness of those who know what they are doing and, actually, had wanted this exactly outcome: a qualified debate over the core issues of culture.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“When state-owned companies start, in their funding policies, to embrace the formation of new audiences, new talents, first movies, documentaries, games, new ways of audiovisual manifestations…

“… they withdraw some of the resources that were being almost completely fueled into high-grossing movies,” said Gilberto Gil to magazine CartaCapital.

Gilberto Gil sendo aplaudido por João Paulo Cunha e Francisco Weffort no dia de sua posse (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The professionalization of audiovisual

Once some vital points of the Brazilian body were awaken, the minister went on with his crusade. The next branch to be activated would be the professionalization of audiovisual actors, through a friendlier relationship with the market.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil recebeu o abraço do ator Hugo Carvana na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Instead of calling the shots, as it used to be in the neoliberal environment of the previous governments, the market would then be regulated, complying to laws in line with the presence of the State in the fostering to the industry and the own nature of the audiovisual business.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This new way of thinking the role of the State—not as “a money box sourcing funds for a preferential clientele”, as he had said three years earlier, in his inauguration address—had its height with the consolidation of ANCINE.

Created in 2001, under Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s term, ANCINE had become a funding instance in the hands of Gil. From 2006 to 2017, it had covered a myriad of audiovisual projects, from screenplay development to distribution and screening of the product.

Legislation and public policies targeting the audiovisual industry

The third branch to get the anthropological do-in was legislation and public policies for the cinema and audiovisual industry, ensuring continuity to the sectoral policies being created. Thus, the Law N. 1.437 establishes the Contribution for the Development of the National Cinematography Industry [CONDECINE, in the Portuguese acronym]. This tax, already contemplated by the provisional measure N. 2.228-1/2001, the Brazilian equivalent to an executive order, same provision that had established ANCINE, targets the funding of programs and projects centered in the development of audiovisual activity, setting up incentive mechanisms. The bill also establishes and sets regulations for the Sectorial Fund for Audiovisual, a self-sustainable provision for the cinematography and audiovisual category, which manages the funds collected by the market itself. The idea was to have it used, as per the law, “for the financing of programs and projects centered in the development of audiovisual activities.”

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e Juca Ferreira no lançamento do Programa de Apoio ao Cinema Paulista Fiesp/Minc (2006-08-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Juca Ferreira, former executive secretary at Gil’s office, in addition to being former minister of Culture from 2008 to 2011, states that, with the mix of new legislation and establishment of CONDECINE, the ever-present financial issue of the Brazilian cinema had been solved.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante reunião preparatória para o I Fórum Nacional de TVs Públicas (2007-04-10)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The tax, besides being responsible for 80% of the budget of the Sectorial Fund for Audiovisual, had created a convergence environment for the TV channels and the creation of Brazilian content.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante reunião preparatória para o I Fórum Nacional de TVs Públicas (2007-04-10)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This has been a long waited goal of the film industry ever since television had redefined the concept of national unity, in the 1950s.

“That tax added R$ 1.3 billion to the Brazilian cinema, in addition to the budget of the Ministry of Culture, without touching the public treasury. This taxation has been established in other places of the world, in Europe, in the USA, but, in Brazil, we had never succeed in implanting it up until Gil’s term, and since 2016, it is under attack. We were developing a project for ANCINE, with the Sectorial Fund for Audiovisual; one that I would say, most certainly, was the most successful policy of our Ministry.”

Juca Ferreira, in an exclusive interview, in 2020.

Gilberto Gil na abertura da Expomonumenta (2007-04-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Memory and preservation

Another dormant point in the body of Brazilian audiovisual was preservation and memory, which Gilberto Gil even enclosed as part of the heritage policy he forged in his ministry, through the incentive to the listing of intangible goods and programs such as Monumenta Brazil.

Ministro Gilberto Gil, ministro Celso Amorim e presidente Lula em visita à Cinemateca Brasileira (2006-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The lack of attention towards this branch is pictured by the fact that Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was, in 2006, the first-ever Brazilian president to officially visit the Cinemateca Brasileira [Brazilian Cinémathèque, an organization responsible for the preservation of Brazilian audiovisual production], in Rio de Janeiro, since its foundation in 1946.

Gil invited Lula, in the 16th anniversary of the Cinemateca. The then-minister and his Audiovisual secretary, filmmaker Orlando Senna, launched a revitalization program for the space, which shelters the biggest collection of moving images in Latin America.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva durante a celebração do aniversário da Cinemateca Brasileira, em São Paulo (2006-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The novelty in the understanding inaugurated by Gil is a sharp view over the cultural grounds of the past as a requirement to reach future in a more conscientious and identity way.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e o presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva durante a celebração do aniversário da Cinemateca Brasileira, em São Paulo (2006-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

In addition to the investments in the revitalization of Cinemateca, there was also a concern with the restoration, preservation, and afterwards screening of movies dated from the silent cinema, Cinema Novo, and Cinema Marginal, without leaving commercial productions aside.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, o presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, o diretor-executivo da Cinemateca, Carlos Magalhães, ministro das Relações Exteriores Celso Amorim e secretário-executivo do Ministério da Cultura Juca Ferreira, durante a celebração do aniversário da Cinemateca Brasileira, em São Paulo (2006-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Further branches of said policy are the modernization and strengthen of the Audiovisual Technical Centers [CTAVs, in the Portuguese acronym], which would help to regionalize the preservation of cinematographic heritage.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e João Donato na inauguração da Usina de Comunicação e Arte João Donato, em Rio Branco, no Acre (2006-04-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Research and training

The last point to be activated by the public policies implanted by Gilberto Gil was the workforce training, kicking off a boom of film schools all over the country, both vocational and undergrad schools.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, João Donato, Binho Marques e Jorge Viana na inauguração da Usina de Comunicação e Arte João Donato, em Rio Branco, no Acre (2006-04-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

It was part of the guidelines to strengthen the ends of the audiovisual mix, given that fostering, research and technical training are evidences of the market’s health. The market tends to feed itself back and, thus, fulfill the demand created with the upturn in the sector, having more qualified job openings.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, João Donato, Binho Marques e Jorge Viana na inauguração da Usina de Comunicação e Arte João Donato, em Rio Branco, no Acre (2006-04-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Despite fostering as main policy the decentralization of resources and agenda, Gilberto Gil had promoted a decentralization of governance.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu Ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He had delegated to his office members the tasks they were in charge for and made them all work autonomously, yet orchestrated with the concept of his policies and priorities of the ministry.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante a cerimônia de posse da equipe do seu ministério (2003-01-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Further than being a managerial style, this act denotes the generosity and the wisdom so peculiar to human beings, upon which Gilberto Gil had always based his life.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil participa de solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Cinema Novo

For the management of cinema and audiovisual in his office, Gil assembled a strong base, with names such as the Bahia-born journalist and filmmaker Orlando Senna, friends with Gil ever since junior school, at Colégio Marista, in Salvador.

Senna made over 30 movies as director and screenwriter and had a large role in the Cinema Novo movement. He also worked in the implantation of the Foundation of the New Latin American Cinema, in Cuba, seed of the utopic International School of Film and Television [EICTV, in the Spanish acronym], in San António de los Baños, near Havana.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil participa de solenidade de apresentação do Projeto de Lei que cria o Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (2006-07-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil

That became the second better film school of the world, of which he had also been a director.

Orlando remained ahead of the secretary up to 2007, running it in line with the minister and without suffering interferences. He had been the face of the government for audiovisual matters, of which Gil never tried to take credit for, despite having forged with him the specific policy for the area.

Gilberto Gil e Nelson Pereira dos Santos na cerimônia de lançamento dos vídeos da segunda edição do projeto Revelando Os Brasis (2006-10-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Revelando Brasis [Unveiling Brazil]

Under the understanding that “audiovisual is not cinema only,” a quote he professed in the first days of his term, Gilberto Gil reflected such thinking into actions as the implementation of Revelando os Brasis Program.

Gilberto Gil, Nelson Pereira dos Santos e Dira Paes na cerimônia de lançamento dos vídeos da segunda edição do projeto Revelando Os Brasis (2006-10-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The program put a camera in the hands and an idea in the minds of people at the minimum age of 18 years old, with no previous experience, but who had a story to be told in cities up to 20,000 inhabitants.

Gilberto Gil durante discurso na cerimônia de lançamento do projeto DOCTV Íbero-América (2007-08-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

There was also the implementation of DOCTV, created in 2003 and designed to the production of documentaries by independent directors, to be aired in the public channels of the country, which left a legacy, between 2003 and 2006, of 115 documentaries, generating 3.080 hours of tapes.

Gilberto Gil, Lula, Franklin Martins e Orlando Senna durante o Primeiro Fórum de TVs Públicas (2005-05-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Orlando Senna decided to step out of the Secretary to accept the general-direction of newly-created TV Brasil and was replaced with documentarist and cinema researcher Silvio[CF1] Da-Rin, who remained in the chair until 2010.

Gilberto Gil com Manoel Rangel, Aldo Rabelo, entre outros, no lançamento do primeiro volume do Atlas das Representações Literárias de Regiões Brasileiras (2006-12-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The revitalization of ANCINE

The same governance model was applied under Manoel Rangel’s term as director-president of ANCINE. Filmmaker and with broad experience in the making of policies for audiovisual, as a member of the civil society, who, with Gil, actively engaged the mobilization to make ANCINE a protagonist.

He took over in 2006 and, when stepping out, in 2016, there were 113 cable channels screening Brazilian content, thanks to the regulatory framework, one of the agency’s policy, a broadcast close to 7 hours a week—higher than the law requirement of 3,5 hours.

Gilberto Gil com Márcio Meira, Manoel Rangel, Aldo Rabelo, entre outros, no lançamento do primeiro volume do Atlas das Representações Literárias de Regiões Brasileiras (2006-12-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Around 7,000 new production companies were created, thanks to the turn up in the audiovisual industry, fostered by ANCINE.

In 2002, there were 1,635 movie theaters in Brazil. In 2005, this figure tripled, reaching 3.120 theaters. When Rangel left ANCINE, there was a mark of over 24 million Brazilian movies tickets sold, and a market share of 15%.

The legacy of Gilberto Gil’s policies for the audiovisual and cinema sector had its impacts felt for years, even after the termination of many of his proposals. The industry, demonstrably, presented the biggest growth in Brazil since 2007. According to industry associations and ANCINE’s data, there was a yearly growth curve of 8.8% between 2007 and 2013, making, up to 2016, the cinema and audiovisual contribution to cultural GDP amounts to a half of it.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, Juca Ferreira e outros no lançamento do Programa de Apoio ao Cinema Paulista Fiesp/Minc (2006-08-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The sector is a flagship of national development—for every R$ 1 invested into it, there is a return of R$ 2.60 in taxes. The industry have grown at a rate of 7% yearly from 2013 to 2020. A growth of economical proportions compared to the growth of Chinese economy.

O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil, Edgar Telles Ribeiro, então chefe do Departamento de Cultura do Itamaraty, João Henrique Barradas Carneiro, então prefeito de Salvador, Paulo Ganem Souto, então governador da Bahia, Rubens Ricupero, então embaixador e diretor da Faculdade de Economia e Relações Internacionais da Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP), no Fórum Internacional das Indústrias Criativas (2005-04-18)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The positive effect of the industry in national economy also is perceived in its power of creating direct and indirect jobs.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na abertura do II Seminário Nacional das Políticas Públicas para as Culturas Populares e do I Encontro Sul-Americano das Culturas Populares (ESACP) (2006-09-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The research The Economic Impact of Brazil’s Audiovisual Industry, launched in 2017 by Motion Pictures Association – Latin America, had indicated that industry employed, direct and indirectly, over 495,000 people in the country.

Cultural and financial heritage

It is not an overstatement to say that Brazilian cinema and audiovisual have largely fueled the economic growth of Brazil, without losing its breath not even when faced with crisis. One of the most structured economic activities in the creative industry, it corresponded, until 2018, to transactions figures higher than 20 billion per year, representing, thus, 1.67% of the national GDP. Gilberto Gil was right when, during his inaugural address, mentioned the centrality of culture as a solution for the country’s inequalities:

“By investing in the conditions for creation and production, we will be taking an action of unpredictable, but certainly brilliant and deep consequences, given that the Brazilian popular creativity, from the colonial-era up to the present moment, has always been way beyond of what the educational, social and economic conditions of our existence have permitted.” 

Gilberto Gil, inauguration address at Ministry of Culture.

Credits: Story

Exhibit credits

Text and research: Ceci Alves
Editing: Carla Peixoto
Assembly: Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Copyediting: Laura Zandonadi
Acknowledgments: Juca Ferreira, Orlando Senna, Manoel Rangel, Luis Turiba, Maria de Nazaré Pedroza, Adair Rocha e Sérgio Xavier 

General credits

Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Subtitle copyediting: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Laura Zandonadi, and Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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