Leonardo lives (2019/2019) by Mª Dolores BerredaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors was born on 15th April, the day on which the whole world celebrates World Art Day, a date chosen in honour of the birthday of the great artist, architect, engineer and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, and chosen as a world symbol of art, peace, freedom of expression, tolerance, brotherhood and multiculturalism.
In 2019, the V Centenary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci will be commemorated and, as it has already happened with other important dates, the AEPE joined this world of events by organising an exhibition entitled "Leonardo LIVES. Tribute to Leonardo da Vinci", which will be held in the "José Luis Sampedro" Exhibition Hall, of the Galileo Cultural Centre, during the month of November 2019.
Award-winning artwork
Leonardo's Dream (2019/2019) by Ana MuñozAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Ana Muñoz
Leonardo's dream
Homo Volatilis (2019/2019) by Ángel Arribas GómezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Ángel Arribas Gómez
Homo volatilis
Renaissance (2019/2019) by Pedro AínaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Honorable Mention
Pedro Anía
The three snails (2019/2019) by Maryla DabronwskiAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Honorable Mention
Maryla Dabronwski
The three snails
Leonardo (2019/2019) by Aracely Fernández AndrésAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Honorable Mention
Aracely Fernández Andrés
The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors wants to thank the collaboration of the Madrid City Council, and the “José Luis Sampedro” Exhibition Hall, of the Galileo Cultural Center.
Special mention should be made of the General Secretary of the AEPE, Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez, for her effort, enthusiasm and invaluable work to make this event possible.
Likewise, we want to express our gratitude to the members of the Jury, to all the participating, selected and awarded artists.
Exhibition poster design:
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez
Itziar Zabalza Murillo
Javier Diaz Jerez
Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Web: www.apintoresyescultores.es/en
Telephone: 915 22 49 61
Email: administracion@apintoresyescultores.es
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