The Pottery And Stone Figurine of Sichuan Han Dynasty

——These figures show the plentiful life contents and the expressions shows an optimistic attitude towards life of the Sichuan people in the Han dynasty.

Pottery Storyteller Figurine (25/220)Sichuan Museum

The storyteller with a cone-shaped hair bun, half-closed eyes, a skew mouth with the tougue sticking out, shrugging shoulders, and a circle ornament on the left arm is drumming with a small drum in the left hand and a drum stick in the right hand. The upper part of his body is naked with breasts sagging to the waist. He has a plump abdomen and butt. The baggy trousers have already dropped below his butt and seem to be dropping. He is also barefoot. Ancient people combined objective realism with bold exaggerations in perfect shape of this vivid storyteller. This figurine might be regarded as the father as low comedy of China.

Pottery Dancing Figurine of Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

Put a scarf on forehead and wrap it in a high bun. Wear a wide sleeve robe with a crossband and a waist. And open the sleeve with left hand, the right hand carry the skirt. The right foot wants to move forward.

Pottery Clarinetist Figurine of Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

This tomb figure wearing a cap and dressing a robe. Sit up with holding the bamboo flute and playing it with smiling.

Pottery Shooting Figurine (25/220)Sichuan Museum

It's a red pottery, squatting and making a draw bow shape. The left hand drawing the bow.

Pottery Figurine With A Mirror (25/220)Sichuan Museum

It's a yellow pottery, sitting. The head and body are indicidually carved and cast. It has two flowers on the head and with smile. The left hand houlds a round mirror in the chest, and put the right hand on his right knee. The forefinger and middle finger were adorned with a plaited, long-sleeved robe with clear ornamentation and vermilion.

Pottery Figurine with Holding Sickle (25/220)Sichuan Museum

His hands holding the curved sickle to the chest, and the sickle rests on the right shoulder, wearing a long dress and the sleeves slightly short.

Pottery Figurine With A KettleSichuan Museum

It was made of clay, model. Standing and moving with a towel over its head, wearing a blouse with a round collar, a high roll of cap and a pot in each hand.

Pottery Figurine of A Cook (25/220)Sichuan Museum

Both knees close to the floor, and wearing a high cap, dressing a short robe with a round collar and long sleeves. Before the body, there is a predator, left hand press food and right hand hould a knife desire to cut.

Pottery Figurine with an Instrument of Labor (25/220)Sichuan Museum

Head the flat-topped Ze, wearing a short robe, and the sleeves tighten. The right hand holds the long handle, the left hand carries the fork. There is a short knife at the waist and wearing a pair of straw shoes.

Qin-Playing Stone Figurine (25/220)Sichuan Museum

The stone figurines wears a square crown, sitting cross-legged, slap a zither above the knees and play it with smile. The bright eyes look up slightly, the mouth slightly open and the good things are humming with the music. Touch the string with left hand and pluck it with right hand. The whole sarcophagus gives a self-satisfied look.

Stone Figurine with an Instrument of Labor (25/220)Sichuan Museum

Dinas material. The stone figures wear a round hat, and the cap tightened on the head. He wearing a knee-length jacket, the sleeves mouth is roll over. And two hands holding a plow in the chest stand.

Pottery Stove of Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

This is a mud pottery, a stove model and the shape is rectangle. There is one door on each of the end. Above one end is a cylindrical chimney with a hole of each size.

Stone Table of Eastern Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

Stone material. Square,the base has four rectangular feet. There are 8 bowls on the stone case, four on each side and 3 plates in the middle as a brightener.

Pottery Tortoise Toad Lamp Holder (25/220)Sichuan Museum

The lamp holder is divided into upper and lower parts and the upper part is toad. The toad is flanked by a fish. There is a hole in the center of each of the turtles and toads. And lamp panel annex 4 small.

Pottery Field of Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

On both sides of the paddy field, there are two on one side and there is a Weir Jing that has fash and spiral lions in the middle.

Pottery Building of Han Dynasty (25/220)Sichuan Museum

It's a double suspended mountain top, bracket columns and there is a ladder to the right of the building. Below the stairs are barred windows, door - structured cabins.

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