Yamaha CP-80-D
A transportable semi-acoustic grand piano with 88 keys and a real mechanism and strings built from the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s. Despite its incredibly high acquisition price at the time, the instrument was hugely popular as it can be transported easily when disassembled into two parts.
The CP-60/70/80 series models are tuned like real pianos.
Photo: The Graphic Equalizer of the CP-80-D
There are three variants of the Yamaha CP-80:
CP-80: Three-band sound control
CP-80-D: Graphic equalizer
CP-80-M: Graphic equalizer plus MIDI
The best-preserved instrument of the EBOARDMUSEUM shown here made Austrian pop history thanks to Maria Bill.
This CP-80-D remains one of the undisputed absolute favorites of the EBOARDMUSEUM, and not just with experts. Its elegant design and grandiose sound regularly attract enthusiastic comments.
Yamaha CP80 - Musikbeispiel (Billy Joel - All for Leyna) by Billy JoelEBOARDMUSEUM
Billy Joel: All for Leyna
Official Video, 1980