The City Gnomes of Wrocław

Discover some of 600 gnomes dispersed through the city

Papa Dwarf by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

The Gnomes

Wrocław’s gnomes are small figurines (20-30 cm) that first appeared in the streets in 2005. Since then, their numbers have been continually growing, and today they are considered a key tourist attraction and also a nice curiosity of the city.

Gnome with a Mobile Phone: close-up by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

Over time, figures of the gnomes, which are now smaller than the first one that originated the movement, were placed in different parts of the city. See? Some of them are not much bigger than your shoes!

Wrocław City Gnome (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

The first five, designed by Tomasz Moczek, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, were placed in August 2005. Check out some of the gnomes - each of them has it's own story and role.

Papa Dwarf by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The First Gnome

In 2001, to commemorate the Orange Alternative (Polish anti-communist movement), a monument of a gnome (the movement’s symbol) was officially placed on Świdnicka Street, where the group's gatherings used to take place.

Orange Alternative Monument (Papa Dwarf, Dwarf Major) by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Papa Dwarf

Now, no longer involved in politics and happily retired, Papa Dwarf silently oversees the passers by on Świdnicka Street. A subtle ironic smile and a fiery expression in his eyes hints at his more active and turbulent past.

Traveler Gnome at the Bus Station: close-up by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Traveler Gnome

One of the traveler gnomes welcomes the tourist who arrived at the bus station. Happy to see new faces in the city, the gnome welcomes the newcomers with open hands. A bus full of smiling dwarf faces accompanies him.

Gnome with a Padlock: close-up by Michał Siarek and Chop-Chop (Rachciach) (Whambam)City Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Gnome With a Padlock

You will meet him at the Lover's Bridge, leading to one of the Wrocław islands. Did you know that the city has 101 bridges and 33 footbridges? No wonder, after all, the city lies at the confluence of as many as 5 rivers! That is why Wrocław is often called "Polish Venice".

The Wroclovek Dwarf by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 WrocLovek Gnome

There are rumors that it was the gnome called WrocLovek who encouraged his little compatriots to reveal themselves to the inhabitants of Wrocław and to all other visitors to the city.

WrocLovek by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

WrocLovek gnome can be found under the most famous tenement house in the city - Hansel and Gretel one. It is, after all, the entrance gate to the City of Gnomes.

Collector by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Coffee-maker Gnome

He's crouched on the corner by Cafeterie Chic, sipping his coffee. Sometimes gnomes have been placed on the city map by restaurants and cafes to make them easier to find.  Some tourists chose to move around Wroclaw following the footsteps of gnomes.

The "Sisyphus" Gnomes: close-up by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The "Sisyphus" Gnomes

Over time, these two hardworking gnomes grew into one of the symbols of the city. Although not very bright, they easily won the hearts of people.

The Pigeon Gnome by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Pigeon Gnome

This gnome flew to Wrocław on a pigeon - he chose one of the windowsills of the Town Hall to rest and enjoy the view of The Pigeon Square. He is also next to the famous local restaurant called Spiz.

Bitty and Admirer by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Toszka and Adoratorek Gnomes

She - a charming dwarf in a fashionable cap, raised glasses and with a camera in her hands. He - a dwarf with shortened dimensions. Glasses on the nose, a tasteful jacket and a bouquet of flowers in her hands. This dreamy look in their eyes - can a couple get any cuter?

Tekla & Martynka, the Gnomes of the Witches Bridge by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Witches Bridge Gnome: Tekla and Martynka

Where did this name come from? in the days of witch hunting, crossing the narrow bridge was a test of sorts. When a person suspected of black magic managed to pass from one end of the inserts to the other, it was an sign that she was a witch! Look at the witch telling her story!

Great Dwarf Orchestra by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Dwarven Orchestra

This is really a proper symphony orchestra! There is a conductor and a trained eye will also notice wind instruments, strings and orchestral cymbals. They make concerts in front of The National Forum of Music.

Franky Boozehound by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Drunk "Franek" Gnome

Returning to his studio in the morning, he holds a goblet in one hand and a flask of wine in the other. Cheerful, bold and slightly balancing. A cap with the inscription "Franek" with a cut pulled over his forehead. Full of life and joy, raising a toast to the rising Sun.

Artistic gnome: close-up by Michał SiarekCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Dwarven Artist

Wroclaw is a city of art so right now there are a few gnomes with artist's attributes.

Wrocław City Gnome (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

This one is holding many artist attributes: a painting palette, a theatre masque, and a drum.

Wrocław City Gnome (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 The Spender

A pretty regular guest of the dwarven branch of the BZ WBK Bank. He is standing in front of an ATM on the market square. It's quite a noise location, so a lot of people pass him by.

Withdrawler (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

The Payer, also called the ATM Dwarf or the Spendner. In Polish usually called by the endearing name "Rozrzutnik" His role? He protects the dwarven branch of the bank against possible robberies and thefts. Nothing will escape his attention.

Dwarves on the canoe: a close-up by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Dwarven Rowers

Wrocław University of Science and Technology is very proud of its rowing crew. The eight figures of rower dwarfs is an expression of this.

Dwarves on the canoe: a close-up by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

The two rectors and the Olympic vice-champion Paweł Rańda jointly unveiled the tiny figurines of dwarf rowers. They are located close to Politechnika Wrocławska.

Wrocław City Gnome (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

The eight figures sail in a canoe, and the helmsman is a woman. When unveiled to the public, the figurines aroused general admiration. The canoe with the eight rowers is located close to the river and became a natural part of the cityscape, with people relaxing next by.

Wrocław City Gnome (2023) by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

🗿 Entrepreneur Gnome

A busy entrepreneur, leaving the Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce. He is holding a briefcase and mobile phone in his hands and is captured in a dynamic pose, walking somewhere at a quick pace. Hurry up!

Sweet Gnome with a Lilipop: close-up by Agata WieczorowskaCity Museum of Wrocław

🍭 The Confectioner Gnome

The gnome with a sweet tooth is standing on Plac Solny in front of one of cake shops. He has just left the patisserie and is holding cookies and lollipops. He is a great example of the "new wave" of dwarves: right now you can design, order and set up any dwarf that you like.

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