By Instituto Gilberto Gil
Text: Carla Peixoto, journalist and researcher
Gilberto Gil pelas ruas de Paris durante exílio (1970)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Tanta saudade preservada num velho baú de prata dentro de mim / So much feeling kept in a silver chest inside of me
Digo num baú de prata porque prata é a luz do luar / I call it a silver chest because silver is the moonlight
Do luar que tanta falta me fazia junto do mar / The moonlight I missed as much as I missed the sea
“Back in Bahia”
Gilberto Gil
O então ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil com Suzana Beiro, então coordenadora do Instituto Brasileiro de Administração para o Desenvolvimento (Ibrad), Luiz Fernando de Almeida, então presidente do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan), Ubiratan Castro de Araújo, então presidente da Fundação Cultural Palmares, Sérgio Mamberti, então secretário da Diversidade e Identidade Cultural do MinC, e Mestre Salustiano (12/11/1945 - 31/08/2008), artista e fundador da Casa da Rabeca do Brasil, e José Samuel Magalhães, então gerente de Comunicação Institucional da Petrobras em Brasília, na abertura do II Seminário Nacional das Políticas Públicas para as Culturas Populares e do I Encontro Sul-Americano das Culturas Populares (ESACP) (2006-09-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“When we talk about heritage, we are discussing what is common to me and you. What bonds us as a society.”
Luis Fernando de Almeida, president of the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute from 2006 to 2012.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de tombamento da Cidade de Marechal Deodoro, em Alagoas (2006-08-17)Instituto Gilberto Gil
With this quote, Luiz Fernando de Almeida explains the importance of discussing the preservation of historical and cultural heritage in Brazil and the relationship between heritage and the identity of a people.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura obras de restauração do Conjunto do Carmo, em Cachoeira, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
During Gilberto Gil’s term at the Ministry of Culture (2003–2008), public policies on the preservation of cultural heritage have showed a broadening in their universe of action, facing new challenges.
Gilberto Gil na abertura da Expomonumenta (2007-04-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The movement, a result of the thematic and geographical broadening in the concept of cultural heritage, brought light to dimensions which were, up to that point, excluded from the dominating vision of culture for the country.
Gilberto Gil em evento de indicação do frevo como Patrimônio Imaterial do Brasil (2006-02-20)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Result of improvements in the management, which impose a growing need for society to participate in public policies. Shared management of the cultural heritage had involved different levels and areas of the government and society, in a single program.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura obras de restauração do Conjunto do Carmo, em Cachoeira, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Monumenta Program
In order to increase the preservation of heritage the Ministry created Monumenta, a strategic program for the Ministry of Culture. Its innovative concept combines recovery and preservation of the historical heritage with socioeconomic development.
Gilberto Gil, então à frente do Ministério da Cultura, em Minas Gerais para posse do novo presidente do Iphan (2006-02-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Running in historical cities listed by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute, the program’s proposal was working in an integrated way in each one of those sites, promoting restoration and recovery works of listed works and buildings.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante visita ao município Serro, em Minas Gerais (2005-04-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In addition to activities of qualification of workforce in restoration, formation of local cultural and touristic agents, promotion of economic activities and educative programs.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil participa da cerimônia de entrega das obras do Projeto de Modernização e Restauração do Museu Histórico Nacional (2006-05-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Monumenta, which was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank [IDB, in the English acronym] and had the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO, in the English acronym] support, had as its goal assuring sustainability conditions for the heritage.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil observa obras de restauração da Capela do Sobrado da Antiga Ouvidoria em São Cristóvão, Sergipe (2006-08-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The revenue generation for the balancing of the activities developed for maintenance and conservation of historical buildings was the project’s goal.
Grupo de samba de roda se apresenta em solenidade presidida pelo ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil para inauguração do projeto de restauração do Solar Araújo Pinho (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
During Gilberto Gil’s term, the Monumenta Program yielded results that have contributed for the fulfillment of the government manifesto, boosting cities’ economies by employment and income generation and by the training of qualified workforce.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura as obras de restauro da Praça da Bandeira e do Sobrado da Ouvidoria, em São Cristóvão, Sergipe (2006-08-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
One of its goals was to allow historical and artistic heritage under federal protection to have their features restored, reducing dependency on federal funding for their conservation.
Gilberto Gil, então à frente do Ministério da Cultura, em Minas Gerais para posse do novo presidente do Iphan (2006-02-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Cities of Monumenta
Cities selected for the Monumenta Program were chosen in accordance to their historical and artistic representativeness, and their urgent needs of recovery works were taken into account.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil durante visita ao município Serro, em Minas Gerais (2005-04-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Alcântara (MA), Belém (PA), Cachoeira (BA), Congonhas (MG), Corumbá (MS), Diamantina (MG), Goiás (GO), Icó (CE), Laranjeiras (SE), Lençóis (BA), Manaus (AM), Mariana (MG), Natividade (TO), Oeiras (PI), Olinda (PE), Ouro Preto (MG), Pelotas (RS), Penedo (AL)...
Gilberto Gil, então à frente do Ministério da Cultura, em Minas Gerais para posse do novo presidente do Iphan (2006-02-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA), São Cristóvão (SE), São Francisco do Sul (SC), São Paulo (SP), Serro (MG).
Gilberto Gil discursa na inauguração da Política Nacional dos Museus. (2003-05-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Among the selected collection, there were hundreds of landmarks such as museums, churches, fortresses, colonial-era town halls, small palaces, sculpture art, convents, forts, streets, public areas, public spaces, and private buildings, in all areas listed by the federal government.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em visita às obras de restauração do Casarão dos Rollemberg, Sobrado vizinho, o Casarão do Oitão da Praça da República e a Oficina Escola em Laranjeiras, Sergipe (2006-08-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil had visited the restoration works of the Casarão dos Rollemberg, Sobrado, Casarão do Oitão da Praça da República, Oficina Escola and Matriz Sagrado Coração de Jesus Church, in Laranjeiras, Sergipe state (2006).
Gilberto Gil visita obra no Museu Histórico Nacional do Rio de JaneiroInstituto Gilberto Gil
Throughout his travels across Brazil, minister Gilberto Gil had revisited a large backland of memories and their paths. In Sergipe state, he inaugurated restoration works of the Bandeira Square and the Sobrado da Ouvidoria, in São Cristovão city.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na cerimônia de tombamento da Cidade de Marechal Deodoro, em Alagoas (2006-08-17)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In Alagoas, he had attended the listing ceremony as Urban and Architectural Heritage in the City of Marechal Deodoro (2006).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na abertura do II Fórum Nacional de Museus, em Ouro Preto (2006-08-22)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In the historical cities of Minas Gerais, he had inaugurated the restoration works of the Inconfidência Museum and attended the opening of the 2nd National Museum Forum, in Ouro Preto, in addition to the inauguration of the revitalization of Tancredo Neves square, in Mariana (2006).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em solenidade de apresentação do projeto de restauração do Solar Araújo Pinho (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In the Reconcave Region of Bahia, he went up to Santo Amaro da Purificação—birthland of Caetano Veloso and Maria Bethânia, where Dona Canô, mother of the Brazilian popular music icons, lived—and took part in the solemnity of presentation of the project for the restoration of the Solar Araújo Pinho.
Janela com vista para a Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos PretosInstituto Gilberto Gil
Also known as Solar Subaé, the building was assigned to the implementation of the Samba de Roda Reference Center (2006). At Cachoeira, also in Bahia, he had inaugurated the restauration works of the Our Lady of Our Sacred Heart of Monte Formoso (Rosary of the Black Men Church).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura obras de restauração da Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Sagrado Coração do Monte Formoso (Igreja do Rosário dos Pretos) e cemitério, em Cachoeira, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Along with the Carmo Complex, comprehending the Carmo Convent, the First Carmelite Order and the Church of the Third Order of Mount Carmel (2006). During the same tour, he attended the reinauguration of the Alexandre Alves Peixoto City Market, in Maragogipe, Bahia.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura obras de restauração do Conjunto do Carmo, em Cachoeira, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gil also signed a memorandum of understanding for the building of a regional branch of the Museu Nacional do Mar [National Marine Museum], in Maragogipe, Bahia, aiming at identifying, protecting and valuating the Brazilian naval heritage.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e Juca Ferreira em passeio de barco pelo litoral da Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
The aim was to identify, protect, and value the Brazilian naval heritage by installing museological units in cities which have, in their cultural context, an outstanding relationship with the aquatic environment, with artisanal fishing and traditional Brazilian boats.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil participa da reinauguração do Mercado Municipal Alexandre Alves Peixoto, em Maragojipe, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil assina Protocolo de Intenções para a construção da Unidade Regional do Museu Nacional do Mar, em Maragojipe, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil assina Protocolo de Intenções para a construção da Unidade Regional do Museu Nacional do Mar, em Maragojipe, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil em passeio de barco pelo litoral da Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil discursa no lançamento da Política Nacional de Museus, ao lado de Márcio Meira, entre outros (2003-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Brazilian museums are quite alive
In 2003, then-minister of Culture Gilberto Gil attended the launching event of the Política Nacional de Museus [National Museum Policy]. Ahead of the office, the musician had implemented a project for the integration of Brazilian museums.
O então ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, no evento que lançou a Política Nacional de Museus (2003-05-16)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In a signed article, as introduction to the booklet “Política Nacional de Museus”, organized by the Ministry of Culture (2007), the minister Gilberto Gil emphasized: “Brazilian museums are quite alive.”
Livro de assinaturas do lançamento da Política Nacional de Museus (2003-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
In the booklet, the ministry highlights that the revitalization of Brazilian museums and historical heritage is one of the Ministry of Culture’s [MinC, in the Portuguese acronym] top priorities.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil discursa no lançamento da Política Nacional de Museus (2003-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil
“After years of progressive decrease in the federal investments in the sector, we have increased from R$ 23 million (2003) up to R$ 37 million (2006) the amount allocated directly to museums. In addition to that, investments through the Cultural Fiscal Incentive Law have grown from R$ 21.5 million in 2003 to R$ 82 million in 2006.
The main goals for these series of investments is the preservation of collections and listed buildings, the technological and managerial modernization of museums, the stimulus to the population’s use of the collections and spaces, and the creation of new institutions. With this boost, we can say that museums are once more alive and open to the life that happens outside them,” wrote Gilberto Gil.
Gilberto Gil no Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro como ministro da Cultura (2004-02-02)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Among the museums that were restored and inaugurated under his term, Gilberto Gil visited the PUC-Minas Museum of Natural Sciences (2003) and the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (2004).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil assina contrato com o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) para a construção do Museu do Rio São Francisco em Penedo, Alagoas. (2006-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
He signed off a contract with the Brazilian Development Bank [BNDES, in the Portuguese acronym] for the building of the São Francisco River Museum, in Penedo, Alagoas state (2006), and attended the inauguration of the new department of conservation of the National Museum of Fine Arts, at Rio de Janeiro (2006).
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura nova reserva técnica do Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (2006-05-06)Instituto Gilberto Gil
At the National Museum of Fine Arts, the renovation increased the area from 11,840 to 18,686 square feet and featured a new climate, humidity, and temperature control system.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil na inauguração do Museu da Maré (2006-05-08)Instituto Gilberto Gil
He attended the inauguration of the Museu da Maré [Maré Favela Museum]—the first museum located in a favela in Brazil (2006). During this inauguration, Gil performed the song “Parabolicamará” at the end of his speech.
Tap to explore
The minister also inaugurated the project for the modernization and recovery of the National Historical Museum, in Rio de Janeiro, in 2006.
Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil participa da cerimônia de entrega das obras do Projeto de Modernização e Restauração do Museu Histórico Nacional (2006-05-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil
Swinging back and forth between present and past, Gilberto Gil reflects: “I think of an old silver chest, I think of a bindle, I think of a travel project carrying bag and baggage, I think of the ark of the Convenant and I get to the reliquaries, to the barrel organs and their willing of reinventing reality.”
“Crossing this outland of memories and its paths, I get to the large museums in the capitals and also the small ones in the inland. There are museums of several types, all equally meaningful. The important thing is to keep them alive, pulsating, consecrating the tradition and invention game, which dialectically marks the building of Brazilian culture.”
Gilberto Gil, in Política Nacional de Museus [National Museum Policy], MinC, 2007.
Exhibit credits
Text, research and editing: Carla Peixoto
Assembly: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Juca Ferreira, Luiz Fernando de Almeida, Luis Turiba, Maria de Nazaré Pedroza, Adair Rocha e Sérgio Xavier
General credits
Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil
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