Watery Paths by Jackson Pollock


Watery Paths (Sentieri ondulati) (1947) by Jackson PollockLa Galleria Nazionale

Jackson Pollock’s large canvases are the recording of his creative gesture in space. Watery Paths, like his other paintings, is a dripping, made by dripping the color from above.

On the surface one can see swirls and tangles of color that wrap around themselves. 

In some cases they form spots and streaks, while with others the drippings widen to form larger areas of color. 

The overlap of the different tones creates a partially gray colored background. 

The fundamental element, important to Pollock, is the marks of color as record of his gestural motion in the air. 

Across all works by Pollock, including Watery Paths, exists the trace of his creative actions. 

The painting is a gift from the Peggy Guggenheim and the long correspondance between Peggy and the museum which tells the story of this donation is available in the archives of the Galleria Nazionale.

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