A Spiritualized Gil: the Transcendence with Macrobiotics and Eubiose

The spiritualization of Gilberto Gil as his edge is what helps him go deeper in the human understanding and to profess his pacifism.

By Instituto Gilberto Gil

Text: Ceci Alves, filmmaker and journalist

Gilberto Gil com sua esposa e empresária Flora Gil, Ana Oliveira e equipe técnica no making of das gravações do documentário Disposições Amoráveis, na Índia (Setembro de 2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The search for spiritualization in Gilberto Gil emerges when the cruelty of the surrounding world leads him to search for lightness, to sound out alternatives for decompression and resort to strategies to help him to get him back believing in shiny days.

Gilberto Gil com o cantor e compositor Caetano Veloso em Londres, durante o período do exílio (Dezembro de 1969)Instituto Gilberto Gil

It was one of those cruel situations, for instance, that lead him to his first big epiphany towards elevation, through the reconnection to himself:

Gilberto Gil e Gal Costa na época do exílio do músico baiano em Londres (1971)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The unfair incarceration was inflicted upon him in the end of 1968, due to the persecution Gil and his partner, Caetano Veloso, were suffering during the military dictatorship in Brazil.

Gilberto Gil durante viagem ao Japão (1983)Instituto Gilberto Gil

During this time, Gil, who already had a flirt with the macrobiotics diet (inspired by the traditional Chinese medicine and based on grains), thickened his practices, as a way of achieving a certain degree of spiritualization, through the cleansing of the body through food.

Gilberto Gil e Flora Gil com Tomio Kikuchi (1999)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He also became more and more a pacifist, going completely against the war wave established around him by the dictatorial government running the country.

Passeata dos Cem Mil nos tempos de ditadura militar, da qual Gilberto Gil participou (1968-06-26)Instituto Gilberto Gil

As much as this period brought him closer to the darkness, Gil resisted and managed to make his peace-of-mind influence those around him, reinforcing the only connection that could exist between him and his tormentors: being too human.

Gilberto Gil e Ana Oliveira em encontro com Mahatma Amma, durante as filmagens do documentário Disposições Amoráveis, na Índia (Setembro de 2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“It was their war. I was victimized […], incarcerated, immobilized, virtually unresponsive. I could only count on weapons that were true to me and that, for a fact, were at my reach, in the efficacy of which I believed on…

Gilberto Gil viaja ao Haiti em 2005 como ministro da Cultura e toca com músicos da Base da Brigada Brasileira de Força de Paz no país (2005-02-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… I believed dialogue […], the comprehension that, inside all soldiers of that war, there were human people […]

Gilberto Gil em julgamento após ser preso por porte de maconha (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… I looked to establish my relationship with this level of humanity of soldiers of that barracks, of the two barracks where I have been,” said Gilberto Gil in an interview to Ana Oliveira and Jorge Mautner for the book Disposições Amoráveis [Lovable Dispositions].

Gilberto Gil em julgamento após ser preso por porte de maconha (1976-07)Instituto Gilberto Gil

His “war strategy” worked out. Macrobiotics, in this case, not only served to help in his path for spirituality through body detox. It created, in the very space where he was incarcerated, a wave of empathy that had contaminated his alleged tormentors.

Gilberto Gil em julgamento após ser preso por porte de maconha (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Compelling them not only to help keep his diet—“trafficking” into the Gil’s cell oats, brown rice, “the beans I asked for”, as the artist recalls it—, but also to forge a mood that would ease the hardships of incarceration.

Gilberto Gil como ministro da Cultura em meio ao Bloco Afro Ijexá Filhos de Gandhy na posse do presidente Lula (2003-01-01)Instituto Gilberto Gil

As a result, macrobiotics almost turned into an agent to raise, in the spirits of Gil and everyone else around him, a pacifist atmosphere, so advocated by the singer and songwriter throughout his life, and which is a fruit of his spiritualist path.

Gilberto Gil em julgamento após ser preso por porte de maconha (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil

The consciousness expansion resulting from what he had gone through while in jail was a key factor in Gil’s spiritual life a direction. A spirituality he developed grounded on the pacifist ideals he started out to profess, connected not only to Mahatma Gandhi, but also to the Eastern philosophies.

Gilberto Gil na prisão em Florianópolis (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“This first polishing, this first dusting in the surface of my being happened there, inside the prison,” as Gilberto Gil stated in the article O Mistério na Tessitura da Vida: A Espiritualidade de Gilberto Gil [The Mystery in the Weaving of Life: The Spirituality of Gilberto Gil], by theologian, professor, and researcher Faustino Teixeira.

Gilberto Gil em julgamento após ser preso por porte de maconha (1976)Instituto Gilberto Gil

As per the article, Gil also states it was “the place where his spiritual search had manifested a “more visible face” as well as “his mystical eagerness.” […] Incarcerated, Gil first starts his readings on macrobiotics diet and begins an “incipient vegetarianism…”

Gilberto Gil e esposa, Flora Gil, praticam ioga na casa de campo da família em Araras, durante o período de quarentena pelo coronavírus (Abril de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… he also gets access to yoga and starts relaxation and breathing exercises. Within that limited, restrictive space, Gil searches for paths of freedom, in the lines of an “ascetic view of life” and a “higher aim…”

Capa do álbum Gil Luminoso, de Gilberto Gil (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… a few songs were created during this time, such as ‘Vitrines,’ ‘Futurível,’ and ‘Cérebro eletrônico.’ In the latter, he approaches contrasts and proposes dialogues between the world of mankind and the world of God,” says Teixeira’s article.

Cetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil no exílio em Londres (Década de 1970)Instituto Gilberto Gil

After being freed, Gil goes on his spiritual journey, obeying a degree of fidelity to the macrobiotics diet during exile in Europe, where he and Caetano Veloso were forced to go, by the same military regime.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e Zulu Araújo no terreiro Ilê Axé Opó Afonjá (2006-07-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil

When he got back to the country in 1972, Gilberto Gil had a new encounter with his religiosity with ancestors’ roots, Candomblé. 

Gilberto Gil, trajado de Filho de Gandhy, com o caxixi e o agogô, instrumentos característicos da cultura baiana (2020-02-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Mas seguiu em um mergulho ainda mais profundo ao encontro de outras filosofias e consciências. Mas, sempre ligado a uma corda que o levava instantemente à cultura da paz.  

Gilberto Gil no aeroporto, voltando do exílio em Londres (1972)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This search would show in his behavior. Healthily skinny, he got back to a bodily ritual of broad and paused gestures—maybe inherited from his yoga years, which he had been practicing since jail, in 1968—, a placid face and always smiling.

Gilberto Gil em ensaio fotográfico durante o exílio (1972)Instituto Gilberto Gil

With a paused and harmonious voice, no fussing in his words, Gil got back declaring, at the airport, that he had come to see “the sun and the people” —without any bitterness or evidence of hard feelings about anything he had gone through up to that point.

Gilberto Gil na década de 1970 (1973)Instituto Gilberto Gil

In one of his first performances post-exile, Gil performed at the Engineering School of the University of São Paulo [USP, in the Portuguese acronym], in protest against the torture and assassination of the Geology student Alexandre Vannuchi Leme by the military dictatorship.  

Capa do álbum Cidade do Salvador, de Gilberto Gil (1973 e 1974 (gravação) e 1998 (lançamento))Instituto Gilberto Gil


At the occasion, before singing the song “Iansã”—an elegy to the orixa of the rays and freedom, a partnership between Gil and Caetano Veloso—, he gave a small speech, in which he established his intents towards the search of spiritual enlightening. 

Gilberto Gil com a Ialorixá Mãe Stella de Oxossi em Salvador (2003-08-28)Instituto Gilberto Gil

A search he wants to get prepared for, grounded on philosophical elements for the understanding of religion through an humanist view:

Gilberto Gil em sua participação no documentário Candomblé (2000)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“This song I am singing now […]is called Iansã, and I like it very much because it is us, really, in the way, you know, we perceive the existence of immanency and transcendence. One day I shall entirely redeem from the sin of intellectualism. If God wills…

Folder da mostra Orisá: Quando o Mito Veste o Corpo, com Gilberto Gil como Oxalufã Capa (Setembro de 2017)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… I will have no need to talk anymore, no need to think in opposite terms about everything, no need to try to explain people I am not perfect, but neither is the world…

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil ao lado da Mãe Stella de Oxóssi no terreiro Ilê Axé Opó Afonjá (2006-07-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… no need to say I am not trying to be always right… I am not trying to do on my own a work that belongs to all of us plus something else, which is time, the true big alchemist, the one that really changes it all.”

Título de Sócio Benemérito da Sociedade Brasileira de Eubiose, concedido a Gilberto Gil (2013-09-14)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Around the time when he came back, Gil gets in touch with Eubiose, a philosophy communing in itself two essential searches for the artist: the transcendence for the good of life, while professing peace.

Gilberto Gil no Taj Mahal (1999)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“When I came back from exile, my interest in religiosity in England had been broadened through macrobiotics, which led to Zen; Zen led me to Buddhism; and Buddhism led me to everything else,” says Gil in an interview.

Gilberto Gil, Ana Oliveira e equipe técnica local durante as filmagens do documentário Disposições Amoráveis, na Índia (Setembro de 2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He goes on: “From there to the millenary sciences of several occultism branches. All of it ended up flowing into Eubiose.”

Gilberto Gil e Flora Gil na Índia durante gravação do documentário Filhos de Gandhy (1999)Instituto Gilberto Gil

According to the definition of the Brazilian Society of Eubiose, the practice preaches “living in perfect harmony with the universal laws. […] It is the science of life, the starter knowledge of the ages. It is experiencing a set of knowledge, which main goal is to congregate…

Gilberto Gil, Ana Oliveira e equipe técnica local durante as filmagens do documentário Disposições Amoráveis, na Índia (Setembro de 2019)Instituto Gilberto Gil

… to build and reunited in full the dimensions of sacred, profane, divine, and human.”

Founded by Salvador-born Henrique José de Souza, in 1921, in the city of São Lourenço, Minas Gerais state, the esoteric philosophy conducts occultist studies related to the process of human evolution.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil inaugura obras de restauração da Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Sagrado Coração do Monte Formoso (Igreja do Rosário dos Pretos) e cemitério, em Cachoeira, Bahia (2006-08-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This process “tries to transmute energy into consciousness, highlighting paths for self-knowledge,” as per the society’s rules: “Working, therefore, beyond the studies of compared religions, the Brazilian Society of Eubiose has its own fountain…

Gilberto Gil na gravação do programa Papo de Segunda temporada de verão com Fábio Porchat, Emicida, João Vicente e Cortejo Afro (2019-10-12)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… of knowledge, ranging from the knowledge on the occult nature of the human body to the cosmogenesis views.”

As those ideals were in consonance with Gil’s search for transcendence, he got pretty close to Eubiose.

Walter Smetak para a coleção Bem Te ViInstituto Gilberto Gil

The hands of his friend, the musician, researcher and Sweden-Brazilian professor Walter Smetak led him when Gil arrived back in Salvador.
“This contact with Smetak brought me to this. He kept saying ‘you need to know Eubiose,’ says Gil, mimicking his friend…

Gilberto Gil em seu apartamento durante pandemia do Coronavírus (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… But all of it was already associated to that other side I had, the search for the Eastern philosophy, for the intersections between Eastern philosophy and Western religiosity, philosophy and everything else. The books I have read of several European authors about all of it…

Gilberto Gil autografa para uma fã o livro Gilberto Gil Expresso 2222, ao lado de Antonio Risério e Jorge Mautner (1989)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… all of which was already in the core of my speculation on Eastern philosophy. When I met Smetak, he told me you can find it here. You find this professorial thing here,” he recalls.

Gilbert Gil em ensaio para a capa do álbum Gil Luminoso (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Eubiose had reinforced in Gil the existence of these parallel universes, extraterrestrial beings, extrasensory, yet they would not come from the higher, but instead, from deeper layers on Earth—and from the individuals themselves.

Gilbert Gil em ensaio para a capa do álbum Gil Luminoso (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

A “quantum” universe, to the extent that there would be another parallel universe, capable of releasing diverse energies, from the inside to the outside.

Gilberto Gil em ensaio fotográfico para o álbum Gil Luminoso (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

These searches, meetings, and deepening are engraved to his songs—the composing process of Gilberto Gil is like a philosophic regurgitation of things he is fond of. 

Gilberto Gil em ensaio fotográfico para o álbum Gil Luminoso (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Dated from this time, referring to his return to Brazil and to the continuous acquisition of a new consciousness, he mentions “Objeto sim, objeto não” as the representative song of his spirituals thoughts, inspired by the Eubiose ideals. In the same interview, he hummed the most evident verse:

Gilberto Gil em ensaio fotográfico (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Objeto Sim, Objeto Não

Attracted in an Eubiose way
Pela luz do Planalto Central / To the lights of Central Highlands
Das Tordesilhas / Of Tordesilhas
Fundarão o seu reinado / They will found their kingdom
Dos ossos de Brasília / Of Brasília bones
Das últimas paisagens / From the last landscapes
Depois do fim do mundo / After the end of the world

Gilberto Gil em ensaio fotográfico na sua casa em Salvador (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

He says: “It is sort of connected to these theories of beings from the Earth or extraterrestrial, which are attributed to outer worlds. Some of them would be in the cores of Earth: Atlantis, Shamballa and Agartha, cities within the core of Earth, all of these in and outer worlds…

Gilberto Gil no palco (2006)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… they are quantum because they are intrinsic, within the Earth, and are externalities of the human consciousness, of the quantum world. From the theoretical point of view, quantum theory would unite these fields.”

Gilberto Gil em apresentação com Walter Smetak (1972)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Gil recalls the stay in Salvador, when he first started to show interest and study Eubiose, under the guidance of Smetak. “And that was it, my search ended up flowing there…

Fotos do estado da BahiaInstituto Gilberto Gil

“… and we would stare at that triangular pyramid (that is located) at Itaparica Island, on the opposite side of the Todos os Santos Bay… 

Fotos do estado da BahiaInstituto Gilberto Gil

“… and we would stare at it, which is a river mouth, one of the most important places from the energetic point of view. This is one of the three energetics river mouths, there is another one in São Lourenço, Minas Gerais state, and the third one is in Roncador, Mato Grosso state. These esoteric things.”

Gilberto Gil em 2020 trajado de Filho de Gandhy durante o último dia oficial do carnaval baiano (2020-02-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil

This is how Gil’s spirituality is forged: as an alternative to evade worldly vicissitudes, in order to reach other spheres.

“As you detach from yourself, the idea of internalization changes. I am progressively detaching from myself…

Gilberto Gil trajado de Filho de Gandhy, em 2020, durante o último dia oficial do carnaval baiano (2020-02-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil

“… I have a lessened interest in knowing what I am, what I mean, how others care of me. I progressively regard myself as less important. Thus, the internalization of God goes with it, that is what God is for me, exactly where all possibilities have been diluted.” 

Gilberto Gil contemplativo em seu apartamento durante pandemia do Coronavírus (Março de 2020)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Gil’s statement was given in an interview to actor Cissa Guimarães in the book Viver com Fé: Histórias de Quem Acredita [Living in Faith: Stories of Believers]. A path towards peace, facing the setbacks in life, as he wrote in the verse of the song “A paz”: 

Eu vim / I ended up

Vim parar na beira do cais / I ended up in the edge of the pier
Onde a estrada chegou ao fim/ Where the road met its end
Onde o fim da tarde é lilás / Where the sunset is lilac
Onde o mar arrebenta em mim / Where the sea breaks against me
O lamento de tantos "ais" / A wailing of so many pains

Credits: Story

Exhibit credits

Text and research: Ceci Alves
Assembly: Isabela Marinho
Editing and copyediting: Chris Fuscaldo

General credits

Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Subtitle copyediting: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Laura Zandonadi, and Patrícia Sá Rêgo
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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