Rum On The River

The planting and cultivation of sugar cane in Queensland was paramount to a booming industry: the production of rum.

Detailed plan of the SS Walrus (1869-01-01/1869-12-31) by Colonial Secretary's OfficeQueensland State Archives

The Walrus had been an unassuming sailing ship purchased by James Stewart in 1869 with plans to convert it into a steamship, and much more.    

Letter to the Premier of Queensland from J. Campbell and John Falconer regarding the SS Walrus shipQueensland State Archives

Young entrepreneurs J. Campbell Moffat and John Falconer wrote to the Colonial Secretary on behalf of the Pioneer Floating Sugar Mill to ask for a protection for two years to produce mill sugar and make rum. The protection was granted and the SS Walrus became a floating distillery.

SS Walrus and crew on the Albert River (1840-01-01/1870-12-31) by Premier and Chief Secretary's DepartmentQueensland State Archives

From 1870 to 1871 the SS Walrus produced approximately 53,000 litres of rum. In comparison to other stationary distilleries at the time, this amount was huge.

Row boat on a section of the Albert River (1890-01-01/1930-12-31) by Premier and Chief Secretary's DepartmentQueensland State Archives

 It cruised up and down the Logan and Albert rivers, servicing the local plantations in the area, turning sugar into copious amounts of rum. 

Unfortunately, the SS Walrus came under the attention of local authorities. The Chief Inspector of Distilleries reported on the floating mill after visiting the area and agreed that even though it was servicing a need, the vessel was not fit for purpose. Considering this, the Chief Inspector did not renew the licence in 1872, instead recommending that a stationary distillery be established.

Civil court case No. 34 regarding the salvage of the SS Walrus (1875-01-01/1876-12-31) by Supreme Court, Southern District, BrisbaneQueensland State Archives

Was this the end of SS Walrus? In early 1876, after being abandoned and expected to break up at sea, the ship was rescued and salvaged by Samuel Crawford. 

The civil court case into the salvage of the SS Walrus (1875-01-02/1876-12-31) by Supreme Court, Southern District, BrisbaneQueensland State Archives

The matter ended up in civil court, as the owner needed to pay for the salvage cost (not paying usually meant that the salvager got to keep the vessel). 

Civil court case into the salvage of the SS Walrus and that the owner James Hogan will pay the bond (1875-01-03/1876-12-31) by Supreme Court, Southern District, BrisbaneQueensland State Archives

Crawford must have seen the value in the Walrus at the time. The owner, Joseph Hogan, eventually came forward, paid the cost and recovered his ship.    

After this, it is assumed that rum production recommenced, this time illegally. 

SS Walrus and crew on the Albert River (1840-01-01/1870-12-31) by Premier and Chief Secretary's DepartmentQueensland State Archives

In 1883, the SS Walrus was found beached on the banks of the Albert River. What happened to the vessel remains a mystery, but it is believed that Francis Gooding then purchased the still from the SS Walrus.    

Mr Gooding would eventually obtain a licence in 1884 for the Beenleigh Rum Distillery, which is a functioning distillery to this day. 

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