Centennial Hall on the UNESCO List

Ceremonial unveiling of the memorial plaque. (2007)Centennial Hall

A culmination of our admiration expressed for the Centennial Hall so far, must be a unique laurel. Apparently, the UNESCO Committee thought the same way, inscribing Max Berg’s unique work in 2006 on the World Heritage List. 

Ceremonial unveiling of the memorial plaque. (2007)Centennial Hall

The construction of the Centennial Hall, which was carried out at an exceptionally fast pace, was a special technological undertaking, an example of the highest engineering and craft proficiency. 

Ceremonial unveiling of the commemorative plaque. (2007)Centennial Hall

The bold construction and organizational solutions applied have become a model for other such projects. Just like the design by Max Berg itself.  

UNESCO logo (2007)Centennial Hall

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