Live Vector 1 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
Live Vector
The MM Gerdau - Museum of Mines and Metal presents LIVE VECTOR, an exhibition by the architect João Diniz, who brings architecture + s.culptu / structu.res in steel, composing habitable and artistics spatial ideas.
João Diniz
According to João Diniz, “the rectilinear bars or structural vectors can come to life from the rational and, at the same time, intuitive manipulation of steel, which allows to accomplish both playful and imaginary sculptures, as well as real and enduring buildings”.
Live Vector 2 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
Gerdau Steel
The sculptures made in Gerdau steel were conceived in experimental and gestural form, responding to polyhedral geometries, that provide the stabilization of the volumes defined by their edges.
Live Vector 4 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The straight line is the natural and direct connection between two locations, being able to form a stable plot of articulated intentions.
Live Vector 9 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The Live Vector is born in the harmony of the projected and constructed web, revealing the flow of invisible forces through the organizing geometry.
Live Vector 6 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The synthetic trace, the main cell of the composition, is the seed of the figure that reveals volume and proposes the space that rethinks emptiness.
Live Vector 11 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
An active absence penetrates the vacuum, connecting its hollows with a magnetic idea that is
at the same time, the text and the drawing of thought.
Live Vector 5 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
In the environment generated by experimental risks the polyglot language of connections is born, which conjugate a polyphonic mathematical and spatial syntax.
Live Vector 12 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
Gravity lands by means of conductive pathways, potentiating a solidary community of
points, which cease to be abstract when realizing the resulting structure.
Live Vector 8 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The shadow describes the moving arc of contours in a dynamic locution that walks with the
sources of light along the time continuum.
Live Vector 10 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The resulting solid is like a crystal with its livable transparency in which unoccupied positions
are as dense as a stable and salubrious liquid.
Live Vector 7 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
Flight is the air route on which the imagined goal is drawn, subject to the solid changes of air and of the sights.
Live Vector 13 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The look line is also a directed intention of seeking and perceiving, through a special focus, confirming a possible resulting unity.
Live Vector 14 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
When a comet passes or a figure is sketched, we get the abstract idea of linear trajectories, which only chaos or precision can project, indicating an orbit full of charms and risks.
Live Vector 3 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
In the constellations, as in the drawings, hypothetical figures conform that recite
mythologies culturally sustained by centuries of observation and indifference.
Live Vector 1 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
The active repose of the rigid compositional bars promotes in the polyhedral reticule the multiple expression of a multifaceted being.
Live Vector 2 (2021) by João DinizMM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
When linear dynamics land, the integration between soil and air is understood, stating that the earth and the cosmic attract each other.
Realization: MM Gerdau - Museu das Minas e do Metal
Sponsorhip: Gerdau
Support: CBMM
Direction: Márcia Guimarães
Educational Cordination: Suely Monteiro
Cultural Cordination: Karla Danitza
ICT Cordination: Alexandre Livino
Museology: Carlos Augusto Jotta
Museology Assistants: Adson Junior, Leonardo Miranda e Samara Asevedo
Communication Advisor: Paola Oliveira
Communication Assistant: Lucas D'Ambrosio
Communication Intern: Cecília Borges
Photographs: Lucas D'Ambrosio and Cecília Borges
Press Office: A Dupla Informação
Creation and Design: Sal Estúdio Criativo
Architectural projects, sculptures and exhibition design: João Diniz
Collaborating Architect: Jéssica Neves
Manufacture of steel parts: Accero Arte em AçoVídeo ‘Arquiteturas em Aço por JDArq’
Acknowledgments: Bruno Castilho, Márcia Guimarães, Equipe MM Gerdau, Lucas Carvalho, Beatriz Quaresma, Iara Napoli, Bel Diniz, Daniel Ferreira, arquitetos e estagiários colaboradores no escritório JDArq, engenheiros e construtores, pessoal das obras, clientes e usuários dos projetos.