William Blake: 7 works

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The Book of Thel (frontispiece) (1789) de William Blake (English, b.1757, d.1827)Cincinnati Art Museum

'During the early part of his career, William Blake experimented with a number of techniques until he found a form of expression uniquely his own. The breakthrough came when he worked on one of his brother Robert's designs after his death in 1787.'

Satan Exulting over Eve (1795) de William BlakeEl J. Paul Getty Museum

'Blake's images reflected his own very personal visions, which he insisted were "not a cloudy vapour or a nothing; they are organized and minutely articulated beyond all that the mortal and perishing nature can produce."'

When the Morning Stars Sang Together (1804/1807) de William BlakeThe Morgan Library & Museum

'The series of twenty-one watercolor illustrations for the Book of Job are one of Blake's supreme achievements.'

The Ghost of a Flea (Around 1819) de William BlakeTate Britain

'Artist and astrologer John Varley encouraged Blake to sketch portraits of the figures who populated his visions, called 'visionary heads'.'

Dante running from the three beasts ((1824-1827)) de William BlakeNational Gallery of Victoria

'Blake's personal theology led him not only to illustrate but to comment upon, and even criticize, Dante's Catholic interpretation of salvation, stating that 'Dante saw Devils where I see none -- I see only good'.'

The schismatics and sowers of discord: Mahomet ((1824-1827)) de William BlakeNational Gallery of Victoria

'William Blake's illustrations to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy have been described as the 'glorious culmination' of his art.'

Antaeus setting down Dante and Virgil in the Last Circle of Hell ((1824-1827)) de William BlakeNational Gallery of Victoria

'Commissioned by his last patron, John Linnell, Blake produced 102 drawings illustrating the Divine Comedy between 1824 and his death in 1827.'

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