Can You Find Vermeer's Milkmaid at the Rijksmusem?

Scour the halls of the famous Amsterdam museum to find the iconic Dutch painting

By Google Arts & Culture

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Today we're at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Opened in 1885, this museum of art and history is located at the Museum Square, close to the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Today, we're looking for one of the most iconic Dutch paintings ever...

The Milkmaid (ca. 1660) by Vermeer, JohannesRijksmuseum

...Vermeer's The Milkmaid. Take a good look before we enter the museum to hunt.

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Can you spot it? That alcove on the left looks interesting. Take a look, then scroll on if you need some help...

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Well done if you've found it already! If not, we're a little closer, now...

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Here it is! A small but mighty painting. Scroll on to learn more.

The Milkmaid (ca. 1660) by Vermeer, JohannesRijksmuseum

Johannes Vermeer, 'The Milkmaid' (c.1658)

This dignified portrait of a maid is simultaneously one of Vermeer's most tender and powerful pictures.

The Night Watch (1642) by Rijn, Rembrandt vanRijksmuseum

Want to spy more Rijksmusem secrets? Take the full scavenger hunt here.

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